Another question - Air Jackets?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by GWD, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. GWD

    Nev.. Guest

    My car makes a terrible beeping if you put the key in the ignition
    before you fasten the seatbelt. Don't they know that you have to get
    your keys out of your hand before you can fiddle with the seatbelt?
    Fortunately there's not too much fiddling about under the seat to
    disconnect the plug in the seatbelt warning circuit.

    Nev.., Jan 11, 2011
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  2. GWD

    GWD Guest

    Best I can come up with is
    Shit lets bag

    Seat secure
    Helmet on
    Ignition on
    Tie-downs checked

    Locks on disks
    Engine start
    Tune sound system (autocom plugged in)
    Side Stand

    Buttons and Zips
    Air bag attached
    Gloves on

    Do I get a job in the Public Service as an acronym inventor :) ?
    GWD, Jan 11, 2011
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  3. GWD

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    The inertia you have when you have dismounted and are walking away.

    Are you still trying to find room 302, or are you just dense?

    Force required to pull the trigger on a standard handgun is 3kg, and that's
    not hard to do. Your analogy of dragging a weight of the same amount is a
    brick on a string. A brick weighs three kg.

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 11, 2011
  4. GWD

    atec77 Guest

    3kg ?
    mine must be soft then going off at 900 gms
    atec77, Jan 11, 2011
  5. I can't work out the first bit either. 30kg suspended from a point
    applies 30 x 9.81N to the point = 294N or approximately 0.3kN. The
    length of the bit of string supporting the weight is irrelevant. Unless
    he is saying that the 30kg weight, falling 600mm, exerts additional
    force on the point because of its velocity.
    Andrew McKenna, Jan 11, 2011
  6. Yeah, but most of the time in a car you have to use the keys to
    actually get into the car, so your analogy is not the same.
    Kevin Gleeson, Jan 11, 2011
  7. Keyless ignition Theo, open the door while the remote is in your pocket
    then nobody knows who's car it is
    George W Frost, Jan 12, 2011
  8. Then your car is not the same as mine Kev,
    I don't use a key, just a remote
    George W Frost, Jan 12, 2011
  9. No, but you do win the prize as the most time waster to get ready for a ride
    George W Frost, Jan 12, 2011
  10. GWD

    Peter Guest


    Yes I was trying to say that the 30kg weight, falling 600mm, exerts
    additional force on the point because of its velocity.
    I was also trying to illustrate how much.

    Nylon rope has a little stretch so will absorb a little force.
    So will stretch in the jacket and anything else that may bend.

    Peter, Jan 12, 2011
  11. GWD

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Is yours a standard handgun?

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 12, 2011
  12. GWD

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Oh dear. So then it doesn't matter if the keys are in your pocket after you
    do up the seatbelt, does it. You just press the start button.

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 12, 2011

  13. Start button ??

    Oh dear me Theo, you have gone back to the 60's
    George W Frost, Jan 12, 2011
  14. GWD

    atec77 Guest

    Obviously not used to expensive cars there jorge
    atec77, Jan 12, 2011
  15. On 12/01/2011 2:10 PM, Peter wrote:

    Yes I was trying to say that the 30kg weight, falling 600mm, exerts
    additional force on the point because of its velocity.
    I was also trying to illustrate how much.

    Nylon rope has a little stretch so will absorb a little force.
    So will stretch in the jacket and anything else that may bend.

    1. Howsybout putting your posts above the double dash in future so they
    don't get dumped by most newsreaders when replying? The point of the
    double dash is to trim the sig.

    2. I got 1.25kN after making some assumptions about stopping distance
    and time to fall, so your original post is near enough. Using:

    Deceleration Force = Terminal Velocity ^ 2 / (Distance x 2)

    where 'Distance' is distance travelled by the object after terminal
    velocity is reached.

    If you've ever wanted to know what happens when an Irresistible Force
    meets an Immovable Object, just insert zero as the distance the
    Immovable Object yields. Infinite force = infinite kinetic energy = Big
    Andrew McKenna, Jan 12, 2011
  16. GWD

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    You did say keyless ignition. Maybe I'm not talking the same cars as you. I
    assumed keyless ignition as found in some, less modestly priced, new cars,
    where the key remains in your pocket at all times and the key's proximity to
    the car unlocks the doors. They also generally have "keyless ignition' where
    the key remains in your pocket and you press a "start" button on the dash to
    ignite the engine.

    Were you perhaps talking about some after-market thing that hangs on your
    key which unlocks the doors when you press it? Where you still need the key
    to start the vehicle?

    How quaint. Hardly keyless then, is it?

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 12, 2011
  17. GWD

    GWD Guest

    Oh yes, how silly of me! :)
    It's much more efficient to stop somewhere and zip up the jacket,
    going through the whole gloves/keys rigmarole again. And of course its
    very efficient to do a U Turn to pick up the dropped gloves that you
    forgot to put back on.
    Time management your strong point then ;)
    GWD, Jan 12, 2011
  18. GWD

    Peter Guest

    Ok. Sorry & thanks for the tip.
    I am using something new.

    I normally just go around. :)
    Peter, Jan 12, 2011
  19. GWD

    Nev Gml Guest

    OK so not sure why you're calculating the falling velocity of a 30kg
    weight but I'm sure your calculations are all correct. How does that
    relate to a person stepping off a bike and stepping away with a cord
    still connecting the jacket to the bike? Assume that it's not a
    vertical drop, and their velocity doesn't increase.

    Nev Gml, Jan 12, 2011
  20. GWD

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    The inertia of the 80 kg person moving away from the bike. Try thinking this
    way. Tie a 1 metre string to your finger with a brick on the end. Hold it
    out in front of you. Not too bad but you can't do it for long. Now grab the
    brick with your other hand, hold it level with the finger the string is tied
    to. Now drop it. Still feel like three kg of pull on the string? Still have
    a finger?

    You can easily exceed the 30kg separation force if you walk away from the
    bike and become instant Michelin man.

    Theo Bekkers, Jan 12, 2011
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