Are soldiers murderers?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by anzac, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. anzac

    Diogenes Guest

    You're putting words in my mouth.

    We're going round in circles.

    In your world a murder has not been committed until a court has said

    In my world, a murder has been committed if the relevant facts
    surrounding the killing, whether known by a court or not, would be
    found to be murder by a court if those facts were known and the court
    allowed to sit in judgement.

    In many murders, the necessary facts are never brought to light and
    thus no finding of murder can be made. That does not mean that a
    murder did not occur.

    In the case of the invading army it gets even more corrupt. The laws
    and courts of the invaded country are completely disregarded, but I
    assert that if those courts were able to rule on the matter they would
    rule that the invasion constituted mass murder. Sweeping laws and
    courts aside does not change the facts. And I argue that the facts
    are that an invading army commits mass murder according to the laws of
    the country being invaded.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, May 3, 2009
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  2. If you can, after reviewing all relevent facts, forecast the decision of a
    cort than I am in awe. In my experiance courts are often unpredictable
    especialy when jurys are involved, as in often in murder trials.

    A killing occured it is yet to be shown that it was murder

    Undoubtably they would, but they don't, and so no murder is deemed to have
    been commited. Lots of killing has been commited but no murder.

    Capt. A. L.
    Capt.about_lunchtime, May 3, 2009
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  3. Unlawful killing is not necessarly murder, it could be any nunber of lesser
    offences. It requires a court to detirmine if it was murder.Perhaps I
    should just paste my previous responces as you're not comming up with any
    new points here.
    When the resistance succeeds in overthrowing the invaders then they can be
    tried and found to be guilty of murder or not. Until then.....

    Capt. A L.
    Capt.about_lunchtime, May 3, 2009
  4. anzac

    Diogenes Guest

    I think around about now we just agree to disagree and leave it at
    that. Neither of us is going to convince the other that he is
    right... Neither of us is going to say anything new.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, May 3, 2009
  5. ".

    I'm with you on that one. No doubt we'll cross keyboards again on another
    controversial thread
    Good luck and many days of winding roads and sunshine to you sir.

    Capt. A. L.
    Capt.about_lunchtime, May 3, 2009
  6. anzac

    Diogenes Guest

    No doubt about it. ;-)
    And all the best to you, my captain...


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, May 3, 2009
  7. anzac

    theo Guest

    No. It was Abel he did away with.

    theo, May 4, 2009
  8. anzac

    Knobdoodle Guest

    No. It was Abel he did away with.
    So he was disabeled?
    Knobdoodle, May 4, 2009
  9. anzac

    theo Guest

    We would need to go to court to determine that, apparently.

    theo, May 4, 2009
  10. anzac

    Knobdoodle Guest

    We would need to go to court to determine that, apparently.
    Are you suggesting we can do away with courts and just use intuition or
    Knobdoodle, May 4, 2009
  11. anzac

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I reckon a killing could be both murder and not murder at the same time!
    For instance some of the Mossad assassinations after the Munich Olympics
    were murders in some countries (the countries in which they occurred) but
    not others (the countries sanctioning the killings).
    Ditto any killings made by Government Agents in foreign lands during the
    cold war. (Assuming they'd been declared murder by the legal system of the
    country in which they occurred of course).
    Knobdoodle, May 4, 2009
  12. anzac

    Peter Wyzl Guest

    Knob! Brilliant!

    Peter Wyzl, May 4, 2009
  13. anzac

    Yeebok Guest

    Nah, I think the point is, until the court decides, you've only killed
    it. Perhaps in self defence, perhaps premeditated .. we need a court to
    decide whether the killing is "lawful" as such before we can make such a
    pronouncement :)
    Yeebok, May 4, 2009
  14. anzac

    bill_h Guest

    So all the killings/ hangings of negroes in America's deep south
    (with or without the assistance of the Klu Klux Klan) weren't murder
    then. Obviously perfectly lawful.
    bill_h, May 4, 2009
  15. anzac

    Nev.. Guest

    Why are some people found guilty of 'lawful' killings given prison
    sentences? Please define lawful.

    '07 XB12X
    '08 DL1000K8
    Nev.., May 4, 2009
  16. How do you come to that conclusion? It's the reasoning of an idiot.
    They're not murder as they were never found guilty of such. That anyone
    would conclude, however, that they are lawful solely because a prosecution
    has never been attempted is beyond belief. And even if they were unlawful
    it remains to be seen if each or any was murder.

    Capt. A. L.
    Capt.about_lunchtime, May 4, 2009
  17. anzac

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Why do you imagine the killings were "lawful" if they were (assumedly) never
    subject to a legal procedure?
    Killings are killings are killings, murders are declared by a court.
    They're not dependent on each-other ('though closely related) and they're
    certainly not mutually exclusive!
    It's just silly Nev-argument-logic to say that because it's never been
    declared murder it's lawful!
    Knobdoodle, May 4, 2009
  18. anzac

    bill_h Guest

    But it can't be murder, because it hasn't been found so, isn't that
    what you're saying?
    I'm going on your definition of murder, that it has to be a Court of
    Law to determine same.

    fwiw, I gave you a definition of murder (albeit an old one) which you
    appeared to ignore. The law is such that it is whatever the law makers
    say it is (going by the pedantry that you seem to be hanging on to,
    that it can only be qualified by a court of law).

    You've also, it appears, chosen to ignore my original comment that I
    was being a smart arse.
    bill_h, May 4, 2009
  19. Please give examples of people who have been found guilty of lawful
    And those then given prison sentences.

    I would assume, perhaps wrongly, that if one was found guilty, the killing
    would be deemed illegal but the court that found one guilty..

    You still haven't said if you belive my abused housewife is a murderer or

    Capt. A L.
    Capt.about_lunchtime, May 4, 2009
  20. anzac

    bill_h Guest

    Refer to my other comment, mostly being a smart arse. I found it
    remarkable that anyone could get themselves tied up in knots and the
    pedantry that it can only be a court of law that can determine murder,
    when put in a historical context of the act, and community sanctions.

    I'm somewhat amazed that anyone responded to the thread in the first
    place, that I'm still reading it, and that I'm responding.

    The OP must be very proud.

    bill_h, May 4, 2009
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