Anyone wanting to go on the French Run this year...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by TOG, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. TOG

    toad Guest

    Colin, your claim that the Space Shuttle is powered by cheese is just
    a load of shite.

    PS: I aint criticizing TOG, he's one of the few usenet posters I take
    seriously and in a minority of one as someone who's technical advice I
    would risk following without double checking. Ditto 20C military
    history. However I am criticizing that particular post because it does
    read very much like 'UKRM readers mustn't come to Chimay or ride roads
    around Chimay at the same time as the weekend/run is on'.
    toad, May 2, 2007
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  2. TOG

    ogden Guest

    Well you would say that, wouldn't you.
    ogden, May 2, 2007
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  3. TOG

    CT Guest

    Dieppe? Not Chimay then?

    ****, I've just bought the wrong map.
    CT, May 2, 2007
  4. I bet you'll be disappointed with the beer as well?
    eric the brave, May 2, 2007
  5. TOG

    Ace Guest

    Doesn't read like that to me. It does seem a bit anal, perhaps, and
    was in reaction to a misunderstood posting elsewhere, but in essence
    it was just saying "If you want to come on this trip I've organised,
    please make your arrangements with me.

    It was perhaps going a bit far, as I don't see any reason that an
    individual should not book themselves independently into the same
    hotel if it has vacancies, as I did last year. But in that case I let
    TOG know about it, told the hotel I was 'with' the group, and ended up
    paying the same special rate through TOG as everyone else did. I'd
    expected to pay the hotel for the room directly, but as TOG seemed to
    want to include me in the overall bill I was happy to let him do so.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3 (slightly broken, currently missing)
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2, IBB#10
    Ace, May 2, 2007
  6. TOG

    Spete Guest

    so, toad's a bit like Hitler then
    Spete, May 2, 2007
  7. TOG

    toad Guest

    There is no evidence that I'm a bit like Hitler, therefore the
    opposite must be true.
    toad, May 3, 2007
  8. TOG

    Spete Guest

    It did kill the argument a bit, didn't it......
    Spete, May 3, 2007
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