And so the phone rings...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ginge, Oct 26, 2003.

  1. Ginge

    Ginge Guest

    "Who is that?"
    "It's Rob"
    "Who? You can't be Rob.."
    "I am, really. What number did you dial?"
    <repeats my phone number>
    "What dialing code is that?"
    <some spurious dialing code>
    "Either you're drunk and typed the wrong one, or a phone exchange is
    "Twats, this is the third time I've tried."

    Last time this happened I got six wrong numbers in one night, one in the
    early hours. I do hope BT haven't fucked up again.
    Ginge, Oct 26, 2003
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  2. I've had that once from the other end...

    Phoned a mate...some bloke picks up (he lived with his folks at the time)...

    "Hello can I speak to Chris please."
    "Yeah I'll just get him." Time passes...
    Someone else: "Hello?"
    Me: "Er...can I speak to Chris please?"
    "This is Chris."
    "No it's not"
    "Yes it is"
    "Are you sure?"
    "Er, yup!"
    "Oh ok, I must have the wrong number, sorry", <click>.

    All Very surreal!


    KillaHedgeHog AKA Paul Hendrick
    YZF750R Bultaco Sherpa Fantic200
    BONY#3 BOTAFOT#101

    Remove KHH to reply by email
    KillaHedgeHog, Oct 26, 2003
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  3. Ginge

    ogden Guest

    A couple of weeks ago I tried to call the missus on my mobile
    from New York. After first trying my work mobile and finding
    it unable to even get a connection, I rang from my own and a
    female answered.

    Voice: "Er, hello?"
    Me: "Hullo"
    Voice: "Who is that?"
    Me: "This _is_ Emma, right?"
    Voice: "Who is that?"
    Me: "Umm, must have the wrong number. Bye."
    "What the ****?"

    So I try calling again a couple of days later, and it turns out
    it _Was_ her, but she got confused because the caller id at her
    end showed a London number.

    Good grief.
    ogden, Oct 27, 2003
  4. Ginge

    athomik Guest

    Had similar stuff for the last couple of weeks. Mostly fax machines though,
    and one number which appears to put me on hold and plays crap music to me.
    athomik, Oct 28, 2003
  5. I used to have a number that was one digit shorter, but otherwise identical
    to the local Inland Revenue office. There weren't very many wrong numbers,
    but the few that there were provided the opportunity for such ticky fun
    as this:

    Caller: Can you put me through to <extension> please?
    Me: No.
    Caller: Er... why not?
    Me: Because you've been naughty.
    Milo Thurston, Oct 28, 2003
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