Am I dreaming or what? (Soviet iron con't)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Sean_Q_, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    Oh, that's right. You did consult with NASA about Space Shuttle
    structural design when you wer 9 years old, didn't you?
    Gaidheal, Jan 9, 2010
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  2. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    Gaidheal, Jan 9, 2010
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  3. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    In that case, figure out some kind of product that you can easily
    produce and sell so you can put your shop to good use.
    Gaidheal, Jan 9, 2010
  4. Sean_Q_

    Snag Guest

    I dunno about that , but I worked with the ordnance engineer who designed
    the destruct system on the solid boosters . IIRC it used 300 gpf copper clad
    lsc , the rest of that info is probably still classified ...
    I suspect the frame problems stemmed from HAZ and chromium carbides
    precipitating out of the alloy ...
    Snag, Jan 9, 2010
  5. Sean_Q_

    Snag Guest

    That's the plan , Binky ...
    Snag, Jan 9, 2010
  6. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    actually pinky...I probally could have. Because aamof I am that damned
    good at airframe engineering...other frame work also. <evg> like Mr.
    Browning I can and DO,do all the design work in my head and then draw
    it out so others could build it. Usually I do the fabricating also,
    which means I don't have to bother drawing anything except maybe
    reference points if I when I need a jig to hold things in place. Hell
    I even make sure there isn't any trash left inside...unlike your
    unemployable ass.
    S'mee, Jan 9, 2010
  7. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    If you don't mind my asking, which frame?
    S'mee, Jan 9, 2010
  8. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    When I was at Cape Canaveral working on the Atlas Agena SLV-IIIB
    (Satellite Launch Vehicle) we used RDX FSLC (flexible linear shaped
    charge made out of lead) to split the fiberglass nose cone in half and
    detach it from the Agena.

    Then pyrotechnic thrusters would separate it from the Agena vehicle so
    the payload could be released.

    The "angry alligator" that the Gemini astronauts tried to rendevous
    with was caused by the nose cone ejector ordinance failing to fire,
    because confused ordnance personnel failed to hook up the trigger
    Gaidheal, Jan 9, 2010
  9. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    Especially mufflers made out of beer're a whiz at that,
    after you've
    guzzled the beer, belched, farted and taken a long piss...
    Gaidheal, Jan 9, 2010
  10. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    actually Mr. LIFE was Maxwell Coffee, the 5# cans.
    Because of my skill I was able to do it with less tools than anybody
    else...took LESS than a half hour. You otoh aren't even capable of
    running vacume cleaner thus getting yourself fired from Grumman. You
    know even engineers have to clean up after themselves and or others.
    S'mee, Jan 9, 2010
  11. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    heh and we know the **** UP who did that...still they kept you on
    until you failed at cleaning out the first LEM.
    S'mee, Jan 9, 2010
  12. Sean_Q_

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Moved to Ireland, judging by the accent.
    Timo Geusch, Jan 9, 2010
  13. The Older Gentleman, Jan 9, 2010
  14. Sean_Q_

    M.Badger Guest

    I've just had to explain to my family why I burst out laughing.
    M.Badger, Jan 9, 2010
  15. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    heh, more like snipe hunting. ;^)
    S'mee, Jan 9, 2010
  16. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    Did you have to get circumcized to write travel articles for The
    Jewish Chronicle, or could you just wear a yarmulke while in their
    Gaidheal, Jan 9, 2010
  17. Once again, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, but I
    strongly suspect that (once again) you're about to make a fool of

    Keep stalking, boi.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 9, 2010
  18. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    Do you deny picking your feet in Dubai?

    You might as well admit it.

    You know that you picked your feet in Dubai.

    You sat on the bed, and you took off your shoes and socks, and you sat
    on the bed and picked your feet.

    Just admit it. Things will go easier for you if you just admit that
    you picked your feet in Dubai.
    Gaidheal, Jan 9, 2010
  19. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, and I believe
    you're making a fool of yourself and are about to make an even *bigger*
    fool of yourself, if that's possible.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 9, 2010
  20. He's never read any of my travel journalism, of that I'm absolutely

    And I'm not married to the author of the Harry Potter books, either.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 9, 2010
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