tallbloke wrote[QUOTE] LMAO! There are a few decent beer brewed down south, but the Viking influenced north is better at brewing than the wine importing Roman south.[/QUOTE] Learn yer history laddie, where did the Normans start out? [QUOTE] As long as the liquid is to the line in a 24oz glass, what does it matter how big the head is on the top? It's the 3/4" head in a 20oz glass that winds me up. "It's part of the pint" they'll try to tell you. "Bollocks" I reply.[/QUOTE] I think it was Whitbread[0] who brought that in first, along with piss weak northern style near beer. All praise consumer legislation and the piss heads in CAMRA for helping us see them off. Shame we can't do the same for lager. [0] before they went broke[1] and were bought out by Jockish and Jordie breweries, [1] How the fuck do you go broke selling a legalised addictive drug to proles?