Arnold 2008???

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Larry xlax Lovisone, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Odinn Guest

    How many newspapers did he have closed down because they spoke out
    against him? Quite a few, IIRC. Quite the tyrant.


    '03 FLHTI ...........
    '97 VN1500D .........
    Atlanta Biker Net ...
    Vulcan Riders Assoc .

    Fill in the blanks to reply
    Odinn, Nov 24, 2004
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  2. That should be something the government REWARDS people for. Fewer
    stupid cagers on the roads.
    Greek Shipping Magnets, Nov 24, 2004
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  3. Really? Which one?
    So what you're saying is America is prone to limiting the free speech
    of hate groups?

    My god, have we no shame? Next thing you know we'll all be parlez vous
    Greek Shipping Magnets, Nov 24, 2004
  4. Then the newspapers wised up and now play nice with the dictator. I
    remember how many journos initially mocked Bush's wartime planning.
    How is America going to go back to the Reagan era sillines they
    intoned? They lost their jobs pretty fast!

    So America does have dictators to topple. It's just that Americans are
    too fat and lazy to topple them!
    Greek Shipping Magnets, Nov 24, 2004
  5. Several in the South...Atlanta comes to mind. But, I could
    missremember which one specificly. I was during the recent
    Yep, 200 years of it.
    Go to Louisiana...there are still parts that speak "Arcadian
    French". Also known as "Cajun". Keep trying, you did trip
    the ol' sarcasm meter tho'


    Nefarious Necroloigist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~
    Keith Schiffner, Nov 24, 2004
  6. Cities in the Shenandoah Valley, northern Virginia, Georgia, and the
    Carolinas. Richmond, Vicksburg, Atlanta, Charleston and many other Southern
    cities suffered large scale destruction as the war continued.

    Americans are prone to limiting hate... because the KKK employed hate like a
    club until someone got killed...

    Larry L
    94 RC45 #2
    Have a wheelie NICE day...
    Lean & Mean it in every corner of your life...
    If it wasn't for us the fast lane would rust...
    V4'S are music to the seat of my pants...
    1952 De Havilland Chipmunk...
    Yank and bank your brains loose...
    Larry xlax Lovisone, Nov 24, 2004
  7. message
    Hey don't misunderstand. I do think the French politician
    are a bunch of duplicitous, lying, hypocritical, thick
    cunts(otherwise Hank wouldn't love them) BUT the French
    people are if they'd quit assuming their food is
    better than anyone else's.


    Nefarious Necroloigist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~
    Keith Schiffner, Nov 24, 2004
  8. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    Just call em like I see em. You twist more than Chubby Checker.
    Thanks. If we want to change the direction our country is going we
    have that right. Why? because we are Americans just like everybody
    else in this great country of ours.
    Well the secular world has their own set of moral beliefs or lack
    there of. Why is it they can impose theirs on me?
    It is not hateful. Personally i see no problem with gay couples
    getting all of the benefits of a married couple but, I don't think
    they should get the title married. Marriage is between a man and a
    women. If gay couples were allowed to be called married than you
    would open a whole new can of worms here. A man wants to marry his
    sister or his cousin or his mother or his 13 year old son or his dog
    ect. Where does it end? As Troy said and I agree Gays are allowed to
    marry. They just have to be like the rest of us which is over 96% of
    the population and marry someone from the opposite sex. Doesn't sound
    like they are being discriminated against in my book.
    I find it odd that hypocrites point out hypocrisy in others.
    The bottom line is the gays want us to accept their lifestyle. A
    majority of Americans do not. Some of them are atheists as well as
    other religious people along with Democrats one being John Kerry. It
    is not only a Christian thing though although it seems like half the
    country is blaming them along with all the hate mongering as well..
    Hard to believe most of us do not accept the gay lifestyle?
    Is Rowe vs Wade a Christian thing? I don't understand why you blame
    Christians for all this. This is like Nazi Germany when most Germans
    started hating all the Jews. You do know what happened?

    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Nov 24, 2004
  9. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    John Kerry was against it as well.

    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Nov 24, 2004
  10. Ah, you shouldn't do that, Michael. Some o' these puppies just need
    to inflame hatred against Christians.

    It's an old Hitler trick.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Nov 24, 2004
  11. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Alan Moore Guest

    It's easy to stop them when they aren't moving.

    Even Bush could have done it.

    Al Moore
    DoD 734
    Alan Moore, Nov 25, 2004
  12. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Alan Moore Guest

    Huh? When was this?
    So? Don't you think that was their decision to make? Would you let
    them decide what kind of government we have? Why allow us to make that
    decision for them?
    By now it's obvious that Iraqis are willing to fight for what's right,
    unless you think unprovoked invasions are right. Maybe that's why none
    of their neighbors suggested invading them. Even Kuweit, with plenty
    of reason to dislike them, was unwilling to lend any troops to the

    Al Moore
    DoD 734
    Alan Moore, Nov 25, 2004
  13. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Hank Guest

    It's not easy to topple dictators when they're
    backed by the United States.


    "I think this is the worst government the US has ever
    had in its more than 200 years of history. It has
    engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not
    only in foreign policy and economics but also in social
    and environmental policy.....This is not normal government
    policy. Now is the time for people to engage in civil
    disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as
    possible....What we have here is a form of looting."
    - George A. Akerlof, 2001 Nobel prize laureate economist

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...
    Hank, Nov 25, 2004
  14. Larry xlax Lovisone

    bowman Guest

    boudin rouge isn't bad if you can't find echte blutwurst.
    bowman, Nov 25, 2004
  15. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Krishna Guest

    I hate to have to educate stupid liberals (redundant) but Iraq has had
    brutal dictators since long before the US existed. Now I would think that
    Jesus would have been aware of this.
    Krishna, Nov 25, 2004
  16. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Rich Guest

    It was my point, and I don't think you got it. FDR arrested and
    imprisoned Japanese-Americans for the crime of living within 250 miles
    of the Pacific Ocean, forcing them to accept fire sale prices for their
    property and businesses. No gas chambers to be sure, but I still think
    that qualifies as brutal dictatorship.

    Rich, Urban Biker
    Rich, Nov 25, 2004
  17. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Hank Guest

    Another good reason for you to avoid it....


    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    "After all, it is the leaders of the country who determine
    the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the
    people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
    dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the
    bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to
    do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the
    peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country
    to danger. It works the same in any country."
    -- Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party, and
    Luftwaffe Commander in Chief

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...
    Hank, Nov 25, 2004
  18. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Hank Guest

    Either a very weak troll, or you're bumber than a box
    of rocks.


    "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so
    are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to
    harm our country and our people, and neither do we,"
    - George W. (mush brain) Bush, 8-6-04

    Dick Cheney: "Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam
    Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction." August 26, 2002.

    Ari Fleischer: "We know for a fact that there are weapons there."
    January 9, 2003.

    Colin Powell: "We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep
    his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more."
    February 5, 2003.

    Donald Rumsfeld: "We know where they are," about these weapons.
    "They are in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad." March 30, 2003.

    George W. Bush: "We have sources that tell us that Saddam
    Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical
    weapons." February 8, 2003.

    George W. Bush: "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments
    leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal
    some of the most lethal weapons ever devised." March 17, 2003.

    "I think this is the worst government the US has ever
    had in its more than 200 years of history. It has
    engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not
    only in foreign policy and economics but also in social
    and environmental policy.....This is not normal government
    policy. Now is the time for people to engage in civil
    disobedience. I think it's time to protest - as much as
    possible....What we have here is a form of looting."
    - George A. Akerlof, 2001 Nobel prize laureate economist

    "One of the things we don't want to do is destroy the
    infrastructure in Iraq because in a few days we're going
    to own that country," - Tom Brokaw

    Cost of probing Bill Clinton's sex life: $65 million.
    Cost of probing the Columbia shuttle disaster: $50 million.
    Funds assigned to independent Sept. 11 panel: $3 million.

    "After all, it is the leaders of the country who determine
    the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the
    people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
    dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the
    bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to
    do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the
    peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country
    to danger. It works the same in any country."
    -- Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party, and
    Luftwaffe Commander in Chief

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
    or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
    not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
    to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

    "You know, when bu$h said that he's against nation building,
    I didn't realize that he meant only the United States"
    -- Al Franken

    Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
    friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...

    "Personally, I don't think all the Iraqis on earth are
    worth even a single American life." - A usenet rabid
    right wing extremist terrorist.
    Hank, Nov 25, 2004
  19. You're creating a false dilemna because a line has already been drawn,
    which you are asking to have crossed. Using that logic, the next
    person has exactly as much right as you to ask it be crossed for him.

    In addition, your argument is inconsistent. If you don't let it be
    crossed for the next group (e.g. polygamist), only one conclusion can
    be drawn: You are ready to be every bit as unfair as those who you
    now complain about, so your argument loses all of its force.

    But it's not just a slippery-slope argument. And it's not just a
    religious argument either (i.e. Communist countries acknowledging no
    religion are also opposed to gay marriage). It's a debate about,
    "Should we take what marriage used to be defined as and change it to
    be something else?"

    Individual freedoms are important but not everything. Society
    rightfully promotes certain things that are in its vital interests and
    society outlaws certain things that run contrary to its vital

    For instance, marriage of sisters to brothers, daughters to their
    fathers and so forth is still (even in the age of effective
    birth-control) deemed harmful to society's interests because it will
    tend to break down a vital, sacred pillar holding up society: the
    family for reproduction and raising of children - where the goal is
    for the children be genetic prodginy of the mother and father;
    enhancing that special connection between all the members of the

    Likewise, society *promotes* certain things that it deems very
    important to its preservation; again, the family, reproduction and
    raising children. It's for that reason that marriage between a man
    and a woman has been provided with a special institution to help
    support it in that important service it provides.

    No amount of changing the constitution will ever make you, a gay man,
    pregnant by your male partner.

    In the opinion of many people, children are already marginalized and
    hurt enough by too much 'me-first' attitudes shaping marriage; counter
    to the idea that it should be 'till death do us part. By redefining
    marriage to includes same-sex couples, the marginalization of children
    as important aspects of marriage will only be further diminished.

    If marriage was originally instituted (even partly) to facilitate
    their care and upbringing, it's hard to argue that redefining marriage
    to be any couple - without reproductive consequences - does not
    diminish their place somehow. At one time they were key players in
    the definition and then, suddenly, they are not!

    It ought to be recognized that children have a vital stake in this
    change - not just the gays who could obtain the same monetary and
    social priviledges they seek by other means.

    Not that everyone's marriage will immediately be harmed by a single
    case of gay marriage, of course. One could argue that having just a
    few sisters and brothers, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, men
    and multiple wives marrying, that it won't spell the immediate end of
    modern civilization.

    Yet these restrictions remain in place for good reasons - because of
    many thoughtful people convinced that, in the totality, accepting such
    changes ultimately leads to harm for the well-being of children and
    harm to society over the long run and for the most people.

    Those are good, solid reasons but, if you need to solace yourself by
    minimizing the civil rights movement for blacks by making it
    equivalent to your case, I guess I can't stop you. But if it's rights
    you are really concerned about, why no talk about the rights of
    children and how the proposed changes (including the slippery slope it
    leads to) will affect them?

    So, yes, it is about rights. The rights of children. The rights of
    the most helpless members of society to have the institution of the
    family they depend on protected and not watered down into something
    that no longer involves them.

    Someone might point to adoption being common among hetrosexuals as not
    being a disaster and they would be right in that.

    But that does not mean that children as the genetic offspring of both
    the husband and wife is therefore unimportant. Ask any thinking
    person to consider these two scenarios and choose which should be
    stived for:

    1. All reproduction in society is accomplished by everyone
    anonymously contributing sperm and eggs to a central reproduction
    facilty. Children are then 'hatched' in incubators and doled out to
    all the participants.

    2. As a result of a man and woman, drawn together in a bond of love,
    intending to spend their lives together, children are concieved -
    children who are, in a real sense, a melding of the two of them and a
    symbol and result of the love in their marriage - are born; something
    that leads to an even closer bond forming between mother and father,
    parents and children.

    People will choose the second over the first. It is not slap against
    those who adopt to say the ideal is the second way. For gay marriage
    to be considered no different than hetro marriage and every bit as
    good for the welfare of children, I think you would have to first
    convince yourself that choice #1 is just as good.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Nov 25, 2004
  20. I think we should return *MARRIAGE* to the religious institution it is.
    Any Church can define Marriage any way they want, its not a government
    sanctioned thing.

    The government should recognize and formalize a 'civil union' or 'personal
    partnership' or something, which can apply to *ANY* family-sized unit, and
    has governing rules somewhat similar to a not-for-profit partnership,
    albeit simplified and standardized. Obviously, Church marriages are
    probably also civil partnerships, and acrue the benefits of joint
    household taxes, joint ownership, inheritance by the surviving partner,

    John R Pierce, Nov 25, 2004
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