Any hearing aid users in here?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by JB, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. JB

    JB Guest

    Anyone on here have any experience of using/choosing digital hearing aids
    which are not too much of problem on the bike. In the next few weeks I'm
    going to have to choose a digital hearing aid which will be paid for by a
    3rd party insurer so I'm not too worried about the price at this stage.

    cheers for any leads or advice.

    JB, Feb 23, 2005
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  2. JB wrote
    If your can sounds too quiet get a louder one, otherwise don't bother.
    steve auvache, Feb 23, 2005
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  3. JB

    JB Guest

    I don't think you can *get* louder ones than those on my Guzzi.
    Ah...I think I see a cause/effect scenario here.....
    Seriously my hearing is pretty bolloxed in my left ear after being a back
    seat passenger in a car prang 2 years ago and my head going through a side
    window. As the insurers have agreed to pay for it I thought I'd ask here
    first to avoid any bike-related issues there may be.
    JB, Feb 23, 2005
  4. JB

    Carolyn Guest

    I`ve got a Siemens Prisma 2 SP+ which my employers bought for me, with help
    from Access To Work.To be honest, its a biggish, behind-the-ear one,
    and I don`t know what kind you are after. If your hearing is just `reduced`
    slightly, from the accident, then you are probably looking at one of those
    `poppit` types ones, I`m guessing? In which case, my info won`t be any
    help you you! Besides, I don`t wear mine when out on the bike, due to the
    feedback I get cos my helmet squashes it too much, and makes it uncomfortable.
    Siemens, Widex, Oticon, are all good makes, but theres lots out there, it depends
    what loss you have, etc.

    Found this link for in -canal ones if you need it;

    Another useful site;

    Carolyn, Feb 23, 2005
  5. JB

    JB Guest

    Many thanks for the help. My hearing is down to about 15% in the left ear so
    it is definitely going to be a digital ITE/ITC type. I won't particuarly
    want to wear it on the bike either as the sound is pretty damn loud as it is
    but sometimes I will have to.
    thanks again,
    JB, Feb 23, 2005
  6. JB

    Pip Luscher Guest

    No, but I came a hell of a sight closer myself about ten days ago when
    a burning piece of weld spatter fell - still burning - right into my
    ear and burnt a hole in my eardrum.
    Pip Luscher, Feb 23, 2005
  7. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Pip Luscher

    That's going to get your attention quite nicely, IWHT.

    I thought the traditional "My sock's on fire" dance was quite exciting

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Feb 23, 2005
  8. JB

    Eddie Guest

    Eddie, Feb 24, 2005
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