Another question for the FOAK

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Kevin Seal, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. Kevin Seal

    Kevin Seal Guest

    I do shift work, and coming home from central London at 11.00 or 12.00pm
    I hardly see any cop cars patrolling. See a few outside the coffee shop
    in Charlotte St tho'.....
    Never mind, they might have to sell it when that time comes...
    Kevin Seal, Mar 4, 2005
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  2. Kevin Seal

    Kevin Seal Guest

    I totally agree, it's about time the rest were given a harder time to
    get the privilege to drive.
    Kevin Seal, Mar 4, 2005
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  3. Kevin Seal

    dwb Guest

    Would have to a power to weight ratio though as otherwise it's bit hard to
    work out.

    Which handily, is now a field on the V5...
    dwb, Mar 4, 2005
  4. Kevin Seal

    CT Guest

    I thought one needed a Datsun 240Z for that.
    CT, Mar 4, 2005
  5. Kevin Seal

    Pip Guest

    You have to be a bit of a muppet to do that.
    Pip, Mar 4, 2005
  6. Kevin Seal

    mups Guest

    Pip says...
    3 up in a 240Z no less[1].
    "You hit one bus shelter..."

    [1] Mark, who was sat behind the rear seats on the boot/hatch bit
    climbed out of the wreckage, lit a fag while surveying the scene and
    pronounced "you fucking daft muppet" before getting in another car and
    going to the pub.
    mups, Mar 4, 2005
  7. Both sprogs 19 & 17 have the standard TP only cover on other vehicles
    on their policies. We all make use of that clause since it's easier to
    take the first available vehicle rather than juggle to extract your
    own sometimes.
    Boots Blakeley, Mar 6, 2005
  8. Kevin Seal

    JackH Guest

    Heh, know that feeling.

    Rare for an insurer to offer that these days, for the younger amongst us
    IME, anyway.
    JackH, Mar 6, 2005
  9. IIRC, there's 3 policies with Hastings and 1 with Asda.
    Boots Blakeley, Mar 7, 2005
  10. Kevin Seal

    JackH Guest

    Grrr... you've just reminded me of that fecking annoying advert the latter
    are running of late, featuring Sharon Osbourne, harping on about 'so much
    choice', and about she'll not have to cook tonight due to their fantastic
    range of ready meals or some such like bollocks... I mean, as if she ever

    And 'Ooh, look at all these DVDs, these will keep the kids quiet' -
    wassamatter love, leaving them in a drug induced semi conscious state like
    their father, not working any more???
    JackH, Mar 7, 2005
  11. Kevin Seal

    Eddie Guest

    A friend's wife reckoned she saw Ozzy shopping with a minder, in a Tesco
    near Newcastle last week.

    We decided (down the pub, in her abscence, of course), that it was much
    more likely to have been a set-up for Dead Ringers, or something of that
    Eddie, Mar 7, 2005
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