And that was that....

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Centurion, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Centurion

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Some people are motorcyclists, and some people just know how to ride
    (and that's why cars were invented)
    Knobdoodle, Oct 25, 2005
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  2. Centurion

    GB Guest

    <aol> Me too! Actually, $4000 N14 Pulsar, 274,000Km last time I
    checked. Better built than an N15 too. Independant rear for a

    GB, Oct 25, 2005
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  3. Centurion

    GB Guest

    No more so than open plan is to start with. Open plan orifices
    are products of deranged minds, ones that invariably operate
    from within a perectly nice enclosed orifice of their own.

    I've knocked back job offers on the basis that they were
    completely open plan. I take it as a sign: if the higher-ups
    think like that with regard to accomodating workers in
    comfortable and conducive-to-productivity surroundings, then
    it's a clear indication of the existence of more fundamental
    flaws in the organisation.

    One-Tel is (was!) a case in point. Obviously full of shinybum
    MBAs, got it in their heads that open plan (in an environment
    where half of the floor was doing call centre stuff, and the
    other half were trying to work) would encourage 'teamwork'.
    A bit of first-semester MBA "managing people" type psychology
    gone horribly wrong right there, and look where it got 'em!
    Truth be known, half of them *still* haven't found their
    cheese! (And it's probably better if I don't get started
    on cheese!)


    So where's your self respect man! Anything less than 4.5 foot
    high cubicle walls is a walk!!!

    GB, Oct 25, 2005
  4. Centurion

    JL Guest

    Yes that would work for one suit, however the suit wouldn't be in good
    nick for very does that work for multiple suits ? I don't
    think 3 or 4 jackets on the back of the chair is going to be terribly
    conmfortable and having a stack of suit pants in the drawer both takes
    up space and is going to leave them wrinkled. Leaving me looking like a
    scruff which isn't a good look. If it's leave one suit and work then
    we're back to square one, I'd have to drive in each evening to drop the
    next days suit off...

    If you want to badly enough, yes you could, but the compromises are a
    fairly long list - I'd have to want to ride to work pretty badly to
    accept those compromises and quite frankly it's a bloody boring ride -
    3km of multi lane divided road, chockas full of cars and with no good
    corners, why WOULD you break your neck to ride it ?

    I'm more likely to follow the drop a suit off and get changed at work in
    order to be able to jog to work - at least there's a fitness health
    benefit of the inconvenience.

    JL, Oct 26, 2005
  5. Centurion

    JL Guest

    So what's the difference Clem

    (suspecting I may be the latter)
    JL, Oct 26, 2005
  6. In on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 09:02:34 +1000
    Hmm.. a bike with a full size suit rack on the back, charging a fee to
    drop off suits for jogging/cycling suitwearers.

    I See A Great Need.

    What would you pay to have tomorrow's suit picked up tonight, and
    delivered to your work in the suitbag you supply, guaranteed hung full
    length all the time? Ironing of shirt before delivery extra, shoes and
    tie extra, shoe polish extra?

    Zebee Johnstone, Oct 26, 2005
  7. In on Tue, 25 Oct 2005 22:48:57 GMT
    My self respect is where my bank account lives...

    Besides, if all the offices are enclosed, you can't throw beanbags or
    shoot nerfguns at the bastards who are annoying you.

    Zebee Johnstone, Oct 26, 2005
  8. Centurion

    JL Guest

    It's a tough one actually, you can couple that with a whole list of
    other reasons why I should walk (a long list I won't bore ausmoto with),
    but then if I change jobs now I'll have to stay in the new one for 2
    years which doesn't suit my plans, unless I go for a 12 month contract
    of course, which I'm starting to debate doing.

    JL, Oct 26, 2005
  9. Centurion

    Bill_h Guest

    I thought it had more to do with Darwin's law...


    About to go for a ride unencumbered by a couple of hundredweight
    worth of luggage, shall be nice for change
    Bill_h, Oct 26, 2005
  10. Centurion

    JL Guest

    A reasonable amount - I'd have to think about it and get back to you,
    but $30-50 a week would probably be max, still there's a profit in that
    if you could get some volume.

    (I suspect a transit van would be more practical than a bike though)
    JL, Oct 26, 2005
  11. Centurion

    David Guest

    Hat stand ?
    David, Oct 26, 2005
  12. Centurion

    Conehead Guest

    I have a nice 91 N14 Pulsar SSS that needs a good home. 147,000km, goes
    very nicely indeed.
    $6,000 or offers. It's in Tas.

    "Every day I think about dying.
    About disease, starvation, violence,
    terrorism, war, and the end of the world.
    It helps keep my mind off things."
    Conehead, Oct 26, 2005
  13. Centurion

    Knobdoodle Guest

    The difference is that some people just can't live without a motorcycle and
    would always just automatically factor the bike in as 1st choice in their
    Others are far more "normal".
    Knobdoodle, Oct 26, 2005
  14. Centurion

    Moike Guest

    SSS, eh.

    I read today that while Nissan are applying the SSS tag to sportier
    versions of a number of models, they balked at releasing an SSS version
    of the Tiida.

    (Thought that might appeal to you Coney!)

    Moike, Oct 26, 2005
  15. In on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 09:58:30 +1000
    I was thinking a bike for delivery, a van for pickup.

    But to make it viable, it would probably have to be a van for both.
    Racks on wheels, park the van in a spot local to several deliveries and
    push the rack to each dropoff.

    Viability would depend on where your customers were, and when you could
    deliver. Even if you had 20 customers in the city, you'd have to be
    able to have the suit waiting when they got to work, meaning work has to
    accept packages at that time.

    Zebee Johnstone, Oct 26, 2005
  16. Centurion

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    You need to speak to your employer about the crappy conditions you work in.


    With an office, with a real door. I have a large glass area looking into the
    next office, but I can close the venetians if I want.
    Theo Bekkers, Oct 26, 2005
  17. Centurion

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    OK, I'll nibble. What's the cheese about?

    Theo Bekkers, Oct 26, 2005
  18. Centurion

    JL Guest

    Nope. Does *ANY* office still have one of those ?

    (I think the last time I saw anyone wearing a suit and a hat I was at
    the local RSL and both the suit and the hat looked older than me)
    JL, Oct 26, 2005
  19. Centurion

    JL Guest

    That'd be a yes.
    OK somewhat yes.
    definitely a no to being normal.

    (still not sure if I'm a "motorcyclist" though - I won't ride to work if
    it's too hard)
    JL, Oct 26, 2005
  20. Centurion

    JL Guest

    Could be tricky logistics wise, but quite do-able - I don't think
    there's enough money in it to tempt me to quit my job, but for someone
    with a bit of entrepeneurship and a minimal skill set it'd be a better
    earner than some options.

    JL, Oct 26, 2005
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