[URL]http://www.sillyhelmetcovers.com/[/URL] <wants!>
The URL reminds me the "knights who say ni", however. http://moon.felk.cvut.cz/~pisem1/blog/KnightsWhoSayNi.jpg
That would have been 'the department of silly helmet covers'. PS, I like your King[1]. [1] told Chavez to shut up.
Suppose we should show them this: http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2007/11/11/catalejo/1194742032.html -- -- Paul. CBR1100XX SuperBlackbird (Buen mueble de patio) And a pushbike of some sort. BOTAFOT #4 BOTAFOF #30 MRO #24 OMF #15 UKRMMA #30 Ovejas y buitres: http://obscuredomainname.org