Another newspaper article on traffic....

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ginge, Jan 11, 2004.

  1. Ginge

    Ginge Guest

    But this one surprised me, for once this seems to be a little more
    balanced than the usual "cameras are hidden taxes" approach.,2763,1120621,00.html

    Nothing we've not read before, but I like the fact it actually included
    some numbers and still made Richard Brunstrom sound like a twat, without
    slating him.
    Ginge, Jan 11, 2004
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  2. Ginge

    Steve Parry Guest

    ...and his force still seem intent on making money from the BikeSafe

    other forces seem to have a nominal 10 quid or its even free but good
    old Brainstorms boys want 80 quid ...
    Steve Parry, Jan 12, 2004
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  3. Ginge

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Steve Parry
    You'd have to be terminally thick to risk a nicking by turning up for a
    North Wales Plod Bikesafe event, surely?

    IWHT the first thing they're likely to do is a full front-to-back check
    on the bike and rider in an attempt to improve their statistics.
    Nigel Eaton, Jan 12, 2004
  4. Ginge

    Steve Parry Guest

    In Nigel Eaton <> fumbled, fiddled and fingered:
    Last year there was a protest run from one of the local bike dealers to
    plod HQ ... very well attended with a few hundred bikes .... its funny
    they were less keen on stopping anyone when they were so hideously
    outnumbered ... :eek:)

    It was quite an impressive sight seeing so many bikes in "convoy" and
    despite Brainstorms stoogie reckoning that "bikers were not well liked"
    in the area lots of the general public lined the route to wave an cheer
    the procession ...

    Upon arrival police HQ in Colwyn Bay appeared to be like something from
    a ghost town ..

    Still total waste of time as the appear to have dome nothing to alter
    their approach .. still I spose we have to get involved in order to
    prove democracy is "working"
    Steve Parry, Jan 12, 2004
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