Anyone else want to help save Castle Coombe from closure?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sorby, Apr 15, 2005.

  1. sorby

    sweller Guest

    There was a chap who complained of the extremely loud noise coming from
    the railhead at the second Severn crossing. Environmental health went in
    with their noise meters and promptly discovered the motorway was louder.

    Or the 'Executive' housing estate next to the freight line who said the
    trains were going too fast and making too much noise so a speed
    restriction of 30 mph was put in place past the houses.

    100 for length trains - which is about 60x 100 ton bogie wagons - would
    then slowly go by.

    Unfortunately the flaw in the plan was we had to slow down (much banging
    of empty wagons) and then take power to keep moving up the slight incline
    (3000hp diesel engines) and the added gift of a crossing with a joint
    which resulted in the wheel noise at 3am:


    **** 'em.
    sweller, Apr 15, 2005
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  2. sorby

    Pip Guest

    Sadly, it doesn't work like that, necessarily. You will note an
    increasing mileage of motorway being fenced with 'sound-deadening'
    Rhino fence. New roads tend to be set into earth banks to absorb some
    sound and deflect the remainder upwards and away from dwellings.

    Airports are slightly different, but any householder within the "60dB
    contour" are eligible for funds to fit acoustic double- or
    triple-glazing, as well as other sound-deadening or -absorbing
    measures: roof linings, for example.

    The point is that airports tend to be able to afford this sort of
    thing, and they have tens of thousands of customers to pass this onto.
    The DofT and railways similarly.

    Venues that attract a couple of events a year, or motorsport venues
    for which revenue is not enormous, are in a different situation. When
    these are the targets for complaints, it can be extremely difficult to
    resolve as once the complainants are "sensitised", they are
    effectively 'waiting for the noise to start' and as soon as it
    finishes, they are on edge 'waiting for it to start again'.

    This is why all regs for events now forbid the running of competition
    engines before 09:00 for example, and after 18:00, with an enforced
    hour off for lunch. Many also suspend for church services and the
    like. Palming punters off with free tickets doesn't tend to work as
    once they're wound up, they don't want anything to do with motorsport,
    even if they were the type to take advantage in the first place.

    I used to live about five miles from Oulton Park, and I could hear
    events clearly if the wind was in the right quarter, which if often
    was. The inhabitants of the nearest villages were all entitled to
    free tickets - they had to return an app form, with photos, to obtain
    a year's pass. Few did, fewer used them.

    Oulton is limited to <thinks> ten Sunday events a year, which is why
    all the big events there such as Touring Cars are held over a Bank
    Holiday to get maximum use. The remainder have to be Saturdays, which
    is most inconvenient for many competitors, but disturbs the residents

    I could go on for ever, but best I stop now in case you die of
    Pip, Apr 15, 2005
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  3. sorby

    flash Guest

    <snip interesting stuff>

    What those fuckers with noisy bike exhausts? Can we do anything about them?
    flash, Apr 15, 2005
  4. sorby

    Pip Guest

    Fortunately not. Not as far as road use goes, anyway. Here and gone
    again, see - too transitory to qualify as a Statutory Nuisance.
    However, get a closed circuit full of the nasty, noisy bastards - and
    away you go.
    Pip, Apr 15, 2005
  5. There were 2 dogs on my street when I moved in. Now there are at least
    20. And they're mostly greyhounds (galgos) - probably the thickest
    creature on the planet. Folks here boast about how many stupid thick
    bastard dogs they've got. Fucking peasants.

    If one thing drives me out of Spain, it'll be the dogs.


    CBR1100XX SuperBlackbird
    BOTAFOT #4
    BOTAFOF #30
    MRO #24
    Paul Carmichael, Apr 15, 2005
  6. sorby

    Switters Guest

    Actually I found it quite interesting, and certainly enlightening.
    Switters, Apr 15, 2005
  7. No entiendo.


    CBR1100XX SuperBlackbird
    BOTAFOT #4
    BOTAFOF #30
    MRO #24
    Paul Carmichael, Apr 15, 2005
  8. sorby

    Pip Guest

    You sad fucker ;-)

    No really - I did that thing for nearly 20 years, and I loved it.
    Fascinating, absorbing, frustrating by turns. Attended a lot of good
    gigs FOC while waving a noise meter about, too. I really didn't think
    that anybody would be interested in it - until it affects them
    personally of course, in which case it's a whole new ballgame ...
    Pip, Apr 15, 2005
  9. sorby

    Lozzo Guest

    flash says...
    As heard in parliament one day:

    Q: "Why aren't these riders prosecuted?"

    A "It's difficult to tell who they are over the noise from the buses
    and trucks"
    Lozzo, Apr 15, 2005
  10. What a fucking *ace* idea for gatecrashing something like
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 15, 2005
  11. sorby

    flash Guest

    Well in that case can I just ask anyone with a noisy pipe to throttle back
    when they go thru the S bends near my allotment as its starting to piss me
    flash, Apr 15, 2005
  12. sorby

    dwb Guest

    In fairness, the noise of the bikes is going to travel a *long* way on a
    chilly night.

    For a 24 hour race I think a noise limit isn't completley out of line.
    dwb, Apr 15, 2005
  13. sorby

    yammyr6 Guest

    **** it let it close

    and everyone who wants to visit the pichersque village hammer through the
    place with a loud pipe

    At least the Wiltshires finest will be moved away from the few better bits
    of road in the county
    yammyr6, Apr 15, 2005
  14. sorby

    platypus Guest

    The thing to do would be to stick up a load of fake planning application
    signs around the village, implying that someone like ARC is looking to turn
    the place into the biggest gravel pit in the country...
    platypus, Apr 16, 2005
  15. sorby

    sweller Guest

    "..and in English".
    sweller, Apr 16, 2005
  16. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    You can buy guns easily in Spain, istr.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Apr 16, 2005
  17. sorby

    Pip Guest

    (The Older Gentleman) struggled
    to ejaculate:
    Didn't need to gatecrash. Access all areas passes: no probs - even
    better when freelancing on the promoter's behalf, negotiating with
    local EHOs. Playing gamekeeper turned poacher is a right hoot, and an
    order of magnitude more profitable.
    Pip, Apr 16, 2005
  18. Oh yes. Everyone's got one. Fucking scarey in the shooting season.


    CBR1100XX SuperBlackbird
    BOTAFOT #4
    BOTAFOF #30
    MRO #24
    Paul Carmichael, Apr 16, 2005
  19. sorby

    dwb Guest

    Obviously so.
    LIMIT - not ban.

    Would you like to listen to bikes going round with open pipes at 2am?
    dwb, Apr 16, 2005
  20. sorby

    platypus Guest

    Or Filton. Muppets who buy houses under the Filton glidepath and then
    discover that /aeroplanes fly over their house/. Bless. Wait till they
    discover that there's two motorways and the main railway line to Sarf Wales
    within a mile or so, and two noocular power stations within half a dozen.
    And then they discover that, not only do aeroplanes fly over their house,
    they're F-111s armed to the teeth with A-bombs and such, flitting into
    Filton for maintenance...
    platypus, Apr 16, 2005
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