Anecdotes from a different time

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Diogenes, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Much has been said recently about how loaded knives in the hands of
    disturbed youths require a lethal response by a heavily armed and
    overwhelming force. Such is modern policing.

    I remember a time when coppers were six feet tall, built like brick
    shithouses, and if you waved a knife at them they'd just smile at you
    benignly as they gently removed the knife from your broken arm.

    I also remember being on parade at Nui Dat in January (?) 1969. The
    company Sar Major (B Coy, 9RAR, George) vowed to keep us there in the
    hot tropical sun until we gave up the guys who had allegedly killed a
    Yank MP whilst we were on R & C Leave in Vung Tau.

    The allegation was that a bunch of our dudes were on a balcony getting
    shitfaced (unarmed and in civilian clothes) when a Yank MP approached
    them on the balcony and, enforcing the curfew, ordered them off the
    premises (or some such thing). Apparently he made the mistake of
    drawing his Colt .45 and waving it around meaningfully.

    Unfortunatley for him, he somehow got separated from his Colt .45 and
    then he apparently committed suicide by leaping off the bacony. The
    boys apparently wiped the gun clean, chucked it over the balcony, and
    resumed the serious task of getting shitfaced.

    After two hours in the hot tropical sun, the Sar Major gave up and we
    were dismissed. The case remained unsolved I believe, there being
    more serious mass murdering to focus on...

    Make of that what you will, but this modern bunch of cops are PARANOID
    PUSSIES. And they should DEFINITELY NOT be given guns to play with...

    (IK, go kill yourself. You're a bully and a wanker. Leave George
    alone. Fucus on me. I'm about to bury you unless you learn to be
    nice real soon. That's my New Year's Resolution. What's yours?)


    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 20, 2008
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  2. Diogenes

    jl Guest

    Diogenes wrote:

    Seriously George, don't go there, you won't win, you won't score any
    points with anyone and I doubt you'll even be able to delude yourself
    that you "won an argument"

    jl, Dec 20, 2008
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  3. Diogenes

    jl Guest

    Freudian slip pehaps, sorry Gerry, I meant you

    (although I guess the same advice goes for George too, but I personally
    wouldn't bother)
    jl, Dec 20, 2008
  4. That might have been more effective if you hadn't called him 'George'.
    Talk about fanning the flames! :)
    Andrew McKenna, Dec 20, 2008
  5. Ooop, sorry, posted first then saw your mea culpa. Think I'll go for a
    ride ..
    Andrew McKenna, Dec 20, 2008
  6. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Oh how unkind... Your posts, of course, are quality over quantity?
    Right? OK, I'll start reading your posts to try to osmote some of
    this "quality" thingie of which you speak. Wish me luck...
    You speak with such QUALITY !!!
    So much QUALITY !!!
    And you point is?
    I am SO LUCKY !!!
    Oh, I get it, "enough wrongs make a right", right"
    Oh the poor widdle diddums... They must be SO exhausted...
    I'm not sure I can keep up with your "logic" here. To much "quality"
    perhaps. If the cops get tasers (which you say is worse than being
    filled full of lead, I presume), it's because of this 15yo, and me.
    He an I are responsible, right? I think I'm getting the hang of this
    "quality" thingie...
    Was that the one with Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman being nice to the
    idigenous people?
    But being used for target practice by three or four Glocks is OK, huh?
    So, you're a nice obedient little pleb who... Good for YOU !!!
    Why? I don't do non-sequiturs... (At least I try not to...)
    Wanna know what the difference (in power) is between a volley from a
    bunch of Glocks and a bunch of my words, is, Peter?

    Clue: Google this string: sticks+stones +bones +idioms

    Speaking of "quality", Peter... Have you read Zen abd the Art of
    Motorcycle Maintenance ?

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 21, 2008
  7. Diogenes

    BS Guest

    Given the number of people who have been killed by a single taser hit,
    imagine the outcome if they got hit with four? Don't kid yourself that
    tasers are non-lethal. Given that guns are a last resort, but tasers are
    being promoted as a first resort, that makes tasers the far more
    dangerous weapon IMHO, since it will be used more readily and more
    often. Doesn't that concern you?

    -- Posted on news:// - Complaints to --
    BS, Dec 21, 2008
  8. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Yes, I agree with where both you and Peter are trying to take the
    discussion, but that is a non-sequitur to the one we've been having,
    and if I so much as answer your question, the Prime Idiot of Ozmoto,
    IK, will be in here like a flash, accusing me of having wandered off
    topic. He's got a PHD in Logic, you know...

    Now if you want to start a new thread on that topic, I'd be only too
    happy to try to contribute my usual, positive, polite, well reasoned
    repartee... :)

    Don't you think I've livened up an otherwise dead newsgroup? And do i
    get any thanks for this? NO FUCKING WAY, YERRONNER !!!

    Pearls and swine come to mind...

    Do you know anything about "quality", BS ? I might need a bit of a
    hand with that...

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 21, 2008
  9. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Gee, thanks, Big. Wanna go back through the archives, for, say six
    months, and get some facts about...

    [1] What percentage of all off-topic threads were initiated by me.

    [2] What percentage all off-topic omments in on-topic threads were
    made by me.

    [3] THEN get back to me, armed with these facts and an explanation
    for why you chose to single me out about this, ya fucken humourless

    And I see you've still got your nose out of joint about *that other*
    matter and you continue to smear me with your distorted "perception".

    To pararphrase IK, go kill yourself.

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 21, 2008
  10. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Now you're just trying to trick me into making more OT comments to
    help Iain's scurrilous tactics.
    Shandy, thanks...

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 21, 2008
  11. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Thank you Dr Freud...
    That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger (they say).
    I see you still don't get it.
    I was paraphrasing what you said. If there's anything thick about it,
    then that's your problem.
    And that has nothing to do with the topic of the debate about the
    justice or otherwise of gunning down of the kid.

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 21, 2008

  12. An all-in orgy
    George W Frost, Dec 21, 2008
  13. Diogenes

    Toosmoky Guest

    Pale Ale's close enough...
    Toosmoky, Dec 21, 2008
  14. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Oh... OK then...

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 21, 2008
  15. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Hey, dickfor,that I livened up this newsgroup is evidenced by the
    increased traffic. If others shared your distaste for off topic
    content, then these threads would be stillborn. However, that's
    where the traffic has been this last week, and therefore that's where
    the interest was.

    Your whinging about it is just a control-freak tantrum. Wannabe

    Wanna offset this heinous imbalace of off-topicness? D'oh... post
    some on-topic stuff...
    Oooer...So much love in the room! Sadly, I avoid Synny like the

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 22, 2008
  16. Diogenes

    Toosmoky Guest

    Ta very muchly...
    Toosmoky, Dec 22, 2008
  17. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Credit where credt's due... :)
    Well, whenever you're up this way... The pub on the left just after
    the Leura roundabout (when going up-and-over)?

    I like getting bashed there... It's the closest pub to Katoomba
    hospital emergency. We could even have the ambo on standby...
    (Hi IK... go kill yourself ya fuckwit)

    Onya bike...

    Diogenes, Dec 22, 2008
  18. Diogenes

    jl Guest

    <brightly> Hey BigI - I 've livened up an otherwise <trails off> Err
    actually no I didn't <slinks away>

    As you were
    jl, Dec 22, 2008
  19. Diogenes

    JL Guest

    <happy dance> Success !! Woohoo !

    (We should actually have an ausmoto ride and lunch or some such
    sometime soon - it's been years since the last one)
    JL, Dec 23, 2008
  20. Diogenes

    knobdoodle Guest

    Will you be on a bike? Murwillumbah-> Numinbah Valley->Advancetown ->
    Nerang (and perhaps Beechmont or Mt Tamborine) is a nice lttle ride
    and I'm looking to resume the sadly-interrupted honeymoon with my
    knobdoodle, Dec 23, 2008
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