Any of youse cahns use ISDN?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by smack, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. No they're not Theo! Absolutely _NO_ data call charges (for 331 calls).
    Pisshead Pete, Feb 20, 2004
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  2. smack

    smack Guest

    no mate, not me I don't think you are mad....... I have proof :)

    smack, Feb 20, 2004
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  3. I'm going down the road to get some proof.
    Pisshead Pete, Feb 20, 2004
  4. smack

    sharkey Guest

    Could be worse. Back when I had an ISDN for work, it ran to something
    like 7c/channel/minute into the dinosaur pen. I cost a fair bit more,
    even if it was 3am and I was only running on half a brain.

    sharkey, Feb 20, 2004

  5. You'd have to be,to miss Karuah...

    Postmad Pat
    Pat Heslewood, Feb 20, 2004
  6. smack said....
    That's not correct either.

    If you make data calls to 01983 numbers, they'll cost 30 cents/hr per
    channel. If, however, you sign up and pay Telstra $16.50 a month for its
    "ISDN internet plan", or "infill" as some refer to it, then the calls
    will not be time charged.

    Bigpond includes this infill charge as part of the ISDN plan charges.

    I've been on ISDN since July. Haven't had any problems, other than a
    small hiccup at the exchange. If you check out the Whirlpool website and
    go to the forums, then select ISDN and DoV forum, there are a heap of
    threads and FAQs that will give you heaps of info.

    There is also a list of ISDN enabled ISPs. Most do not support multilink
    connections (128k). Those that do are reasonably priced compared to
    Bigpond's ISDN plans, and usually have no data limits.

    The biggest issue is the ISDN box, called a network termination unit, or
    NT1+2. It has an ISDN modem that's built into the unit and it plays up,
    according to some.

    Post us the URL that you used when checking out Telstra's ISDN services.
    I found two separate pages on the website with different info. One's out
    of date, though and has wrong info.
    Martin Taylor, Feb 22, 2004
  7. Pat Heslewood wrote:

    That's a bit harsh coming from a tattooed man with no nipples!
    Pisshead Pete, Feb 25, 2004
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