and the beat goes on

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by barbz, Oct 26, 2003.

  1. barbz

    barbz Guest

    Was talking to my cop friend yesterday about an accident which pretty
    much gummed up I-8 the other day. Another classic Harley incident;

    BTW, got the detail on the fatal accident I mentioned. Sure enough, it
    was a motorcycle. 63 year old just went out and bought a new
    motorcycle, got his permit a couple of days before the accident, wasn't
    allowed to drive on the freeway anyway, centerpunched the guardrail on
    Interstate 8 at Fletcher Parkway and was wearing a non-approved helmet.
    Tells you all you need to know right there. Guess that was some
    mid-life crisis.

    I sure hate to see this happen. Somebody's dad/grandpa, ya know? But,
    with all the training available these days, it doesn't have to happen.
    And, if you ask any rider (except some Harley aficionados) they'll
    quickly tell you the same things; buy good protective gear, take the
    basic riding course, and START WITH A SMALLER BIKE!

    There's just no excuse for this. None. I don't know if it's vanity,
    stupidity, or the image thing, wanna-be Harley riders simply don't want
    to be seen riding a "lesser" model of bike. Truly, it's "death before

    Incidentally, I was gonna go up to Julian today for a beemer thing in
    the mountains, but looking out the window this morning as the sun is
    coming up, there's an eerie pall of smoke covering about 90% of the sky.
    They're calling for high winds in the mountains and deserts. Guess I'll
    stay home and do something else...wash my bike, maybe.

    barbz, Oct 26, 2003
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  2. barbz

    muddycat Guest

    There's just no excuse for this. None. I don't know if it's vanity,
    stupidity, or the image thing, wanna-be Harley riders simply don't want
    to be seen riding a "lesser" model of bike. Truly, it's "death before

    Well, I do know one guy that owns a HD and a Honda, but he's the
    sensible type. But otherwise *ding*, spot on.
    That's quite a mess down there innnit?


    Testing the limits of gravity since 1947.

    icq - 219328929
    muddycat, Oct 26, 2003
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  3. barbz

    barbz Guest

    Well, I do know one guy that owns a HD and a Honda, but he's the
    sensible type. But otherwise *ding*, spot on.

    That's quite a mess down there innnit?

    Yop, and getting worse. New fires breaking out all over the place.
    Fergeddabout washing the bike; with the rain of ash coming down here,
    there's little point. It's just gonna get all ashy again.

    Ashenly yours,
    barbz, Oct 26, 2003
  4. barbz

    barbz Guest

    Get this; the fire jumped I-15. People heading north started doing
    U-turns and driving back south in the northbound lanes!!!

    Yeah...I am not going anywhere 'cept to the market today! I watered some
    new bulbs I planted this am, and the sullen red sun reflects off the wet
    pavement like molten fire. Everyone I know is staying home today.
    They're living on canyons, out near the back country, and I myself am
    next to a weed-infested vacant lot. It is apocalyptic, especially in
    Scripps Ranch where it's eucalyptic as well. If this ng had a binaries
    capability, I'd post a couple of views from my yard...

    barbz, Oct 26, 2003
  5. barbz

    Alan Moore Guest

    What a total waste! Maybe we need some kind of licensing for
    motorcycle salesmen. You know: "Check for M-class endorsement on
    license before sale of large motorcycles."
    With the level of expertise that guy was demonstrating, he may not
    have known there is another brand of motorcycle.
    Foehn winds still blowing up here in the Bay Area. You'll have them
    for at least another 24 hours. So far we've been lucky with the fire

    Al Moore
    DoD 734
    Alan Moore, Oct 26, 2003
  6. barbz

    muddycat Guest

    You can e-mail to the muddyUNDERSCOREcat address and I'll put them on my


    Testing the limits of gravity since 1947.

    icq - 219328929
    muddycat, Oct 26, 2003
  7. barbz

    Alan Moore Guest

    Nope. With the state's financial woes, he wants to register all the
    expensive vehicles he can.
    I guess that about sums it up.
    Actually, it's the generic name for such winds, the Santa Ana in
    southern California, the Chinook in Alaska...

    Air moving up a slope (the Sierras in our case) cools, and loses it's
    moisture through precipitation. The resulting dry air is denser, and
    moves back down the slope, heated by adiabatic compression (further
    reducing the relative humidity) and picking up speed as it goes.

    Then it hits the dry grass of the coast ranges. Whoosh!

    Al Moore
    DoD 734
    Alan Moore, Oct 27, 2003
  8. barbz

    Rich Guest

    In any case, the right to own a motor vehicle is independent of the
    right to drive one. If I want to buy a Harley and hire a chauffeur to
    haul me around on it, that should be my privilege.

    Rich, Urban Biker
    Rich, Oct 27, 2003
  9. I think our Badgas group burned up the SoCal roads a little too much!!!

    Seriously... we stopped in Julian for lunch on our Badgas ride from Sac
    to San Diego Oct. 11... what a wonderful place... one bite of their home
    made apple turnovers and my eyes just rolled to heaven...
    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good...

    Larry L
    94 RC45 #2
    Have a wheelie NICE day...
    Lean & Mean it... the extended warranty in every corner of your life...
    If it wasn't for us the fast lane would rust...
    V4'S are music to the seat of my pants...
    1952 De Havilland Chipmunk...
    Yank and bank your brains loose...
    Larry xlax Lovisone, Oct 28, 2003
  10. barbz

    Phil Scott Guest

    You get that glow from the top floor of the Rosevelt hotel a lot
    ...something to do with the ghost of Elrong.

    for being such a fool, the fire

    Phil Scott
    Phil Scott, Oct 28, 2003
  11. barbz

    Phil Scott Guest

    When I started riding again last year after a 20 year lay off I was totally
    rusty to say the least....but I knew it so I took it real easy until I got
    used to bikes took months. If a guy doesnt realize the problem
    he would be in deep trouble it was I came close to loosing it a
    few times on bad reflexes and errors.

    Phil Scott
    Phil Scott, Oct 28, 2003
  12. barbz

    Alan Moore Guest

    On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 13:56:51 -0800, "Phil Scott"

    When I resumed riding after a shorter hiatus than that, I went out and
    got myself some retraining...

    Al Moore
    DoD 734
    Alan Moore, Oct 29, 2003
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