
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Keith Schiffner, Jan 15, 2005.

  1. To the decent people here on Tx.Motorcycles. I am sorry
    that you have to put up with a LIAR like Bill Walker, much
    less that lying **** Brian Walker. Yep Ol' Billy is such a
    liar...can't even tell you the time of day without lying
    about where he got the watch.
    I await their apologies for lying about my military
    record much less their fabrications about any criminal
    record I've NEVER had. Hell I hope the fucker get off their
    deadbeat lying asses and come to Montana. But they are
    craven cowardly LIARS...so I wont hold my breath. **** it,
    I'll just have to find the time to come down in mid-July to
    a party a bunch of my friends are having. Stop by mean old
    bills house collect that bounty then go have some fun.
    You know what the best part is...I should be able to
    write the whole thing off as a business trip. All I have to
    do is stop by some property I own. But I'll talk to the
    people that do my taxes just to be sure. Then make sure the
    renters haven't trashed it like a Walker would, talk to the
    rental agency that works for me and be on my way. I sure
    love Bell county, none of those LYING Walkers around. Guess
    the locals done run them off.

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 15, 2005
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  2. Keith Schiffner

    Brian Walker Guest

    I was hoping to see an apology....but it's just more rambling shit from a
    shithead named Steven!
    Brian Walker, Jan 15, 2005
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  3. Keith Schiffner

    Bill Walker Guest

    Wrong way to get it shut down.. try.. "Sorry folkds .. me and my old buddies
    shouldn't have cross post our little flame war to your nice little
    newsgroup.. The temptation to take on old man Walker was too much to
    resist..Won't happen again.. huh, sport ? That's what Bill Walker did when
    I done my one man invasion on Reeky.. You clucks didn't have the balls to
    make the intent clear.. You came swingin' and you got what you came for, in
    spades.. LOL..

    You have been blowing snot and whining about Walker pickin on you ever
    since.. On two newsgroups, no less.. Ain't that a hoot. ? I love to watch a
    wannabe bully snivel.. Shoo...
    Bill Walker, Jan 16, 2005
  4. Keith Schiffner

    Brian Walker Guest

    Ya know, Stevie boy is trying to impress someone about how well off he is.

    Let's look at this a bit more closely. He was in the army...we all agree
    there. He was stationed at Hood for a short time...we all agree there. Okay,
    stay with me on this one because it gets wild from here.

    He claims to have rental property in Killeen and now claims that a realty
    company manages the rental of it and he has someone doing his taxes...but he
    has to talk to a tax person to see if checking on the property is a tax
    write-off? Something doesn't jive here....he did this on an enlisted
    person's salary? With a wife and kid? Living in barracks on the bases he was
    stationed? He's moved around from Oklahoma, Texas, Washington and now living
    in Montana? And he has no other "property"? He's riding an old "gimme"
    motorcycle that's never had new tires on it since he's owned it....and I'm
    not too sure he's still riding it.

    I thought...hmm....Stevie is lying his ass off, so I went back through a
    couple of documents I have on him....and whoa! Nope, he's really got a 2
    bedroom dump in Killeen. Valued at a whopping $43,000! Whoo-hoo! When I said
    "dump" I meant it....I have to wonder if at $43,000 if it included floors or
    if he just left the dirt in place? From the description, it says there's
    carpet...but if he hasn't seen it in a while, there's no telling. Hell, the
    land value is worth a quarter of what the house is worth being $9600! Burn
    that place down and shit in the yard and it'd be worth more than what it's
    worth now!!!

    It's probably inherited by his wife!
    Brian Walker, Jan 16, 2005
  5. Keith Schiffner

    Brian Walker Guest

    I just had it pointed out to me that this wasn't crossposted into
    rec.motorcycles. To keep everyone up on what's going on with Keith's life, I
    thought I'd go ahead and post it in rec.motorcycles too.

    I hope everyone is having a good day riding today! It's nice, but cold here
    in Texas.

    And Stevie, I hope it's nice and frozen where you are so you might be able
    to read all about this and not have to worry about little things like riding
    that "gimme" motorcycle of yours. I'd hate for you to wear out those used
    tires before you find some more to replace them...then come down to Texas
    and "meet" with me.
    Brian Walker, Jan 16, 2005
  6. Keith,Thanks for your bullshit appology.

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 16, 2005
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