Anyone we know?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by wessie, Nov 16, 2004.

  1. wessie

    Ovenpaa Guest

    On what? - remember on your own does not count no matter how good it was.
    Ovenpaa, Nov 17, 2004
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  2. wessie

    Cab Guest

    Be fair, it took him three weeks to blow her up.
    Cab, Nov 17, 2004
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  3. wessie

    Pip Guest

    Oh, dear.

    Give it a fucking rest, eh?

    You're every bit as bad as fucking Des. You ****.
    Pip, Nov 18, 2004
  4. wessie

    Pip Guest

    Sweet, steve.

    Now return his/her white stick and get on with it.
    Pip, Nov 18, 2004
  5. wessie

    Lozzo Guest

    Pip says...
    Nicely put.
    Lozzo, Nov 18, 2004
  6. wessie

    sweller Guest

    I thought she was shot?
    sweller, Nov 18, 2004
  7. wessie

    darsy Guest

    if I hadn't, I'd be wading into the "powerranger" thread where I'm
    getting a bit of a slagging.
    now *that's* harsh, man.
    darsy, Nov 18, 2004
  8. wessie

    tallbloke Guest

    I called him a **** when he nearly had that ped on a zebra while overtaking a
    stationary truck on the ziggys.
    tallbloke, Nov 18, 2004
  9. I called him a **** at the EOSM for no particular reason at all :)
    Whinging Courier, Nov 18, 2004
  10. wessie

    tallbloke Guest

    Were you drunk at the time?
    tallbloke, Nov 18, 2004
  11. wessie

    darsy Guest

    I'm fairly sure you called me a **** the first time I met you, in the
    Bierodrome on Upper Street.
    darsy, Nov 18, 2004
  12. Yes.
    Whinging Courier, Nov 18, 2004
  13. I did, but not before calling you a bastard.
    Whinging Courier, Nov 18, 2004
  14. wessie

    flash Guest

    Always wise not to peak too soon.
    flash, Nov 18, 2004
  15. wessie

    Verdigris Guest

    Unless they're Steven fucking Hawking it doesn't actually take a lot of
    effort to call you a **** on usenet, you ****.
    Verdigris, Nov 19, 2004
  16. wessie

    darsy Guest

    that was hardly my point.
    darsy, Nov 19, 2004
  17. wessie

    Pip Guest

    That's only to be expected, though. You need to get a good old
    slagging every now and again, it redresses the balance.
    Not so much harsh as sort of loose and well-used, really.
    Pip, Nov 19, 2004
  18. wessie

    darsy Guest

    suppose so. I guess it'd be different if I was in any way sensitive or
    no, really, comparing me to Des cuts to the fucking quick.
    darsy, Nov 19, 2004
  19. wessie

    Pip Guest

    One suspects that the reverse would apply too.

    Filed, for future reference.
    Pip, Nov 19, 2004
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