ANZAC Celebrations

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by ShyBiker, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. ShyBiker

    gdel.remove Guest

    I can accept both of those concepts.
    You wave your ignorance like a bogan waves the Australian flag on
    Australia Day. Not That I would dream of insulting your
    gdel.remove, Apr 22, 2011
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  2. ShyBiker

    atec77 Guest

    you might be surprised
    but then I am to apathetic to care
    atec77, Apr 22, 2011
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  3. ShyBiker

    Diogenes Guest

    Correction: TOO apathetic to care.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Apr 22, 2011
  4. ShyBiker

    Diogenes Guest

    So I take that to mean you're not taking me up on my challenge?
    How NOT surprising.

    Has anyone here actually met this "George W. Frost" dude?

    What's his _real_ name?


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Apr 22, 2011
  5. Challenge ?
    What is this Challenge you waffle on about Gerry ?
    Is it a duel at 15 paces ?

    Gerry, it is about time that you realised that you are not the centre of the
    universe and what you say is not taken for granted.
    You are calling for me to divulge my history with the Services and I have
    told you many times and will tell you again,. that I am not going to tell
    you or anyone else my service number .
    You also sprout on about telling the blokes at the RSL about me and that you
    and them may even be inclined to pay me a visit, should I ever appear in
    front of you, you also sprout about how you are so big into the RSL.
    Yet, you are advocating exactly the opposite of what the RSL is all about,
    it is the Returned Servicemans League.
    Not the Returned Squibs League, which you appear to belong to
    The majority of Servicemen, returned or otherwise, if they are fortunate
    enough to receive a medal or any recommendation for a medal, are proud to
    have that honour and the blokes that you will see on Monday, including the
    persons wearing the medals of their father,mother or grandfather who served
    in the Services and were awarded the medals, they will be wearing their
    medals with pride and will march down the streets with others.

    You on the other hand, threw your medals away, didn't want them, don't
    believe in wars, and anything else you can think of,
    You are a hypocrite Gerry, claiming to have fought the enemy in Vietnam, yet
    throw the medals away which you were granted for doing such.
    I would guess Gerry, that you are a member of the local RSL and that you get
    to the rooms, have a beer or whatever with all other returned servicemen.
    You are two faced Gerry,
    do these RSL members which you suck up to at every meeting, actually know
    that you are a squib who denounced the ethics of the RSL by throwing those
    medals away?

    If they do, then you would have gone on a diatribe, trying to convince them
    how what you did was right

    Not right though in my books Gerry
    You are a squib, always were and always will be

    What's this "dude" thing Gerry?
    been watching too many septic movies ?
    about where you belong anyway, in La-La Land.
    P.S....don't forget your medication Gerry
    George W Frost, Apr 22, 2011
  6. ShyBiker

    gdel.remove Guest

    <...Paternalistic claptrap about the RSL>

    Aside from the general population taking out its disgust at the
    actions of the politicians of the day on the returning troops, it was
    the RSL that was the straw that sent many returning soldiers from
    Vietnam over the edge. I know a lot of Vietnam Vets, but I do not know
    too many who retained RSL membership for long after being told by the
    oldies of the time that they were not welcome because Vietnam was not
    a real war like Korea or WW2. I for one would never associate myself
    with that bunch of redneck bigots, and I do not know of many people of
    my era entitled to full membership(as I am) who have taken up full
    Like Gerry, I too have to wonder about a Vietnam Vet who demonstrates
    such a love of an organisation that did so much harm to returning
    service people of that time.
    gdel.remove, Apr 22, 2011
  7. ShyBiker

    atec77 Guest

    debatable point depending on tense
    your credibility went the way of your medals gewwy a long time ago

    your an aspro with a tenuous grip at best
    atec77, Apr 22, 2011
  8. ShyBiker

    gdel.remove Guest

    You're = You Are You're = You Are You're = You Are You're = You Are
    You're = You Are You're = You Are You're = You Are You're = You Are

    FFS how hard is it to be able to differentiate between a possessive
    pronoun and an abbreviated nominative phrase.
    Obviously too hard for some knuckle draggers here.
    gdel.remove, Apr 22, 2011
  9. ShyBiker

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "atec77" wrote
    I am illiterate in many languages also. I learnt French for three
    years at high school but never learnt 'merde' until I met some real
    Frenchmen on a course in London years later. I also took to smoking
    Galoises Blu whilst there. Not sure how I survived those things.

    For some Catholic reason I also learnt Latin for those same three
    years, but never met a native speaker. Shame really as I was better at
    it than French.

    Theo Bekkers, Apr 22, 2011
  10. ShyBiker

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "George W Frost" wrote
    Only in the movies, but I've seen a lot of blue moons.

    Theo Bekkers, Apr 22, 2011
  11. ShyBiker

    atec77 Guest

    Ah Latin , nice structure and I loved it but of course lack of use
    I learnt Engrish at an early age as a second language and of course
    speak it well enough , I wonder considering the time you have been an
    Ozzie is there any accent ?
    Galoises Blu between them and those flaring filthy French matches I also
    express surprise at your survival , worse than the Camel non filters I
    smoked for some time
    atec77, Apr 22, 2011
  12. ShyBiker

    gdel.remove Guest

    In another life, I studied music in a formal way. There are many Latin
    phrases commonly used in music. My childhood school days were spent in
    a sugar growing area in North Queensland where a big proportion of the
    population consisted of first generation Italian and other southern
    European speakers, and their bilingual children - my childhood
    So on a visit home with my newly acquired knowledge of Latin, I
    thought it would be simple to hold a conversation with my Italian
    speaking school friends. I still chuckle when I recall the expressions
    on their faces as they explained that English was more comprehensible
    to them than raw Latin, and that I was speaking complete gibberish to
    Btw, for the record I topped the musical theory class, so I suppose
    The Latin that I was taught, gibberish or not, was sufficient for its
    gdel.remove, Apr 22, 2011
  13. ShyBiker

    ShyBiker Guest

    You lost! :)
    Throwing your medals away again, Gerry? Is this how you always react when
    someone says something you don't like?
    Are you frightened of debating online in case your weaknesses show up?
    I will come back and haunt you.
    ShyBiker, Apr 22, 2011
  14. ShyBiker

    ShyBiker Guest

    Does he always react like this, running away? As a Veteran, I would have
    thought he would have least defended his point of view, and put up a bit of
    a fight. The word "Gutless" seems very appropriate here! Yes, I agree with
    your statement, mate.
    ShyBiker, Apr 22, 2011
  15. ShyBiker

    ShyBiker Guest

    Looks OK from where I'm sitting, mate. Do you have a problem with my smiley,
    just asking. :)

    I'm so shy, I nearly didn't send this!
    ShyBiker, Apr 22, 2011
  16. ShyBiker

    ShyBiker Guest

    Don't hold back, atec77, you tell him, mate. LOL

    I'm so shy, I nearly didn't send this!
    ShyBiker, Apr 22, 2011
  17. ShyBiker

    ShyBiker Guest

    Same as the bogan who threw his medals away, wouldn't you agree, GWD?
    ShyBiker, Apr 22, 2011
  18. ShyBiker

    atec77 Guest

    A number of contradictions in gewwy , you decide on the matter although
    the conclusions you mention seem close to mine
    atec77, Apr 22, 2011
  19. ShyBiker

    ShyBiker Guest

    I thought this was a group dedicated to motor bikes, not typing and
    spelling! But, being a net cop, you just have to put everybody right, don't
    you Gerry!

    I'm so shy, I nearly didn't send this!
    ShyBiker, Apr 22, 2011
  20. ShyBiker

    ShyBiker Guest

    See my reply to the net cop (above).
    ShyBiker, Apr 22, 2011
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