Am I Missing Something

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I'm sitting here reading and thinking.. I'm a newbie and considering
    buying a new motorcycle.. Have no idea what I'm doing nor any ink-
    ling about what I want.. Somebody on usenet must help me..

    Sheesh.. I'm in a quandary about gloves.. I need some gloves and
    have no idea about what to look for.. Somebody on usenet has to tell
    me what to buy..

    Dang.. It is goind to be summertime before long and I need a new
    jacket.. Somebody on usenet will have to help me decide what kind of
    jacket to buy..

    Time for me to replace my boots and I have no idea what kind of boots
    to wear.. Somebody on usenet .. tell me quick.. what should I do..

    I gotta get me a helmet.. I'm not smart enough to know if the damned
    thing fits or not.. Somebody on usenet .. tell me the best helmet to buy..

    On and on and on.. What am I missing here ? Some of these folks are
    full grown and smart enough to pass a test for the motorcycle endorse-
    ment on their driver's license.. How'd they get so simple minded that
    even the simplest survival skills have eluded them for all these years..

    Damn.. they don't seem to know what size or type jacket to wear..
    How the hell have they managed to buy shoes, boots and other foot
    wear, all their lives.. What's up with all this?? Gloves ? I never heard of
    gloves being such an enigma.. Work gloves.. driving gloves.. baseball
    gloves .. golf gloves and just plain old gloves for protection against the
    weather... etc. etc. etc.

    hmmm.. Get the picture ? Usenet conversation and advice is usually
    plentiful and everybody is an expert.. What the hell ? Some of the ques-
    tions and responses are embarrassing for me to just read them.. For sure
    that I'm no rocket scientist, but I swear.. I can't imagine how some of
    folks ever have got grown.. <chuckle>

    Just thinking.. before I get started on this long assed trip down into
    Whew.. ROTFL.. Regards..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Mar 23, 2007
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  2. Bill Walker

    louie Guest

    For the trip, here is some info I found on usenet. Of course I won't be
    making the trip till I get studied up, but I hope you find this useful.

    -''The throttle increases the flow of gas to the engine resulting in
    increased speed. This throttle is your right handle grip. To move forward,
    the engine needs that gas.''

    This is something you'll need to know both to and from your destination.

    Do you have any recommendations on a dog food for my pet?

    louie, Mar 23, 2007
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  3. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Dude, I've been wondering about that...and to think I've tried all
    these different ways to keep that handle grip from moving around. I've
    just been thinking that maybe every motorcycle I've owned was
    defective and had a broke grip.

    I guess I can stop super glueing that grip so it'll stop moving....

    and I have no idea about dog food for your pet, hence why you have the
    dog and I don't!
    Brian Walker, Mar 23, 2007
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    <grin> Thanks for the crucial throttle information.. That oughtta at least
    me started.. Now.. if I can just remember all that technical data, I should

    My main recommendation for that dog food would have to be one that was
    passed down from my old grandfather.. He always fed his dogs raw, red
    meat and gunpowder.. I'll need to add precautionary statements to that
    recommendation, however.. Those old dogs of his never lived very long..
    Seems like they were so damned mean, someone would kill the ornery
    bastards .. whoo hoo.. He always gave them interesting names, as well..
    Hitler.. Kaiser .. Hiro.. Tojo and such.. You see, that was during the time
    of WWII.. LMAO..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Mar 23, 2007
  5. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Okay, those items aren't just for "weather protection". Gloves? On a
    cruiser, it's to keep you from having sweaty hands on your chrome
    grips causing the finish of the grips to fade. On a sportbike, it's to
    give the rider support while on the grips. Very different uses for two
    very different bikes. Same goes for boots. The cruiser rider doesn't
    need to be locked into a certain position and so his boots are just to
    help with looking good as he rides from bar to dealership and back to
    bar. The sportbike rider has the need to have support while he rides
    the curves and has to look like he's going 200mph even though he's in
    an area where he can only go 30mph. The helmet is very very different.
    The cruiser rider has to look like he's so matter what.
    They're generally limited to just a beanie type helmet or even no
    helmet at all. Sportbike riders HAVE to either have full faced helmets
    (the more colorful the shell and tinted the visor the better) or a
    ball cap turned backwards (on the slow rides through the beerjoint
    district). Since the sportbike has little to no protection to the
    face, the riders have to make up for it by their helmet. The jacket is
    an important part of the wardrobe too. It's not just for weather
    protection, but also serves the rider depending on what style of
    riding you do and what you ride. The cruiser rider tends to either
    wear a jacket with a bunch of buckles and conchos to show his bling
    (male compensation or something....), or no jacket at all. The
    sportbike rider will wear a heavily padded jacket (back to the male
    compensation...) jacket with no zippers or buckles up front to tear up
    the paint. If neither rider wears a jacket, the cruiser rider gets
    baked arms from lack of sleeves and the sport rider gets a baked back
    from his t-shirt flying up over his head. You have to choose
    everything for the bike you're riding.

    Weather? What sort of weather are you riding in where you have to wear
    work gloves and jackets? I don't know if I'd be claiming a "weather"
    riding reason for wearing these items....

    Any ideas on how much air pressure I should have in my tires for the
    Mexico ride?

    Can you help Louie with recommendations on feeding his dog?
    Brian Walker, Mar 23, 2007
  6. Bill Walker

    Ed Hart Guest

    Louie's Back from Mena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ed Hart, Mar 23, 2007
  7. Bill Walker

    louie Guest

    I think you need a good family dog. I hate to give mine up, but to help you

    louie, Mar 23, 2007
  8. Bill Walker

    louie Guest

    louie, Mar 23, 2007
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Louie's dilemna with the dog food problem was solved in my response
    to that query.. Quite rudely interrupted by Ed Hart and his observation
    that Louie is back from Mena, or some such shit..

    While your usenet explanation about why so many people aren't savvy
    enough to select such simple items like a pair of freakin' gloves.. I still
    don't get it.. Damn.. I wear Lee brand jockey shorts.. and am cool as
    anything.. picked 'em out all by myself.. never even asked anyone on
    usenet about it.. Wear Lee jeans for the past thirty years or so.. Never
    had a usenet to decide what I liked, back then.. How the **** did any of
    us ever make all these life support decisions before the advent of use-
    net ?
    Bill Walker, Mar 23, 2007
  10. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I've got to get over the broken leg and have someone who can spend
    some time with that good family dog....
    Brian Walker, Mar 23, 2007
  11. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Are you just complaining because no one tells you how hot you look,
    like they do to me....ALL THE TIME?

    See, if you'd switch from Lee "no ass" jeans to Levi's "low rise", and
    from Scotts work gloves to Joe Rocket, and from DOT beanie helmets to
    HJC Tribal CL14 helmets, you might get some hot chick rubbing on you
    and begging for a ride while she admires it....

    Brian Walker, Mar 23, 2007
  12. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest


    Let me put it nicely....SCREW THAT!!!

    Maybe Redshad hasn't figured out routes without following you, but
    over the years I've figured out there are many ways from one point to
    the other.

    Ride there!
    Brian Walker, Mar 23, 2007
  13. Not really...she said I could say that. HONEST!
    I've picked every motorcycle myself, motorcycles
    are life support all else is details.

    Keith Schiffner
    History does not record anywhere at any time a
    religion that has any rational basis. Religion is
    a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up
    to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff,
    most people do have a religion and spend time and
    money on it and seem to derive considerable
    pleasure from fiddling with it.
    Robert Heinlein
    Keith Schiffner, Mar 24, 2007
  14. Bill Walker

    tomorrow Guest

    Damn, the things you learn on usenet. Here I've been wearing my
    Aerostich Roadcrafter on my big-assed Harley Street Glide, my light
    and lively little Ducati S4Rs, and even while riding at two trackdays
    at Summit Point last year.

    Obviously, I need to go shopping!
    tomorrow, Mar 24, 2007
  15. Bill Walker

    chornbe Guest

    And eating Key Lime pie. You left that part out.
    chornbe, Mar 26, 2007
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