Are wing mirrors fair game?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ovenpaa, Jun 15, 2005.

  1. Ovenpaa

    RobbieWirral Guest

    Tcchh....Next thing, you'll wanna ban chicks from givin their fella a Rogan
    Josh cruisin' the fast lane of the M6 at a ton forty!!. You fuckin' Safety
    Nazis make me sick.
    RobbieWirral, Jun 17, 2005
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  2. Ovenpaa

    Muck Guest

    Oh, I forgot.. poor loves. I get ciggies in my face to keep used car
    values high. Well that's ok then. :eek:))
    Muck, Jun 17, 2005
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  3. Ovenpaa

    Muck Guest

    Round here, some folk tend to go from driving smoothly, to driving in
    the gutter and swerving round drains.
    Yeh, I hear you.
    Muck, Jun 17, 2005
  4. Ovenpaa

    Muck Guest

    Been there, done that. :)
    Muck, Jun 17, 2005
  5. The Berkshire Ripper?
    Boots Blakeley, Jun 17, 2005
  6. Ovenpaa

    zymurgy Guest

    Oh FRO you self righteous twat.

    More info required ....

    Ovenpaa, did you rip it off by going for a gap which didn't exist ? or
    by using bad judgement and not leaving enough room when passing ?

    I'd definitely consider stopping if it was a misjudgement on my part.

    If It was ripped off by someone closing lane 2a on me (which has
    happened) or if I thought they hadn't left enough (reasonable) gap in
    standing traffic, then fair enough, maybe next time they'll leave a
    decent gap in traffic for us filterers (or not as the case may be ;)

    zymurgy, Jun 17, 2005
  7. Ovenpaa

    Ferger Guest

    Someone secured a place in history by writing:

    <snip antisocial / criminal crap>
    Ferger, Jun 17, 2005
  8. Ovenpaa

    MrMoosehead Guest

    MrMoosehead, Jun 17, 2005
  9. Ovenpaa

    Ovenpaa Guest

    Sometime around Fri, 17 Jun 2005 09:07:13 -0700, zymurgy babbled on about:
    I tend to ride very defensively on something akin to a supertanker in
    width and the ride home is a time to relax and consider the day, this
    means if a gap does not exist then I just sit back and wait, in fact
    skinnier bikes will often go past after I pull in. On the day in question
    the traffic was crawling and I was watching a Merc on the left (big
    mirrors!)I was aware of the car on the right (something small, older and
    dark) yet I hit it, if he was closing the gap on me then it was very
    subtle, because I was very suprised when it happened. In fact I even
    doubted it had happened for a few seconds then stopped and looked back but
    could not identify the vehicle.

    I have ridden the bike enough to know how big it is, and being a BMW with
    wide bars you do need a lot of space to get through, the widest part being
    the large alluminium panniers. The bottom line is I would have had to put
    the bars over the mirrors and the cylinder underneath to hit it, so feck
    knows how it happened.

    I spoke to the police again today and it has not been reported yet, nor
    was there any glass the following day. So if it wasent for the scuff and
    dent in my pannier it might not have happened.

    I have been clouted by wing mirrors when stationary a couple of times
    before and for a car to do that it has to be bloody close, in fact my
    concern is my foot at that point.
    Ovenpaa, Jun 17, 2005
  10. Ovenpaa

    zymurgy Guest

    I'd love to live in your fluffy world.

    After being deliberately forced off the road by a cager, i've learnt to
    ride a little more assertively.


    zymurgy, Jun 17, 2005
  11. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Andy Bonwick

    There's good eating on one of them.

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets
    and Ducati Race Engineer.

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jun 17, 2005
  12. Ovenpaa

    Muck Guest

    I thought those were called convertables.
    Muck, Jun 17, 2005
  13. Ovenpaa

    Muck Guest

    Yeh, having a calm frame of mind helps too. Thankfully, not that many
    people in cars are actually out to get you.
    Muck, Jun 17, 2005
  14. Ovenpaa

    petrolcan Guest

    Not even to ensure its really dead?
    petrolcan, Jun 17, 2005
  15. Ovenpaa

    petrolcan Guest

    'when brothers collide'
    petrolcan, Jun 17, 2005
  16. Ovenpaa

    Lozzo Guest

    petrolcan says...
    I don't fancy your chances if you and your brother collide
    Lozzo, Jun 17, 2005
  17. Ovenpaa

    petrolcan Guest

    Heh, I'd be more worried if it were to be the brother's wife TBH :)
    petrolcan, Jun 18, 2005
  18. Ovenpaa

    Wizard Guest

    "Your Honour, my client pleads Guilty But Nonchalant."

    <8P Wizard
    Suzuki GS550 "I like that. Nicely shite" - TOG
    BMW 520i (to make Oldbloke jealous)
    ANORAK#17b BOMB#19 BOTAFOT#138 BREast#5 COFF#24
    COSOC#8 DFV#11 STG#1
    Remove location from email address to reply
    Wizard, Jun 18, 2005
  19. Ovenpaa

    deadmail Guest

    In principle I know I should stop.

    In practise I know I wouldn't (and haven't).

    If someone did it to me when I was in my car I'd be reaching for the

    I realise this looks hypocritical but it isn't really, it's just that as
    far as *I'm* concerned what happens to me is more important that what
    happens to any other fucker.

    Well, that's pretty much it. It's tit for tat really. I've had several
    offs over the years where the car's ended up fucking off. (Where I've
    lost it on braking trying to avoid the car). I've had bikes knocked
    over when parked a couple of times so if I bust a couple of mirrors I
    think I'm still in credit.

    Having said that I've not come close to busting a mirror recently; the K
    series bikes seem to have a lot of 'presence' and are a fantastic tool
    for motorway work (I guess people have some sort of memory of the shape
    and associate it with police). 3 years (about 60,000 miles) of
    high-speed (85+) filtering and one incident which was a road-rage thing
    I foolishly got caught up in.

    I did pull a mirror off a merc when filtering in (town centre) traffic
    on the 9r once though- the soft luggage was wider than the bars. He went
    ballistic and got a bit shouty and beepy (as I would have done). Never
    heard anything about it afterwards though.

    Thing that catches me with filtering is the narrow tyres on the K make
    it 'slip' from side to side on white lines. This is 'interesting' when
    between cars.
    deadmail, Jun 18, 2005
  20. Ovenpaa

    porl Guest

    We're not talknig about clipping a mirror, which from me would get an
    apologetic wave, we're talking about destroying it. I've done two: one when
    I ripped one off with my pannier, which I gave details for and paid for, and
    the other where an oncoming van veered into me giving me a nice little
    bruised hand. The second I wouldn't have stopped for, but I didn't have to
    because he caught up with me while I was checking the damage on my side and
    we had a discussion about perspective.

    Having said that I wouldn't expect you to stop, and I can't say I respect
    your attitude, but it's you innit? It's hardly at the top of your list of
    ....hmm..."idiosyncracies" is it?:)
    porl, Jun 18, 2005
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