Anyone here still believe the Official 911 Story?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by jmccrann, May 15, 2006.

  1. jmccrann

    GB Guest

    Me, I'm just waiting for Godwin's to cut in.

    GB, May 19, 2006
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  2. jmccrann

    jmccrann Guest

    jmccrann, May 23, 2006
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  3. jmccrann

    Toosmoky Guest

    In controlled demolition, there are some common factors. Heavy preparation
    by cutting into walls, framework, drilling, placing explosives and wiring,
    any of which would have been immediately obvious to anyone working in the

    Did GW have the CIA kill all the supposed demolition crews? Why has not one
    come forward expressing remorse and detailing his part in the plot?

    For the life of me, I can't remember ever seeing a video of a controlled
    demolition where the demolition started at the top, not the bottom.

    Why did bin Laden boast of destroying the towers if Bush did it? Why didn't
    bin Laden say; "Bush did it?"

    Your pet professor is a fool. No doubt he could explain to you in minute
    detail why a bumblebee can't possibly fly.

    You have possibly the worst case of BDS I've yet seen.

    BDS, or Bush Derangement Syndrome is akin to mass hysteria, whereby your
    expressions of hatred for Bush are echoed and reinforced by others with BDS
    until you cannot see the truth is a lot less paranoid, a lot less sinister,
    than you've led yourself to expect.

    BDS. Get over it.
    Toosmoky, May 23, 2006
  4. Crossposting removed.

    Hi Toosmokey, I'm just jumping in and playing devil's advocate here, I
    love a conspiracy theory. There is too many about this topic though and
    I couldn't say which side of the fence I sit on any of these points. I'm
    more of an 'anythings possible' kind of guy and don't see either side as
    black and white as either you or the original poster seem to.

    You have some good points as is evidenced by the following outlandish
    options (my point is that outlandish or not, there ARE still options). A
    skeptical mind is an open and alert mind :)

    The great thing about conspiracy theories is that they are nearly
    impossible to prove one way or another, they're only fanned by trying to
    disprove them and true believers will never be convinced otherwise
    regardless of the evidence (as evidence can be staged).

    Obviously a great many people lost their lives and this is indeed a
    tragic event and I'm not trying to belittle this at all, like I said,
    just a bit of devil's advocate to this rebuttal (fuel to the fire as it
    were, just for the heck of it).

    * maybe they were installed at construction time (like embassy bugging).

    * maybe it was done covertly before the big day under the guise of
    maintenance / installations (most work would've been able to have been
    done within ceiling cavities/service areas.
    * 'Yes', then they all committed suicide in an incredibly loyal act of

    * Might've been a specialist covert demolition team.

    * Might've been as you suggest and they were all turned into dust (if
    you're gonna kill 3000ish civilians, a few extra demo' crew extra
    wouldn't be much of an issue).

    * Might've been the safest option to prevent an uncontrolled building
    fall killing many thousands more. Denial later because of bad press it
    would create.
    Thoroughly correct in my experience. Although not entirely impossible,
    especially if it was to *look* like a fall, not a demolition.

    * Might be a (above mentioned) covert demolition team's technique to
    simulate a building fall, without the worry of the thing falling on an
    unintended target.

    I'm most curious about how three buildings fell straight downwards so
    seemingly accurately purely by chance in one day (well obviously planes
    flew into two of them, the third was apparently because of a fire alone)
    the planes didn't have precisely identical impacts to eachother. It
    seems like one hell of a coincidence! I would've expected at least one
    of three to topple, not all to relatively neatly implode. Not that I'm
    convinced of a conspiracy necessarily.
    * To take credit for something that achieved something he'd've liked to
    have done.

    * He's a puppet of the CIA (or more clandestine organisation)?

    * He didn't, that was faked.

    * He's already dead and in a Pentagon freezer awaiting the next US
    election and everything he 'says' is faked.
    Beware of Blind Optimism Syndrome (BOS), the unquestioning assumption
    that every 'fact' is transparent, the media never lies, the 'powers that
    be' always have your best interests at heart, is possibly a naive one.

    Keep an open mind. I'm sure there is elements of truth on both sides.

    Anything is possible! Maybe even that you or the original poster are
    100% correct.

    Then again it might've all been done by little green men from Mars, or
    maybe thats what 'they' *want* us to think!



    PS: I'm feeling a bit silly for fueling this thread as its nothin' to do
    with bikes (except for its effect on fuel prices), but I've written it
    now so I'll put it out there. Feel free to killfile me ;)

    Oh, and sorry about top-posting.
    Beware BOS.
    Fang, the wonderdog., May 24, 2006
  5. jmccrann

    Toosmoky Guest

    "Fang, the wonderdog."
    Open mind, or just a hole in the head?...
    Toosmoky, May 24, 2006
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