Any of youse cahns use ISDN?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by smack, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. smack

    smack Guest

    If its the best you can get, is it worth it? No BB, no ADSL available to me
    and I don't want to piss around getting a 2nd phoneline just so I can stay
    at 45.9 kbs. Outgoing is as important to me as incoming, cos I kill.

    smack, Feb 19, 2004
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  2. smack

    Shells Guest

    I have ISDN, works for me. Connect at 128 drops to 64 when other line is
    used. Single line comming in split to two 64k lines. ISDN uses both lines
    while no other calls are using one 64k line.
    Had connection problems using USB at the beginning but since then had a
    driver up date to correct the problem.
    Worth while?, it depends what you want it for, different horse's for
    different courses.

    Shells, Feb 19, 2004
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  3. Yep, I'm in the same boat as you mate except I was averaging 28.8 dial up

    With the 1 gig bigpong account (free data calls) it works out about the
    same price as my previous two lines with an Oznomail $25 plan except it's
    near on five times faster.

    Had heaps of hassles for the first few months 'til they finally fixed a
    dickie card with an intermittant fault in the rim. Now it's sweet as.
    Everytime I rang to report the re-occurring fault they seemed convinced it
    was a windoze problem. Dunno if it's Billy's $oftware that fucks up or
    they just presume everyone using it is a moron, but once I told them I was
    running Linux they seemed quite relieved and were straight on to tracing
    the fault! It's a fuckin' pity one department in Telstra can't talk to the
    other tho'. I ended up having to tell them to stop sending linies out, fix
    the fuckin' rim!
    Pisshead Pete, Feb 19, 2004
  4. smack

    smack Guest

    1 gig plan? What are you made of bricks?

    Thanks for the answer Pete
    smack, Feb 19, 2004
  5. smack

    Greg Barron Guest

    Have you looked into Wireless Broadband? If you are in Melbourne checkout There may be other offerings elsewhere.

    I had a lot to do with ISDN in the past when Telstra's obscene pricing
    structures were killing the technology (can you say $5 per hour per
    channel call charges plus $8 per hour per channel connection charges?).
    Back then it was extrememy expensive but I think its a bit better now.

    Do a full investigation of the data prices, call charges (are they capped
    or timed for both voice and data) and the STD rates. In the past ISDN
    would not attract the Telstra discounts so I used someone else for
    STD/IDD. Remember 128K costs double 64K.

    Greg Barron, Feb 19, 2004
  6. smack

    Greg Barron Guest

    I just had a quick look for Telsta:

    ISDN Home Rental + 500 MB Plan 90.45 per month.
    Data call charges: 30 cents per hour per channel. That will add up.

    If I were you I would investigate another line!
    Greg Barron, Feb 19, 2004
  7. If I were you I would investigate your own investigating!

    Data calls are FREE to Bigpong.
    Pisshead Pete, Feb 19, 2004
  8. smack

    Greg Barron Guest

    Well I did say "quick"! Still a rip off though.
    Greg Barron, Feb 19, 2004
  9. **** off, you obviously don't know what you're talking about.
    Pisshead Pete, Feb 19, 2004
  10. smack

    Smee Guest

    what investigating will he do in Tasmania?

    Smee, Feb 20, 2004
  11. smack

    smack Guest

    Agree with Pete, thanks anyway Greg. I have done some research and the data
    calls are zero when you use Bigpong. As I said, uplink is as important as I
    mainly game, so wireless isn't gonna work, especially with all the mountains
    on this small island..

    12 months contract for $85 gives ISP and 2 lines.. after that it's just call

    It's on their "easy" to navigate website.

    I bet even knobdoodle couldn't work it out from :)

    smack, Feb 20, 2004
  12. smack

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "smack" wrote
    And here are your ISDN call costs. Very well hidden on the site.
    Data Call Charges Local Data calls to access numbers commencing with
    30¢ per hour per 64Kbps channel (charged on a per second basis)
    Local Data calls to other numbers $1.10 per hour hour (per
    64Kbps channel (charged on a per second basis) plus a 16.5¢ call connection

    So if you want to run at 128 it will cost you $0.60 per hour on-line.

    Theo Bekkers, Feb 20, 2004
  13. Shit Smack, we must be fuckin' thick or something!
    Pisshead Pete, Feb 20, 2004
  14. smack

    Gary Woodman Guest

    Only $432 per month, bargain.

    Gary Woodman, Feb 20, 2004
  15. smack

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Pisshead Pete" wrote
    Err, Bigpond is not charging you for the time. Those charges are on your
    Telstra phone bill.

    Theo Bekkers, Feb 20, 2004
  16. smack

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Gary Woodman" wrote
    It's best to hang up while you're sleeping.

    I wish I could have ADSL at home but Telstra haven't invented it out my way

    Theo Bekkers, Feb 20, 2004
  17. smack

    smack Guest

    I am thick.. You see the ## thing that says that it is waived if you have
    the full package. Probably why they "forget" to charge Pete.

    And if you don't take the full package, it is capped at $16.
    smack, Feb 20, 2004
  18. smack

    smack Guest

    Each plan includes ISDN data calls to BigPond,##

    ## When using the 0198 308 888 access number from the ISDN Home service used
    with your BigPond ISDN plan

    You will need to subscribe to Telstra ISDN Home (currently $45.50 per month)
    and have your home telephone services billed by Telstra to join BigPond
    smack, Feb 20, 2004
  19. smack

    smack Guest

    That's the problem I'm having.... Life in paradise does not include good
    smack, Feb 20, 2004
  20. smack

    Gary Woodman Guest

    I was thinking of 24-h business, which is where ISDN was always pitched
    (and priced).
    Send a bunch of flowers to Richard Alston.

    Gary Woodman, Feb 20, 2004
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