Anyone here still believe the Official 911 Story?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by jmccrann, May 15, 2006.

  1. jmccrann

    jmccrann Guest

    .....after having seen this documentary? Revisited 1of... Revisited 2of...

    I gotta admit. After having found out about this, I became an alcoholic

    for six weeks, drinking a dozen beers a day to take away the pain. Its
    no wonder Eric Hufschmid called his documentary Painful Deceptions.

    But I found out about it the first opportunity I got, so I imagine its
    harder for those who are still blindly calling it a kooky alien

    I just want you guys to know that you are far from alone when you come
    to confront this. There are literally millions of people out here
    trying to bring the cons to justice.

    If you forgo this opportunity such as the documentary above and are one

    of the last people in the civil world to learn about 911, after all the

    murders of Iraq and Afghanistan and probably Iran, you'll probably
    comitt suicide in remorse. You will not be able to believe anything
    ever again. I can't imagine how painful it will be for you.

    The people here trying to inform you about this have taken it as their
    moral obligation. We are not making a fuckgin cent from this. At least
    pay us the respect as brothers and sisters of humanity to give two
    hours of your time to check it out just to make sure you're not

    But please dont' be upset. There is a community to support you.

    Actually, if you deny this opportunity its highly likely that such
    avatars on this newsgroup are paid disinformation agents.

    Well we will stay here and keep this newsgroup clean of your evil. You
    are wasting you time. The Truth is OUT. In the long run the truth will

    prevail and we will hunt you down and kill you without mercy.

    We will clean out the streeets of Canberra, of our democracit rights,
    with the blood of the traitors who have led us into this tyranny. There
    will be civil war in Australia before this September 11, 2006. The
    enemy is powerful but few. The blood of 10,000 men will rid us of us of
    this treachery. The Chairs of the Media, the Heads of the Governments,
    the seats of the Judiciary.

    John Howard brings us Retrospective laws in the name of protecting out
    freedoms he removes us of our liberties. We will bring in retorspective
    laws to hang him in public for treason. And don't you think for one
    second that Kim Beazley is seperate from this. ALL MEMBERS OF PARLIMENT


    Jake McCrann

    viva Hugo Chavez!
    jmccrann, May 15, 2006
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  2. jmccrann

    Crash Lander Guest

    Fecking nutbags!

    Took me an age to read because I was laughing so hard!
    Mate, I'd say you were an alcoholic BEFORE you saw the documentary.
    Question! Who wants a Government leader who is a self confessed alcoholic?
    You better hurry! Your mothership is about to leave! Be on it!
    Crash Lander, May 15, 2006
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  3. I haven't looked at the links, but there are greatly varying degrees of
    conspiracy theory on this topic. All the way to suggesting that the
    planes were fecking holograms LOL.

    However, I'd say that anyone who believes the ENTIRE story from BushCo
    is the nutbag. There are some glaringly obvious holes in the "official
    Spear and Magic Helmet, May 15, 2006
  4. jmccrann

    Poxy Guest

    Christ - only 12 beers a day?


    Poxy, May 15, 2006
  5. jmccrann

    Noddy Guest

    Too bad you didn't drink yourself to fucking death so we wouldn't have to
    put up with your cross-posting bullshit.

    **** off and die you spamming arsehole.
    Noddy, May 15, 2006
  6. What, a conspiracy involving Porsches? Crikey!

    Or is it something to do with the 9th of November?
    Shit, considering the average Septic beer contains no more than 1.5%
    alcohol, you really are piss-weak. Mind you, it wouldn't take much alcohol
    to overpower your monocellular brain.

    - Bob.
    Bob Milutinovic, May 15, 2006
  7. jmccrann

    CrazyCam Guest


    That's not an alcoholic, that's just being a wee bit thirsty.

    CrazyCam, May 15, 2006
  8. Not to mention it's the first crosspost I've seen with some sensible ideas!
    Pisshead Pete, May 15, 2006
  9. like what? i haven't read the links either - and really only know
    what's been shown on free to air tv - so not sure what the "official
    story is.
    Beautiful Femur, May 15, 2006
  10. jmccrann

    JL Guest

    <nods approvingly>

    Yup, can't argue with that.

    JL, May 15, 2006
  11. Yep, the number of cars damaged in this CIA conspiricy is just ludicrous.
    Rainbow Warrior, May 15, 2006
  12. jmccrann

    Uncle Bully Guest

    I'm sure it has something to do with magnets. Those things are magic....
    Uncle Bully, May 15, 2006
  13. jmccrann

    the fonz Guest

    No. I've never accepted an aircooled bodykitted Volkswagen could make
    that much power.

    The German govt. is lying to us.
    the fonz, May 15, 2006
  14. jmccrann

    ant Guest

    Well, apparently, according to the officials, some Terrorists of Middle
    Eastern Appearance stole some aeroplanes and crashed them into American
    stuff. The only way to fix this was to go and invade a country of middle
    eastern appearance, so they did.
    ant, May 15, 2006
  15. I aggree , it's all a big coverup
    Rainbow Warrior, May 15, 2006
  16. jmccrann

    jmccrann Guest

    No. I've never accepted an aircooled bodykitted Volkswagen could make
    Its your reactions which loses my faith in the people and wonders
    whether perhaps the neocons, the zoinists are right to want to
    exterminate you. You are so naive and impressonable by the common
    manipulations of public opinion. unable to examine something (you
    didn't even watch the video thats obvious) independently, that your
    only place in humanity is to be used and abused.

    You are like the german majority that supported the mass murder of the
    jews. They too, at the time, were like you are right now. They couldn't
    see that until after it was too late.You are being used.
    jmccrann, May 15, 2006
  17. jmccrann

    kosh Guest

    how bout we all accept what has happened ...... if you wnat
    conspiracies... look at how it was handled afterwards!
    kosh, May 15, 2006
  18. jmccrann

    Neil Gerace Guest

    Porsche was going to call it the 901 but Peugeot complained because they
    said they
    owned all rights to 3-digit numbers with 0 in the middle.

    If that's the official 911 story, then yeah I believe it.
    Neil Gerace, May 16, 2006
  19. jmccrann

    Hammo Guest

    Well put, Moike.

    Hammo, May 16, 2006
  20. jmccrann

    ENTITY Guest

    The Matrix was only a movie, get over it.
    You wouldn't know a nut from a bolt.
    You are like........... not are an idiot.
    ENTITY, May 16, 2006
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