any Archers fans?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Doesnotcompute, Nov 13, 2003.

  1. Radio show, not the drink.

    Having made a customer complaint via email to a retailer whilst cc:ing
    the product manufacturer, I've been in e-conversation with someone from
    the manufacturer.

    They've pondered out loud as to whether perhaps I'm a fan of the Archers
    radio show. Now, I've never heard any of the Archers, so I'd say not,
    however I do wonder what's prompted the question.

    Anyone knowledgeable care to share some info about it?

    The email is in a laughy jokey context, so I don't think she's
    maliciously insinuating that I'm old or something!
    Doesnotcompute, Nov 13, 2003
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  2. Doesnotcompute

    Cane Guest

    I'm sure if you posted the content of your emails, someone from UMRA
    will be able to help.
    Cane, Nov 13, 2003
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  3. Doesnotcompute

    mups Guest

    There's even some saddos from here on it as well...
    mups, Nov 13, 2003
  4. Doesnotcompute

    Ben Blaney Guest

    It's brilliant. And a bit rubbish.

    It's the world's longest running soap opera, on Radio Four.
    (no bad language please)
    Ben Blaney, Nov 13, 2003
  5. Does anyone remember the words to the song written to the tune, which
    include "John Tregoran fell down a warren and broke a bone in his arm"?

    Dave OSOS#24 Remove my gerbil for email replies

    Yamaha XJ900S & Wessex sidecar, the sexy one
    Yamaha XJ900F & Watsonian Monaco, the comfortable one
    Dave Swindell, Nov 14, 2003
  6. How have you never heard of the Archers?
    William Grainger, Nov 14, 2003
  7. Doesnotcompute

    CT Guest

    That's not what he said.

    AIUI, he's heard of the the Archers but not heard *any of*
    the Archers[1]. Knowing something about the Archers might
    give some insight into why his correspondent might have
    assumed he was a fan.

    [1] Same with me.
    CT, Nov 14, 2003
  8. Fair point.

    I can't read when hungover.
    William Grainger, Nov 14, 2003
  9. Doesnotcompute

    christofire Guest

    Damn - I was beaten to it. I can't believe that anyone doesn't know the
    theme tune.
    christofire, Nov 14, 2003
  10. Doesnotcompute

    Rexx Guest

    Dee de de de dee da da, de de dee de deee da!
    You imagine people skipping across a lawn to it, from what I remember.
    (Never actually listened to the Archers, my friend's mum always had it
    Rexx, Nov 14, 2003
  11. Doesnotcompute

    Logorrhea Guest

    There was a great parody, filmed for TV ~30 years ago, called "Underneath
    the Archers" in which every character suffered a grisly agricultural death.
    Job's a good 'un.
    Logorrhea, Nov 14, 2003
  12. Doesnotcompute

    Catman Guest

    That's *nothing* like it

    it goes <fx clears throat>
    Dum, de Dum, de Dum, de Dum. Dum, de Dum de duUM
    Dum, de Dum, de Dum, de Dum. Dum, de diddly Dum


    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l. Really, Sprint 1.7
    Ducati Monster 600 Metallic
    Catman, Nov 14, 2003
  13. Logorrhea wrote
    Hancock did it and it was more like 30 years ago and it made no direct
    reference to the Archers at all, AFAIR.
    steve auvache, Nov 14, 2003
  14. The tune that shows how fast my reflexes really are. I can switch off
    a radio that's just started playing the Archers within split seconds,
    even blindfolded in a strange room with broken glass on the floor.[1]

    It's him liking the Archers that makes me think Blaney is secretly a
    47-year old maths teacher from Worcestershire.

    [1] OK, I'm guessing at this last bit.
    Power Grainger, Nov 14, 2003
  15. Power Grainger wrote
    Let me put you right then. He is an Essex boy, I think.
    steve auvache, Nov 14, 2003
  16. No it doesn't, it goes 'Rum pah papapa rum pah rum pah....static..and
    now on Radio 1...!'
    Power Grainger, Nov 14, 2003
  17. Doesnotcompute

    Logorrhea Guest

    Yes, there is an enormous quantitative difference between "~30 years ago"
    and "more like 30 years ago", isn't there. Hancock parodied the Archers on
    TV as ... pause for Google ... "The Bowmans", and he did die ... pause again
    .... 35 years ago. However, I completely misunrememberised the title. It
    was "The Cobblers of Umbridge". Willie Rushton, Roy Kinnear and all the
    usual suspects.
    Logorrhea, Nov 14, 2003
  18. Logorrhea wrote
    Actually I meant to say 40 but I suppose it is a waste of time telling
    you that. It has been a waste of time telling you anything else, I do
    know that.

    Amazing what you find on google innit.

    Simple plagiarism then?
    steve auvache, Nov 14, 2003
  19. Doesnotcompute

    Logorrhea Guest

    Eh????? Wha've Oi dun neow!
    No. Clever parody!
    Logorrhea, Nov 14, 2003
  20. Logorrhea wrote
    I dunno as I have not seen the modern version so cannot really judge but
    the Hancock one has got to have been one of his classics and he was
    very good at his job.
    steve auvache, Nov 14, 2003
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