Another bike down - "I didn't see him"

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Dr.Shifty, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. Dr.Shifty

    Dr.Shifty Guest

    A mate got t-boned day before yesterday on his way to work in Armidale.
    Broken foot, one finger exploded under impact (could lose first joint),
    a day in hospital for surgery, and what looks to be a written off

    "I didn't see him" said the guy who turned right into his path.

    Dr.Shifty, Jun 8, 2006
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  2. Dr.Shifty

    atec77 Guest

    Will he be charged ? ( car driver)
    atec77, Jun 8, 2006
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  3. George'll sort it out!

    A mate was telling me he was on a bus that turned into a street over a
    Rocket III that was stopped, giving way at the intersection. How could you
    not see that! Especially when the bus driver also rode!
    Pisshead Pete, Jun 9, 2006
  4. Why would it make a difference whether or not the car had his headlights


    PeterC [aka MildThing]
    Before an accident, most city drivers say "****!", whereas most country drivers
    say "Hang on to this stubby, mate, while I show you some awesome driving"
    '81 Yamaha Virago (XV) 750H (work in progress)
    '01 Yamaha FJR1300
    # 37181
    Peter Cremasco, Jun 9, 2006
  5. Dr.Shifty

    Hammo Guest

    More than likely. Where would all those wires reside if he didn't?

    Hammo, Jun 9, 2006
  6. Good point. They often impede a persons depth perception.
    Pisshead Pete, Jun 9, 2006
  7. Dr.Shifty

    Biggus Guest

    Only blind people
    Biggus, Jun 9, 2006
  8. In on Fri, 9 Jun 2006 16:04:10 +1000
    Silly assumption.

    Best you can say is "If the headlight was badly adjusted so that it
    shone at the right angle to make a difference at the distance involved
    (Which it wouldn't if it was properly adjusted) then there is a chance
    that a driver might notice it when they wouldn't notice a bike with a
    properly adjusted headlight or no headlight on, and that once they
    noticed, they might decide to stop what they are doing in time.
    Unlikely on all counts, but possible".

    Zebee Johnstone, Jun 9, 2006
  9. Dr.Shifty

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Yeah the car's headlights, bumper, grill and front wheels were all on the
    Knobdoodle, Jun 9, 2006
  10. Dr.Shifty

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Jeezuz Shane; If I didn't know you were already a stupid pig-headed fuckwit
    who believes his own opinion as fact and is impervious to any thinking more
    complex than on/off I'd say that you may not have actually thought this one

    Lucky I know you better 'eh?
    Knobdoodle, Jun 9, 2006
  11. Dr.Shifty

    IK Guest

    For that to have happened, there would need to be someone around who
    doesn't think less of you than they do of the AIDS virus...

    Why don't you go and get killed on duty? There's a good lad... get your
    picture in the paper that way...
    IK, Jun 9, 2006
  12. But does it help, despite what your employers say otherwise? I'm sure you'll
    be the first to admit that idiots don't see you in your brightly coloured
    car with flashing lights. They don't see Doug in his big red truck with
    flashing lights and they don't see buses bearing down upon them. I ride a
    very conspicuous motortricycle with hard wired lights. They pull out on me,
    stop for a 'WTF is that gawk', then carry on regardless. People only see
    what they want to see. There's a good reason the light laws were repealed
    and why most other countries have not implemented them.

    So what _is_ the solution? Why are people who actually **** up and cause an
    accident penalised a lot less than those who _may_ have a potential to
    contribute to an accident?
    Pisshead Pete, Jun 9, 2006
  13. Dr.Shifty

    Dr.Shifty Guest

    This was the NSW Armidale, so I suppose he was jytn-lf after all.

    I didn't ask the mate about the headlight. But I've since spoken with him
    about fitting a flashing LED up front.
    Dr.Shifty, Jun 9, 2006
  14. Dr.Shifty

    Dr.Shifty Guest

    Here's the end result for the Katana.

    When you've got a radioactive level hyperactive ADHD Katana owner souped up
    on painkillers you get the 'after' photos pretty early.
    Dr.Shifty, Jun 9, 2006
  15. Dr.Shifty

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I don't think he's "on duty' any more IK.
    He's just a really stupid and pig-headed civilian now (but you have to
    marvel at his need to explain his own inability to simply ignore a post!)
    Knobdoodle, Jun 9, 2006
  16. Dr.Shifty

    smack Guest

    That'll buff right out
    smack, Jun 9, 2006
  17. Dr.Shifty

    IK Guest

    Don't sell yourself short. You've convinced me you're a worthless piece
    of shit entirely from first principles...
    IK, Jun 10, 2006
  18. Dr.Shifty

    IK Guest

    You're a willing shill for discredited authority, and have been for
    years... what possible use is there for you other than as compost?

    IK, Jun 10, 2006
  19. Dr.Shifty

    DJ! Guest

    DJ!, Jun 10, 2006
  20. Dr.Shifty

    IK Guest

    Well, I must be. It's not like you could possibly be mistaken in
    anything, could you?
    IK, Jun 10, 2006
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