Welcome to the wonderful and frightening world of electronics - something I know very little about. Whilst idly browsing solutions for the car radio problem I found hard wired FM modulators. Devices that allow MP3s etc to be hard wired into the radio via the aerial: [URL]http://www.maplin.co.uk/Free_UK_Delivery/FM_Modulator_44128/FM_Modulator_44128.htm[/URL] The problem with this is classic car radios with FM are pretty rare [1], those that are positive earth rarer still (changing the polarity of the Jag is a pain (clock, fuel pumps and believe it or not the fucking battery). So, is it possible/easy/cheap to build a device that works on the Medium or Long Wave bands? Any volunteers? [1] ...and pricey [URL]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270452694254[/URL]