Arnold 2008???

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Larry xlax Lovisone, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. Larry xlax Lovisone, Nov 29, 2004
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  2. Actually, the article didn't seem to dodge those issues at all. In
    fact, it dealt with them head-on. True, the historical evidence ran
    contrary to what you want to be the case but, if then you should blame
    your Founding Fathers for saying things like:

    "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political
    prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports....And
    let us indulge with caution the supposition that morality can be
    maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to
    expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious
    principles." (Washington)

    (BTW, that quote is astonishingly prophetic, isn't it? - thinking of
    the discussion about the evils of Communism, occurring in another
    thread... I'm starting to really like those founding-father guys! ;)

    Now... although I know you probably don't like that sentiment of
    Washington's, I sure don't think anybody has to apologise for putting
    it out. The quote provides an important insight into the man's

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Nov 29, 2004
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  3. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Rich Guest

    I'd like to add my thanks and my agreement.

    Rich, Urban Biker
    Rich, Nov 29, 2004
  4. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Rich Guest

    In a clutch. ;-}

    Rich, Urban Biker
    Rich, Nov 29, 2004
  5. Larry xlax Lovisone

    JFH Guest

    "Rulers who wish to subvert the public liberty may have found an
    established clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted
    to secure and perpetuate it, needs them not."

    James Madison

    "We, the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the
    courts--not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who
    pervert the Constitution--Abraham Lincoln

    "The preachers dread the advance of science as witches do the approach
    of daylight and scowl on the fatal harbinger announcing the subversions
    of the duperies on which they live." -- Thomas Jefferson

    "A man compounded of law and gospel is able to cheat a whole country
    with his religion and destroy them under color of law."

    Benjamin Franklin
    JFH, Nov 29, 2004
  6. facts are the antithesis of faith.
    John R Pierce, Nov 29, 2004
  7. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Odinn Guest

    Again, you miss Washington's statement at the Treaty of Tripoli.
    "The United States is in no manner founded on Christian principle."

    Allowing religion to exist and set moral foundations doesn't mean that
    the country was based on those principles.


    '03 FLHTI ...........
    '97 VN1500D .........
    Atlanta Biker Net ...
    Vulcan Riders Assoc .

    rot13 to reply
    Odinn, Nov 29, 2004
  8. Hey bubba! Bubba gots a compressor and an air
    chisel I could borrow? Gots a bit of work to do...

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~
    Keith Schiffner, Nov 30, 2004
  9. No problem. I can agree with both of Washington's statements.

    Can you?

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
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    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Nov 30, 2004
  10. <looks out the west picture window>

    Yep the damn rocky mountains are STILL there...along with
    Glacier National Park

    </looks out the west picture window>

    You could say so...want i should send a few pictures?

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~
    Keith Schiffner, Nov 30, 2004
  11. Larry xlax Lovisone

    bowman Guest

    Unlike Austin, we got a rock or two in Montana. To say nothing of the next 2
    or 3 months are going to suck as far as two wheeled travel goes.
    bowman, Nov 30, 2004
  12. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Odinn Guest

    Yes, I can, because his statement doesn't say that Christian religion is
    to set the moral foundations, but religions as a whole, which includes
    ALL religions.


    '03 FLHTI ...........
    '97 VN1500D .........
    Atlanta Biker Net ...
    Vulcan Riders Assoc .

    rot13 to reply
    Odinn, Nov 30, 2004
  13. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Odinn Guest

    Wait a minute now, I am an inbred hick, and I wouldn't attempt that.


    '03 FLHTI ...........
    '97 VN1500D .........
    Atlanta Biker Net ...
    Vulcan Riders Assoc .

    rot13 to reply
    Odinn, Nov 30, 2004
  14. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Alan Moore Guest

    Your local community college probably has a fencing course available.
    The charge is purely nominal, and with the reflexes and muscles you've
    got from hockey, you should do pretty well.

    Now, try to find a place you can learn the proper technique for
    fighting with an axe...

    Al Moore
    DoD 734
    Alan Moore, Dec 1, 2004
  15. Charles, when was the last time I resorted to calling you names when I
    disagreed with you?

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Dec 1, 2004
  16. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    So much for tolerance aye Charlie? BTW,What are you doing getting
    ready for the next election with the Kerry donations? Well like my
    Thanksgiving turkey I ate last week stick a fork in him the man is
    done.:) Enjoy the next four years and if it makes you feel better
    more Americans disagree with you and would agree with Don. Pretty
    amazing Don being from Canada and all. Yep your guy lost the election
    while my guy won.
    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Dec 1, 2004
  17. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    Show me.

    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Dec 2, 2004
  18. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    Nope. They tried that in England. Not how it works.

    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Dec 2, 2004
  19. Larry xlax Lovisone

    Guest Guest

    It is NOT in the first amendment period end of story.

    And not get killed if the process ala England.
    At that time 96% of Americas population was Christian. My guess is if
    we had a Hindu population they would have been able to practice their
    religion as well. The same goes for the Atheists.:) Now if these
    same people moved over to England at that time and tried this they
    would have been killed. You gotta love the USA. Land of the free.
    Lets hope it stays that way.
    Very true. These men are spinning in their graves.
    Yea and for the worse.

    And you did a fine job at that :)

    Michael H. Fell
    Guest, Dec 2, 2004
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