Are soldiers murderers?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by anzac, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. anzac

    Diogenes Guest

    I was trying to get at something on a more psychological or
    philosphical plane.

    Namely, that when you start trashing any commentator other than the
    ones you "approve" of, what you're really doing is that you're
    nurturing your your biases and your intolerances. That which you
    nurture, thrives. So you become even more entrenched in your biases
    and intolerance.

    Such "filtering" is generally an indication that the person is of a
    type who get upset at opposing points of views, i.e. your typical
    control freak.

    Also, I was getting at what's happening to people who rely on
    "selective" information sources on the internet:

    Amazon, for instance, will track the books you buy from them and
    "profile" you according to those, and then send you buying suggestions
    feeding your preferences (biases) thus leading you ever deeper into a
    tunnel of your own making.

    Future online news will operate on similar lines: Bots will detect
    what you want to read and what you avoid reading, and send you only
    such news content which feeds you biases, thus reinforcing your
    prejudicies and "saving" you from seeing material which might cause
    you to question your points of view.

    I believe that all of this will create more prejudice and more
    intolerance. Hardly the direction in which a thinking person would
    want society to go. But it _is_ where the money is...


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, May 19, 2009
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  2. anzac

    Diogenes Guest

    I could never killfile you, John...


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, May 19, 2009
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  3. anzac

    jl Guest

    Failed there too.

    OK, I'm now clear on how to be more annoying, thanks for that.
    I dunno, when I post at 3am well cut I can be (and I've definitely done
    that a couple of times)
    <snicker> No I tend to err on the side of the prolix, verbose and
    adjectivally over-enthused end of the spectrum.

    jl, May 19, 2009
  4. anzac

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Maybe it's just what some people believe some people believe.
    Besides; that hardly a reason to condemn the use of killfiles to filter
    I'd far far rather people ignore idiots than keep replying "your an idiot"
    every post for 100 consecutive messages!!

    (because that's how their generally spelling it)
    Knobdoodle, May 21, 2009
  5. anzac

    gwd Guest

    Fair enough. I didn't condemn killfiles though, and I'm just a bit
    surprised that you think I did. Anyway it's not worth worrying about
    so I won't.
    gwd, May 21, 2009
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