Anyone got a copy of Sydney's Saturday April 23rd edition of the Daily Telegraph?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Brad, Apr 26, 2005.

  1. Brad

    Brad Guest

    Seems I got a letter to the editor published, and now I'm trying to
    track down to see exactly what they printed.

    Much reward in the form of beer :)
    Brad, Apr 26, 2005
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  2. Brad

    John Littler Guest

    Reply in letters dated 26th April

    Why we acted

    In response to Brad Jayakody (Letters, April 23), I am a member of the
    executive on the strata board where Brad lives. We do not condemn Brad
    for his patriotism, we just want him to take the Australian flag off his
    balcony and mount it somewhere a little more discreet.

    Only one person complained, but we in the strata board had to act
    because hanging anything off a balcony is not allowed under the Strata
    Titles Act.

    Balcony hangings degrade the look of a block of units, through lack of
    standardisation of the external appearance. We also have to avoid the
    possibility of conflict among neighbours. What if another person hung a
    flag of another country or even the swastika?

    Each strata board is obliged to keep its property looking smart, so that
    it blends in with the rest of the community. You only need to go to
    parts of Asia, the US and Europe to see a balcony free-for-all.

    These are the reasons why we have acted, and they should be noted by all
    who live in units to ensure harmony and overall aesthetics.

    Taro Munn, Cremorne

    Original letter as published

    I have been reading with interest your stories about flying flags.

    I recently got in trouble with the strata board in the apartment
    building I live in for hanging up the Australian flag on my balcony.
    They asked me to remove it "as it's not in keeping with the rest of the

    After asking the other residents what they thought (it was an anonymous
    person who complained), I decided to keep it up. I'm facing a $550 fine
    if they decide to pursue the matter.

    I'm a second-generation Australian and my fiancee became an Australian
    citizen two years ago. As we are both proud of the country we are living
    in, we fly the flag. Flags are powerful symbols, though, and do create
    different emotions for everyone who sees them. The person who complained
    about my flag never gave a reason. When I asked the strata board why,
    they didn't respond either.

    Brad Jayakody, Cremorne
    John Littler, Apr 26, 2005
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  3. Brad

    GB Guest

    "Strata board" is actually a french term, means "gutless turds".

    Whilst there generally isn't a lot of plate glass in your
    average block of strata-titled units, the fundamental principles
    of "plate glass justice" still apply.

    If, as an example, there are seventy five sub-properties in the
    particular strata scheme where you live, and *someone* puts the
    proverbial brick through an hypothetical plate glass window, then
    you're only ever going to be up for one seventy-fifth of the
    cost of fixing the aforementioned window!

    (It's a lot like telco-bashing really)

    GB, Apr 26, 2005
  4. Brad

    Toosmoky Guest

    (Not JLs words)
    Yeah, 'cos blocks of units are like, beautiful...
    Can't have free expression now, can we? Next we best ban any and all vehicle
    modifications. Wouldn't want to upset the "standardisation of the external
    It'd look like the UN?...
    Been done...
    Toosmoky, Apr 26, 2005
  5. Brad

    sharkey Guest

    "Don't ask don't tell" patriotism? Perhaps he could hang it discreetly
    in his closet?
    Ah, those teeming Asian hordes, with their unstandardized, free-for-all
    balconies. You let them hang up one Aussie flag and the next thing you
    know it's nothing but dusk-till-dawn Mah-jong sessions and shocking
    outbursts of filial piety!

    sharkey, Apr 27, 2005
  6. Brad

    Brad Guest

    Fantastic. Thanks for that John. Owe you a drink.


    Brad, Apr 27, 2005
  7. Brad

    Brad Guest

    It's just the one person who is complaining.

    When it happened I wrote a letter to the other residences. There's
    like 24 apartments in the building.
    2 of which got back to me straight away saying they loved it and it
    should stay up. One even offered to pay the fine for me.
    1 person told me in person while they weren't in favour of the flag
    (they are south african) they were strongly in favour of me keeping it
    1 other told me to keep it up, they liked it.

    In my letter I had some anonymous ways of getting in touch with me
    (e-mail and even letter/voicemail), but the person who complained never
    bothered. Also in the original letter to the other residents, I said I
    feel strongly about it, but I will go with the majority view, if most
    of you want me to take it down I will.

    I am highly curious as to why they would have an issue with it.

    Wrote a letter to the Strata, they never responded, which is why I sent
    a letter to the paper (didn't actually expect to get it published, had
    a quiet afternoon when I did it).

    Ah beureocracy(sp?), take it down because it's against the rules, not
    that we have a problem with it.

    At worse I get a $550 fine, which while it will hurt, I can live with
    it. Anyhow, we'll see how it goes :)
    Brad, Apr 27, 2005
  8. Brad

    Brad Guest

    Personally reminds me of how lucky I am to be born in this country and
    live here.

    But flags are powerful symbols, and mean different things for different

    Shrug, I've never had a problem in the last 5 years, at 3 different
    places. Got it pinched once from a second story balcony, but apart
    from that, all good :)
    Brad, Apr 27, 2005
  9. Brad

    Brad Guest

    I offered to discuss it with them. They never bothered to reply (until
    I sent that letter to the paper). I was (still am) more than willing
    to move it. Sent them a letter 3 weeks ago saying that. No response.

    Don't like it when someone orders me to do something for absolutely no

    As one of the other residents told me, his 4 burner BBQ is more of an
    eyesore than that. Legally they could tell him to get rid of it as
    Brad, Apr 27, 2005
  10. Brad

    Moike Guest

    I'm not into flag waving, but if someone told me I couldn't...

    How about some nice cheap patio furniture. Get Smee to photoshop it
    fluoro pink.......

    Moike, Apr 27, 2005
  11. Brad

    John Littler Guest

    But you got better ?

    John Littler, Apr 27, 2005
  12. Brad

    moike Guest

    Knobdoodle wrote:

    moike, Apr 27, 2005
  13. Brad

    Brad Guest

    I didn't come here to discuss it, only to post I was looking for a copy
    of sat's paper.

    Discussion happened after the article was posted.
    Brad, Apr 28, 2005
  14. Brad

    sharkey Guest

    Hint #1: Include some context so we know who you're replying to.

    Hint #2: comes with discussion whether you like it or not.

    Hint #3: He's not called "GYAFWN" for nothing ...

    sharkey, Apr 28, 2005
  15. Brad

    Goaty Guest

    Threaten him with the comfy chair!

    Goaty, Apr 28, 2005

  16. HEY!!!

    Postman Pat
    Pat Heslewood, Apr 29, 2005
  17. Brad

    Goaty Guest

    You missed a fanatical devotion to Pope RapSinger ...

    Goaty, May 1, 2005
  18. Brad

    Goaty Guest

    Dunno, never seen him light up a globe ...

    Goaty, May 2, 2005
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