Am I dreaming or what? (Soviet iron con't)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Sean_Q_, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. No, but if one is purporting to give advice, it's a start.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 8, 2010
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  2. There's an engineer on ukrm who built his outfit for our Elefant trip
    last year. It was a hell of a lot of work. Just about anyone can bolt a
    third wheel onto a motorcycle. To make something the works and, more
    importantly, handles and steers even half-predictably, isn't.

    Don't even pretend that you know how to do it.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 8, 2010
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  3. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    How the **** do *you* know what I know and what I don't know, Panty

    I learned about sidecar chasses 40 years ago from a man whose father
    used to weave wicker sidecar baskets in England after The Great War.

    He said that "heaviness is next to godliness" in sidecar chassis

    Everything he "designed" was massively overbuilt because he didn't
    understand stress and strain and strength of materials.

    Since he didn't understand welding ferrous metals, he hired a man to
    *braze* his own production frames, just like the Rickmans used to do.

    Nowadays he's an importer of Watsonian and Velorex sidecars.

    He's still in the same shop he was in 40 years ago, among a community
    of very independant Los Angeles motorcycle enthusiasts.

    If that guy can succeed in building sidecar chasses, anybody can do
    Gaidheal, Jan 8, 2010
  4. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    Thus speaks the engineering virgin. You know nothing but claim
    knowledge of everything...rather typical of an uneducated failure. I
    suppose next you'll claim that structuaral cast steel can not be oxy/
    acyl welded.
    S'mee, Jan 8, 2010
  5. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    There's a bold statement from a four-eyed twit who's hestitant about
    testing non-spill aluminum foil fruit drink packaging.

    Were you afraid it would splash on your loafers, or what?
    Gaidheal, Jan 8, 2010
  6. I know that you know.... nothing. Tis has been proven time and again.
    What, precisely, does basket weaving have to do with sidecar chassis
    He was wrong.
    The inverted commas denote "not real", then.
    So he was an ignoramus. Right.
    Yup, an ignoramus.
    except they did it properly.
    So his own sidecars failed in the market. OK.
    But his sidecars aren't.
    Wrong again.

    <Dusts off hands>
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 8, 2010
  7. <Puzzled>

    What *are* you rabbiting on about?
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 8, 2010
  8. Sean_Q_

    Bob Myers Guest

    I hear you can oxy-acetylene weld polystyrene, but ya gotta
    sneak up on that stuff JUST so....;-)

    Bob M.
    Bob Myers, Jan 8, 2010
  9. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    The Best Innovation in Packaging and Processing award was won by
    RDA Organic for its Sqqquishy and Squeeezy range of drinks. Targeted
    at 10 year-olds, this pouch pack features a patented automatic closure
    valve that makes it virtually spill-proof: of particular interest in
    home or car. Murray commented: "The judging panel from
    FOODNEWS, Canadean and SGF submitted the packs to their own
    tests and their natural caution in dropping opened packs of juice on
    the ground was soon overcome by the realisation that this product
    does exactly what it says on the tin: or rather, pouch."

    So. Were you afraid of splashing fruit juice on your penny loafers,
    Gaidheal, Jan 8, 2010
  10. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    Any manufacturing engineering student can easily look up the
    weldability of steel according to its carbon content to determine
    whether it will need to be heat treated after welding.

    Low carbon structural steel has a carbon content of only 0.3 ~ 0.4%
    and there is NO problem in welding it and letting it cool naturally.

    But when enthusiastic engineers started trying to use high strength
    chromolly aircraft tubing to build motorcycle chasses in the 1960's,
    they quickly learned that there was more to the process than prepping
    the tubes, and jigging and welding them.
    Gaidheal, Jan 8, 2010
  11. Sean_Q_

    zymurgy Guest

    zymurgy, Jan 8, 2010
  12. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    I can easily believe that you've gotten KY jelly on your hands, but
    you've never dirtied your hands with *work* in your whole prissy life.
    Gaidheal, Jan 8, 2010
  13. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    Actually the part where the Neopolitan eunuch "rescued" the pope's
    illegitimate daughter from the Morrocans and then turned around and
    *sold* her to the Turks who cut off one of her butt cheeks and *ate
    it* is quite humourous...
    Gaidheal, Jan 8, 2010
  14. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    You can "take it" any way you like.

    Up the ass, for all I care.

    What works for TOG might not work for you, but you'll have to
    determine for yourself what works for you.
    Gaidheal, Jan 8, 2010
  15. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    Gee you didn't just read naked live it. Nothing to give me
    a laugh at pathetic losers quiet like your impotent postings
    krusty...keep trying, all you've done in life is fail so you might
    improve a bit. Granted the only way you'd improve is if someone burnt
    you at the stake.
    S'mee, Jan 8, 2010
  16. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    as I suspected you have no clue what you are nattering about...too
    much oxycotin shopping and mixing it with OE800 I is the
    cocktail of choice for your type of people.
    S'mee, Jan 8, 2010
  17. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    yep...and use low heat by not getting the flame too close. ;^) Granted
    last time I did that I used butane and atmospheric O2. It ain't pretty
    but it holds...
    S'mee, Jan 8, 2010
  18. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    Look it UP? A real engineer KNOWS what he's dealing with. Obviously
    you don't...some of us do these things as a matter of course.
    uh-huh keep attempting to think and that greasy skull of
    yours might actually heat up enough to smoke a bit. I wont tell you
    WHERE you are wrong, just that you are blatantly and hilariously
    I wont tell you why you and they were wrong but those frame engineers
    are STILL fucking up...though they do have a clue.

    Now little glue sniffer why don't you run along and suck off your
    uncle for some more oxycotton candy that you love to take so much of.
    S'mee, Jan 8, 2010
  19. You really *are* turning into a psycho stalker, aren't you? I'm
    absolutely amazed that you've Googled me this thoroughly. I'm proud of
    the way I've cultivated you.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 8, 2010
  20. Sean_Q_

    Snag Guest

    Screw that , I have an aluminum foundry in my back yard . I'd CAST 'em .
    Then do the final fit and machining in my machine shop .
    Snag, Jan 9, 2010
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