I could go back and retrieve my old reply to your helpful message and your...justifiable response but, even though I now know how to do so :) I wanted to make this public First, let me offer you an apology for my totally inappropriate response to your message. I should know better than to read and reply to e-mail just after I lose a argument with my other half, still in a "snit" but looking anywhere to vent my anger regardless of who I hurt. In my angry state, when I opened your response I selectively saw only “google” and “search”, completely ignoring the excellent advice that I would have needed to find what I wanted and provoking my childish and petty response. After re-reading it a couple of days later I understood what you were telling me, and thank you for reminding me that this is the way to go back and find things. I am not always such an assho*e, actually a nice guy that once in awhile loses his perspective. Jack