Any opinions on the Yamaha TRX 850?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Spike@Work, May 12, 2004.

  1. Spike@Work

    Lozzo Guest

    SteveH says...
    It wasn't priced any different to car oil, so I doubt that was a factor.
    Lozzo, May 12, 2004
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  2. Spike@Work

    SteveH Guest

    Apart from the fact that he'd be out of a job if people didn't buy bike
    oil, of course.
    SteveH, May 12, 2004
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  3. Spike@Work

    platypus Guest

    IIRC diesel oils are high-detergent. If you start using high-detergent oil
    in an old, dirty engine, it'll dislodge a lot of ancient, built-up crap, so
    your filter may need changing more often, initially.
    platypus, May 12, 2004
  4. Spike@Work

    Lozzo Guest

    SteveH says...
    You go on using car oil Steve, but those of us who *really* use our
    bikes like to use the best available to make sure we don't have
    problems. Just bear in mind that there are a fair few bikes out there
    that live where the power is for a fair amount of their lives, a crap
    oil will give crap performance when needed. For someone who bimbles, I'm
    sure a reasonable quality car oil will be fine. I'm not willing to take
    that risk. I don't scrimp for a few quid on things like that.
    Lozzo, May 12, 2004
  5. Spike@Work

    SteveH Guest

    I ran a Divvy 600 (ok, it's a low-tech engine) from 10k miles to 80k
    miles mainly on el-cheapo Homebase semi-synth, changing oil at 6k miles
    and filter at 12k miles, racking up that mileage in less than 4 years.
    Had absolutely no problems whatsoever with it in all that time (apart
    from the pikey **** who nicked the CDI from it). Because of this
    experience, and the advice from a trusted mechanic, I just don't bother
    with expensive oil.
    SteveH, May 12, 2004
  6. Spike@Work

    Mark Olson Guest

    I change oil and filter at ridiculously short intervals... so I've got that
    problem covered, I think.
    Mark Olson, May 13, 2004
  7. Spike@Work

    wessie Guest

    Pip wrote in
    I had a TDM, same engine & 'box. You get used to its little
    idiosynchrasies. It was at this time that I discovered the robust nature of
    Daytona boots compared to Dr Martens.
    wessie, May 13, 2004
  8. Spike@Work

    darsy Guest

    yeah, but it still invited the predictable "ah, but you do know this
    is really just an Audi[1] in drag" comments[2].

    [1] and "...VW in drag" from the really know-nothing tossers.
    [2] even though it wasn't - it was the 2.0 924 and 924 Lux that had
    the Audi lump, IIRC.
    darsy, May 13, 2004
  9. Spike@Work

    dwb Guest

    This is the thing I can't understand - bike oil is not hugely expensive,
    even the fully synth 'fancy' stuff.
    Unless you're using gallons of the stuff I really don't see how it breaks
    the bank using the 'real' thing.

    If you're doing thousands of miles - maybe... but even then - couple less
    ciggies/kebabs/beers and you're done.
    dwb, May 13, 2004
  10. Spike@Work

    darsy Guest

    not really helping the statistics, as you had the same one as me, YTC.
    darsy, May 13, 2004
  11. Spike@Work

    Lozzo Guest

    dwb says...
    I use the best oil I can afford simply because I do do thousands and
    thousands of miles. My engine is stressed more than one that isn't used
    much, therefore it needs looking after. I smoke roll-ups and gave up
    drinking and kebabs to pay for the oil :)
    Lozzo, May 13, 2004
  12. Spike@Work

    Linger Guest

    Think about it
    Linger, May 13, 2004
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