Anti virus recommendations

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by DangerScouse, Sep 24, 2003.

  1. DangerScouse

    deadmail Guest


    Loading a virus checker / surf safe software and discussing
    with your children what's acceptable and what isn't
    acceptable behaviour is *probably* all that's realistic.

    If you read the post that started this sub-thread someone
    said that "when the kids were dog sitting they sometimes use
    the computer". This suggests that they are at least 12 or

    What's being suggested about 'supervising' children's
    internet usage? Is it that you spend every waking moment
    looking over their shoulders? It's not practical, or in the
    case of the children healthy.

    The difference between what's ideal and practical is often
    missed. Parents have stuff to do too as well as those of
    you without children; it's not possible to spend every
    waking moment watching over them.

    As I said it's something that gets on my nerves the way that
    people with no direct experience are full of advice. Still
    it is ukrm so I guess it goes with the territory.
    deadmail, Sep 29, 2003
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  2. DangerScouse

    DangerScouse Guest

    I'm not their parent.

    "Not bad for a Scouser"
    SBS#11[with oak-leaf cluster]
    BONY#54P BOB#18

    Un-cork me to reply
    DangerScouse, Sep 29, 2003
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  3. DangerScouse

    deadmail Guest

    Which part of "at least" was unclear?
    deadmail, Sep 29, 2003
  4. DangerScouse

    Champ Guest

    I think 15 and 21 counts as "at least 12", don't you?
    Champ, Sep 29, 2003
  5. Way past his bedtime. Tears before, etc.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 29, 2003
  6. No. That's why I've passworded it.
    Not any more, if they did before.
    Heh. I don't, actually.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 29, 2003
  7. What's to get upset about?
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 29, 2003
  8. DangerScouse

    deadmail Guest

    Given that the "children" were at home on their own I'd
    assumed that they were at least 12, so maybe that makes part
    of the difference.

    My daughter's been using a PC under those conditions since
    she was about 11. So far, so good; at least to the best of
    my knowledge. To be honest there are many other things for
    a parent to worry about, seeing porn or similar on the
    internet is probably very close to the bottom of my list.
    deadmail, Sep 29, 2003
  9. DangerScouse

    Verdigris Guest

    On Sun, 28 Sep 2003 23:02:30 +0100, deadmai wrote:

    That some people take things far too seriously?
    That some people can't spot a shameless troll?
    Verdigris, Sep 29, 2003
  10. DangerScouse

    Platypus Guest

    Why not?

    Platypus - Faster Than Champ
    VN800 Drifter, R80RT
    BOB#1 SBS#35 ANORAK#18 TWA#15
    Platypus, Sep 29, 2003
  11. In case The Doctor or the kids find it!
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 29, 2003
  12. DangerScouse

    deadmail Guest

    Pretty low on my list. This is some strange Oliver Twist
    reference isn't it?

    Or was it something that the Elves made Noddy do?
    deadmail, Sep 29, 2003
  13. Nope, you'rew wrong again. One little ukrm-type pisstake, and you send
    your rattle skywards. The usual thing, I'm afraid - you'll willingly
    take the piss out of anyone, and smirk when they react, but you are the
    *easiest* person to send into a rage yourself. Lighten up.
    Nope. Fact. You forget I have an elephantine memory, and I recognise 90%
    of your sources.
    This you can almost certainly do, although there are those who say you
    can't. Neither of us has seen the other ride, and I am not getting into
    a pissing contest.
    So why do you keep pronouncing on it?
    CFC? Chlorofluorocarbon?

    No, I'm simply startled that you fly off the handle at the smallest,
    most harmless dig. Others will no doubt be wondering the same thing.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 30, 2003
  14. DangerScouse

    Champ Guest

    I was thinking of some of the stories you've told from your youth.
    Champ, Sep 30, 2003
  15. DangerScouse

    Wes Guest

    take a look at the best antivirus software available, this
    product has won numerous industry acclaims and I've personally used it for
    the last 5 years and have never had a virus breakthrough.
    Wes, Sep 30, 2003
  16. DangerScouse

    Hurrikane Guest

    In news article:
    1g237uq.e043foglb0m4N% , The Older
    Gentleman wibbled
    Snip arguement stuff
    Chelsea Football Club ?

    Sorry, couldn't resist :) - I'll get me coat now, shall I ?
    Hurrikane, Sep 30, 2003
  17. DangerScouse

    darsy Guest

    maybe that's why it's so shite?
    darsy, Sep 30, 2003
  18. DangerScouse

    Richard Wood Guest

    Tells me that the ones too stupid to take steps to prevent
    getting pregnant are also the ones too stupid to be able to
    prevent their kids from accessing viri/porn on the internet.

    Richard Wood, Sep 30, 2003
  19. DangerScouse

    Richard Wood Guest

    Windows 2000/XP home/XP pro/NT4.0 and set up user accounts for yourself and
    "spotty oik".

    You can then restrict what they can do and what files they can view/edit/
    create. (needs installed with the NTFS file system though)

    Richard Wood, Sep 30, 2003
  20. DangerScouse

    darsy Guest

    I'm never trolling. I'm usually attempting some sort of wind-up.

    For the record, although I'm dimly aware you work for some sort of AV
    outfit, I've no idea which one it is.
    darsy, Sep 30, 2003
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