An eventful Pre4th

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    Honey and I had an eventful day, saturday June 30th.07. We had planned
    early on, to Ride, rather than drive, to see Texarkana's ''Annual
    Fireworks show'' called ''Sparks at the Park.''
    We planned to observe the celebration from this <side> of the
    Interstate, from some parking lot.
    I guarantee ya, The ''Rockets Red Glare'',can be seen from a far
    We rode to Summerhill and I30, about 40 min early. However first, we
    rode around to see the multitudes of Family Vehicles parked everywhere,
    filling up various parking lots, to watch the show.
    Though, we hardly saw any Bikes. (maybe they knew something?) We were
    aware of the ''golden colored weather TV image'' report shown to be
    south of us around Linden area. But that's 40miles away, hey.
    The event starts at 9pm.
    About 830 pm, from the looks above to the Southwest, we just might get
    one of those popular Texas ''cloud burst''. But, nonetheless,the
    'fireworks show'' got under way at 9pm, but by 915pm we decide to mount
    up, and leave in order to avoid the traffic, and that ''dark cloud and
    the gusty winds'' of which was starting to accumulate, and now,is upon
    us. (hmmm?)
    By the time we got to the Moores Lane Baptist church,about 2 1/2 miles,
    the small drizzel was now a heavy, windy rain. I ''wheeled'' into a
    covered entrance area in the back of the Church. We were by ourselves
    and out of sight of Moores Lane road. Okay now the bottom has 'plum de'
    fell out.
    We lucked out, that we got Bike and all, ''under the nice'' covered
    concrete area. By now the rain was hard blowing, for sure!
    This was about 930pm, and we waited it out till 1000pm. We decided to
    get on the big Valk, no rain gear on, and GO. It was still rainey, but
    not nearly as bad. I am glad I had RainX on the Wind-shield.
    Here's three things, that we expereinced, and inspite of: got home
    (1.) I 'rode us' home with out wearing my subscription eyewear. Reason
    is; looking thru my glasses with rain all over em' and a wet windshield
    , is difficult. So take my glasses off, I thought.
    (2) Doing all this ''late night''riding, when, to me there's added risks
    to be dealt with, anyway. I dont like night Riding.
    (3) +''Riding at night'' in the dern rain, on a dark, wet, black top
    road out to the rural farm land area. <grin>
    ________________________________, none.theLess, by golly we got home and
    not ''100% wet'' afterall,then low and behold; No water, discovered the
    breaker of the Well Pump was off, but when I turned it back on, it was
    fine. (cheezzzzz). Lightning interferred, I gess.
    Went to bed at 1100pm, and at 1230am,all the power goes off.(Damn). I
    immediatedly awoke and called 'em on my cellular. I woke up every hour
    on the hour, wondering, if; maybe I didnt tell them the right
    information, and stuff.
    The power came back on 6 1/2 hours later, about 7am. this morning,
    Actually, we didnt get that hot, wasnt that bad.
    HoneyJay, on her way to the Nursing Home, sees a large Pine tree, up by
    the EZ mart area, & which had upRooted and was the ''culprit'' . It
    partially fell across the road that we were on, earlier.
    Uhh-huh, soooooo that's why it took so long, they had to cut it away, I
    suppose, before they could fix the Power Lines, reckon.
    We had so much fun. Hjay has something to talk about at the
    I have something to record in my Journal!
    A ''new'' motorcycle endurance adventure-!- That's a <lot of what> the
    sport is about. heh-heh-
    ''Thank ya' Jesus'' for goodness sake, and am thankful the ditches &
    creeks out here, didnt ''rise'', after all.     Good Day.!
    (02 Valkyrie Cruiser--)
    ( happy trails to you all)

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jul 1, 2007
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  2. BJayKana

    louie Guest

    Honey and I had an eventful day, saturday June 30th.07. We had planned
    early on, to Ride, rather than drive, to see Texarkana's ''Annual
    Fireworks show'' called ''Sparks at the Park.''
    We planned to observe the celebration from this <side> of the
    Interstate, from some parking lot.
    I guarantee ya, The ''Rockets Red Glare'',can be seen from a far
    We rode to Summerhill and I30, about 40 min early. However first, we
    rode around to see the multitudes of Family Vehicles parked everywhere,
    filling up various parking lots, to watch the show.
    Though, we hardly saw any Bikes. (maybe they knew something?) We were
    aware of the ''golden colored weather TV image'' report shown to be
    south of us around Linden area. But that's 40miles away, hey.
    The event starts at 9pm.
    About 830 pm, from the looks above to the Southwest, we just might get
    one of those popular Texas ''cloud burst''. But, nonetheless,the
    'fireworks show'' got under way at 9pm, but by 915pm we decide to mount
    up, and leave in order to avoid the traffic, and that ''dark cloud and
    the gusty winds'' of which was starting to accumulate, and now,is upon
    us. (hmmm?)
    By the time we got to the Moores Lane Baptist church,about 2 1/2 miles,
    the small drizzel was now a heavy, windy rain. I ''wheeled'' into a
    covered entrance area in the back of the Church. We were by ourselves
    and out of sight of Moores Lane road. Okay now the bottom has 'plum de'
    fell out.
    We lucked out, that we got Bike and all, ''under the nice'' covered
    concrete area. By now the rain was hard blowing, for sure!
    This was about 930pm, and we waited it out till 1000pm. We decided to
    get on the big Valk, no rain gear on, and GO. It was still rainey, but
    not nearly as bad. I am glad I had RainX on the Wind-shield.
    Here's three things, that we expereinced, and inspite of: got home
    (1.) I 'rode us' home with out wearing my subscription eyewear. Reason
    is; looking thru my glasses with rain all over em' and a wet windshield
    , is difficult. So take my glasses off, I thought.
    (2) Doing all this ''late night''riding, when, to me there's added risks
    to be dealt with, anyway. I dont like night Riding.
    (3) +''Riding at night'' in the dern rain, on a dark, wet, black top
    road out to the rural farm land area. <grin>
    ________________________________, none.theLess, by golly we got home and
    not ''100% wet'' afterall,then low and behold; No water, discovered the
    breaker of the Well Pump was off, but when I turned it back on, it was
    fine. (cheezzzzz). Lightning interferred, I gess.
    Went to bed at 1100pm, and at 1230am,all the power goes off.(Damn). I
    immediatedly awoke and called 'em on my cellular. I woke up every hour
    on the hour, wondering, if; maybe I didnt tell them the right
    information, and stuff.
    The power came back on 6 1/2 hours later, about 7am. this morning,
    Actually, we didnt get that hot, wasnt that bad.
    HoneyJay, on her way to the Nursing Home, sees a large Pine tree, up by
    the EZ mart area, & which had upRooted and was the ''culprit'' . It
    partially fell across the road that we were on, earlier.
    Uhh-huh, soooooo that's why it took so long, they had to cut it away, I
    suppose, before they could fix the Power Lines, reckon.
    We had so much fun. Hjay has something to talk about at the
    I have something to record in my Journal!
    A ''new'' motorcycle endurance adventure-!- That's a <lot of what> the
    sport is about. heh-heh-

    ''Thank ya' Jesus'' for goodness sake, and am thankful the ditches &
    creeks out here, didnt ''rise'', after all. Good Day.!
    (02 Valkyrie Cruiser--)
    ( happy trails to you all)

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)

    some eventfuls alright.

    I would image that black road w/rain, at night, makes a person wonder if he
    is on the pavement or what. I don't like that. I bet at the time you were
    wishing you hadn't made that run.

    Maybe soon you'll upgrade to a Goldwing. Then you can have those weather
    channels intregrated into the navigation system like me, and dodge those
    Oh yeah, and move to the city where we have 4 or 5 electric companies.

    louie, Jul 1, 2007
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  3. BJayKana

    Brian Walker Guest

    I observed the rain from my garage today (as I sat on each of the
    three motorcycles), and yesterday I dodged and ran from the rain
    showers. That wasn't fun, so I decided to Jeep it today!

    I *did* pass several state troopers yesterday while I was running from
    and around the rain. Either it was my fancy riding skills of lane
    splitting @ 105mph (learned that from Ponch and Jon) or they just
    figured it wasn't worth getting wet while writing a ticket, but none
    of them bothered me in the slightest....
    Brian Walker, Jul 1, 2007
  4. BJayKana

    BiffB Guest

    Done found you some religion up under that church awning?
    BiffB, Jul 2, 2007
  5. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest


    Bjay;some eventfuls alright.
    I would image that black road w/rain, at night, makes a person wonder if
    he is on the pavement or what. I don't like that. I bet at the time you
    were wishing you hadn't made that run.
    Maybe soon you'll upgrade to a Goldwing. Then you can have those weather
    channels intregrated into the navigation system like me, and dodge those
    Oh yeah, and move to the city where we have 4 or 5 electric companies.
    ...louie )

    I've never experienced that experience in all my years of Riding

    Thank goodness sake, that we were only about 10 miles from home.

    Yep, riding on wet black top at 10pm, is indeed alarming. I thought
    about ''large'' puddles, that couldnt be seen. Not to mention stuff
    blown from the trees during the storm. Actually the ride was much
    easier when I was behind other vehicles, but the last few miles out here
    it was just us, tootling along. Thanks louie. Be good.

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jul 2, 2007
  6. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    ''I was running from and around the rain. Either it was my fancy riding
    skills of lane splitting @ 105mph (learned that from Ponch and Jon) or
    they just figured it wasn't worth getting wet while writing a ticket,
    but none of them bothered me in the slightest....BB

    In all reality, the boyz probably thought..''why risk our lives on a
    fool like that''. Perhaps he will wrap his ass around one of them
    concrete things, and we will calmly write that up''.'' (just playin')

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jul 2, 2007
  7. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    BIFFB, the young Gent says:
    Bjay---Done found you some religion up under that church awning?

    What-a-great response, fella. (LOL)

    Those things happen in worst spots.

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jul 2, 2007
  8. BJayKana

    redshad Guest

    Thank goodness sake, that we were only about 10 miles from home.
    Glad you and Honey J made it home safe and sound. Now see if Honey J
    will give you the keys to your motorcycle and come up to the Lodge and
    eat lunch with us on Friday. I will buy your lunch.

    redshad, Jul 4, 2007
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