Appropriate way to shed a tailgater?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by bob_the_rider, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. had this guy tailgating me in a commodore on the weekend ride in an
    80km zone (no room for overtaking). i was considering pulling over but
    instead gently slowed down to 50kmph and gave a quick flick of the
    wrist and back up to 80kmph and got some room back. then he comes back
    again and is sitting way to close - so i repeat. after the second time
    the d!ckhead gets the idea and is now sitting back a safer distance.

    does anyone else do this?

    kind of thought after that it wasnt such a smart idea... but, if its
    common practice then maybe i will use it again.
    bob_the_rider, Aug 29, 2005
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  2. bob_the_rider

    john doe Guest

    no, i just lock up the front wheel and let him drive over me.
    john doe, Aug 29, 2005
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  3. bob_the_rider

    Moike Guest

    I don't know if it's the best practice, but I've used it myself where
    there is no reasonably safe way of pulling over and letting him past.

    I usually only wash off about 10 - 15 k/h, and I use the rear brake so
    that its obvious I'm slowing on purpose.

    Moike, Aug 29, 2005
  4. yeah that was my problem, there was no safe place to just pull over to
    the side and let him go... heaps of traffic in front of me too so i was
    between a rock and a hard place. i did that too - had the brake light
    well lit the whole time even though i was using much of it. thanks for
    the advice, and i might do the same in the future - wash off about
    10-15. 30k/h was prob too much...
    bob_the_rider, Aug 29, 2005
  5. bob_the_rider

    Will S Guest

    I would just keep tapping the break enough for the brake light to come one

    and yes break and brake but I am to lazy to fix it but then I waste time
    typing this explaination

    oh well
    Will S, Aug 29, 2005
  6. bob_the_rider

    Toosmoky Guest

    I just get slower and slower until they pass me.
    Toosmoky, Aug 29, 2005
  7. bob_the_rider

    Smee R1100s Guest

    Do you type explanations as well?
    just asking
    Smee R1100s, Aug 29, 2005
  8. bob_the_rider

    Knobdoodle Guest

    At least you explainified.
    Knobdoodle, Aug 29, 2005
  9. I did this once...and the fuckwit in question then decided to do
    likewise and was sitting right up my arse again not 2km down the

    GPX250 -> CBR600 -> Shadow?
    homeless penguin, Aug 29, 2005
  10. Best thing is encourage them past. Riding my GSX1100EFE years ago, I had a
    tailgater on a dark 100kmh road. I sped up to shed him, he sped up too, I
    sped up again to shake him, he sped up again. Eventually he turned his red
    and blue lights on. I wasn't speeding when he first sat on my arse in the

    Alan Pennykid, Aug 29, 2005
  11. bob_the_rider

    James Harvey Guest


    Result of that incident?
    James Harvey, Aug 29, 2005
  12. bob_the_rider

    Brian Guest

    I'm surprised he got the message at all ,some people just dont get it .
    I had a guy do it in the hills the other day in a twisty windy bit where I
    was going at a comfortable pace (about 80-100km/h) and he fly's up behind me
    filling up my mirrors then decides to pass on a blind corner then nearly
    dives off the side of the hill ,I was waiting to dodge the bits.
    Sometimes its better to just let them pass. If you break to hard or slowdown
    and their not watching they're likely to shunt you off the road .
    And the other thing some people just cant ,dont know how to or are complete
    and utter dickheads just cant overtake .
    Brian, Aug 29, 2005
  13. bob_the_rider

    CrazyCam Guest

    I,too, once tried the "go whoosh" theory of dropping off a tailgater....

    The bastard just lit up wee blue and red lights hidden in the front of
    the car.

    CrazyCam, Aug 29, 2005
  14. bob_the_rider

    GB Guest

    <AOL> Me too! </AOL> These days, I just back off until they
    give up and go around. That works fine on all but the nuttiest

    'course, there is one noteable exception: There's a really
    nasty fucker (not a cop AFAICS, just a regular lunatic, typical
    tradie with the stereotypical bad attitude and severe anger
    management issues) who frequents the Gore Hill freeway in a
    black late model commodore ute. He picks his victims and tails
    them up that road a foot or so off their back bumper. I've had
    him pick me in the car and on the bike, and I've watched him do
    it to other folks too. When it was my turn, I couldn't shake him
    (even pulling off the road didn't work) until I led him around
    into Lane Cove and pulled into the driveway of the cop shop.
    One very bloody strange bit of work, that one. Best solution
    seems to be to stay off the Gore Hill freeway northbound after
    about 6pm at night.

    Maybe it's one of those lose lose situations when it comes to
    red and blue lights though. A bloke posted on another forum
    about an experience on the old road weekend before last. Picked
    up a tailgaiter whilst taking it easy (had his daughter on the
    back). Red and blue lights, got quizzed and hassled about
    going *slow*!

    GB, Aug 29, 2005
  15. bob_the_rider

    Dave E Guest

    Some years back I was driving north at night and coming into Buladelah was
    slowed by an old couple in a Morris doing about 80 on the highway. After a
    few secs a truck appeared and drove right up my arse, so close we couldn't
    see his number plate. I waved him back but he took no notice. Passing
    wasn't an option - a. too much oncoming traffic and b. the Buladelah police
    are bastards. This stupid prick truckie stayed glued to our tail for about
    5 mins.

    Finally an overtaking lane appeared and as I began the overtake, I reached
    out my drivers window (we were *very* pissed off at this point) and fired a
    high powered strobe from a very powerful flash at him for about 2 seconds.
    Not sure what happened but we certainly didn't see the SOB again. Very
    nasty but very effective.

    Hehe. I hate tailgaters almost more than anything. Don't get so many these
    days on the XX - at least on open roads - for some reason. :)

    Dave ZZR600 => ST2 (stolen) => '03 XX
    Dave E, Aug 30, 2005
  16. bob_the_rider

    Sir Lex Guest

    When in my car and someone riding my arse has got on my nerves, I switch
    on the hazard lights. It works the majority of the time, I guess they
    think I'm crazy and back right off. I'd rather have someone think I'm
    insane than to have them end up in my back seat.

    As for the bike... I'm picking up my first bike today :-D As I'm
    limited to 80km/h whilst on my L's, I'm taking notes regarding the
    tactics that you guys use to get rid of tailgaters :)


    "The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over
    to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they
    succumb to it utterly and can never again escape from it"

    Joseph Goebbels - Nazi Minister of Propaganda, 1933 - 1945
    Sir Lex, Aug 30, 2005
  17. bob_the_rider

    Dave E Guest

    Remember - car big, bike small. You will lose in a collision, clip, touch,
    swipe etc. - prorbably much more likely when half your mind is on the job of
    riding in the early days. So swallow pride and let bastards go past if you
    can. Later when you have a XX, this problem will almost never surface. :)
    Why you would quote Goebbels when there are so many other sources of wisdom
    (Benny Hill, Rodney Dangerfield, Sid James just to name a few) is beyond me.

    Dave E ZZR600 => ST2 (stolen) => '03 XX
    Dave E, Aug 30, 2005
  18. bob_the_rider

    john doe Guest

    cause he's a nazi? or wants to be a nazi?
    john doe, Aug 30, 2005
  19. bob_the_rider

    Mad-Biker Guest

    ever wonder why gloves have knuckle guards

    its for punching out the windows of dickhead car drivers.

    ever wonder why you need to wear big boots

    kicking the mirrors of cars

    a trick I heard was to carry a spare spark plug with you, and just drop it
    on the road, they apparently bounce about radiator height.

    or do what I do, remember them - ask knob noodle what happens after that
    Mad-Biker, Aug 30, 2005
  20. In on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 15:32:39 +1000
    Yeah, but not everyone has access to the database or a mob of mates who
    can pull 'em over for Driving While Being Alive.

    I think they should subcontract out this road policing business. Charge
    a certain amount for a portable light and siren kit and the right to
    pull over anyone you consider is breaking road rules for however long
    you have bought the right for - say between 2 hours and a full day.

    I'd lurk in transit and bus lanes.... Reckon I could do a roaring trade
    on a Friday afternoon.

    Zebee Johnstone, Aug 30, 2005
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