Am I dreaming or what? (Soviet iron con't)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Sean_Q_, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. Sean_Q_

    Sean_Q_ Guest

    This site rates the '91 Dnepr MT-11 top speed at 77.7 mph:

    Mine is almost exactly the same and I'm lucky to attain 50 mph.
    Even then it feels like a Soviet tractor about to shake itself
    to pieces. Where do the reviewers get these specs, anyway?
    Or, what changed at the Kiev Motor Works so much between
    1985 and 1991?

    I'd like to be able to cruise at highway speeds of at least 65mph
    and I found a web site about replacing the motor with a BMW R100
    power plant -- at the obvious risk of straining the Soviet
    drive train.

    Maybe an R75 motor would be enough. Or, could I replace the whole
    works, motor to rear wheel with BMW stuff... shoot, for all
    the hassle that would be I may as well just BUY an R100, bolt
    the sidecar onto it and sell the Ukrainian bike...
    or (simplest of all), trade the thing in on a Ural. But I still
    haven't figured out if a modern Ural will reach 65 mph...(?)

    '06 Zuk S40 / '85 Dnepr MT-11 / various derelict odds and sods
    Sean_Q_, Jan 7, 2010
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  2. Sean_Q_

    Steve Guest

    I was too busy concentrating on not dying to look at the speedo so ask
    these guys:

    Steve, Jan 7, 2010
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  3. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    OK, so dump the Diaper and get yourself a 10 year old Suzuki Bandit
    1200 or a Suzuki GSX1100G for about $2500 and make up some brackets
    and a frame out of steel tubing and bolt a fiberglass sidecar body on

    You could do the whole rig for less than $5K USD and you'd wind up
    with something that *would* cruise the highways at 80 mph all day
    without straining the engine.

    If I was going to spend, say $10K USD, I would spring for the ESZ
    conversion with car rims and tires and the leading ling fork.
    Gaidheal, Jan 8, 2010
  4. You need something like this:
    Richard Smith, Jan 8, 2010
  5. Sean_Q_

    BryanUT Guest

    I must ask, what is the hurry? Go slow, enjoy the ride. If you feel
    the need for speed, stop by my house and scare the hell out of
    yourself on my 100hp / 14k rpm sportbike.
    BryanUT, Jan 8, 2010
  6. Sean_Q_

    Sean_Q_ Guest

    If you're ever riding the slab on a bike that can barely
    do the legal minimum speed and all you can see in your rearview
    is a semi's grill then the answer will come to you in one of
    those Zen "aha" moments.
    Be careful who you invite, I might just take you up on that!

    '06 Zuk S40 / '85 Dnepr MT-11 / various derelicts the cat dragged in
    Sean_Q_, Jan 8, 2010
  7. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    Oh **** off you ignorant ass raper.
    S'mee, Jan 8, 2010
  8. Like it's *so* easy......
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 8, 2010
  9. Sean_Q_

    M.Badger Guest

    Something isn't right then.
    I'm convinced they pluck specially marked feathers from the wings of pigeons

    I took one for a test spin when the UK importer was Neval. It was quite
    brisk up to 50ish. The representative then took the controls. That was
    scary. He said they'll top out at 75ish when they're fully run in, but aim
    to cruise at 60-65.

    Do you still have the vile pissfuel lumps of crap carbs and are the timing
    and valve clearances spot on. Also, look for a plate at the base of the
    barrels. Used to drop the compression to allow the bike to run on a mix of
    vodka and weasel piss, and if you have the rubber inlet trunk, make sure it
    isn't kinked.
    Neval used to do a conversion to the R80 motor. I may still have the copy of
    Bike mag with the write up of it somewhere.
    Yebbut where is the fun in that?

    Lists the estimated max at 65, with a cruising speed of 55. I really do need
    to stop hankering after one...
    M.Badger, Jan 8, 2010
  10. Sean_Q_

    Snag Guest

    With the right tools , it wouldn't be all that hard . Friend of mine built
    a wheelchair-accessible sidecar for his '70 Triumph so his handicapped (now
    ex) wife could ride with him .
    Snag, Jan 8, 2010
  11. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    EZ for me, difficult for you, because I'm a practical engineer and
    you're just a panty-prancing Morris dancer.
    Gaidheal, Jan 8, 2010
  12. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    If I was going to custom build a rig, I would start by contacting Doug
    Bingham at Side Strider to see if he had any clamp on brackets for
    Gaidheal, Jan 8, 2010
  13. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest aren't any kind of engnineer. For that matter you are
    incompetant for even the most simple task such as staying
    continent...oops, now you gotta go change them soaked diapers you wear
    S'mee, Jan 8, 2010
  14. Sean_Q_

    Bob Myers Guest

    Shouldn't you actually *ride* motorcycles before you
    talk about custom-building them?

    Bob M.
    Bob Myers, Jan 8, 2010
  15. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    One does not have to own a motorcycle, ride a motorcycle, or have ever
    ridden a motorcycle as a prerequisite to talking about motorcycles.

    The above statement is not intended to indicate that I do not own or
    ride a motorcycle, or multiple motorcycles.

    The first person who ever actually built a motorcycle had never owned
    a motorcycle and had never ridden a motorcycle.

    But when he had completed his creation, he was a motorcycle builder/
    owner and may have regarded himself as the most qualified person in
    the world to talk about
    custom building and owning motorcycles.

    OTOH, when the first motorcycle builder/owner attempted to *ride* his
    creation, some busybody like you was probably there to criticize the
    Gaidheal, Jan 8, 2010
  16. I've actually seen one of those with the controls moved
    over to the sidecar... *way* cool. Here's one:

    Stephen Cowell, Jan 8, 2010
  17. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    So you admit you don't actually ride motorcycles nor have you EVER
    ridden a motorcycle (except as bitch) and that you only go to places
    where motorcyclists gather in hopes of finding yourself a man for a
    little man love. (your own words)

    Nice, using the truth to twist a lie. Interesting that you'd use
    Goebbles failed tactis and opertating procedures for further your
    failure at pathtetic failure.
    S'mee, Jan 8, 2010
  18. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    That would be the smart thing to do...but that is Krusty you are
    commenting about. You know the non-riding failure.
    S'mee, Jan 8, 2010
  19. Sean_Q_

    Gaidheal Guest

    Voltaire's Neapolitan eunuch complained of his own condition but
    remarked upon the success of Farinelli...
    Gaidheal, Jan 8, 2010
  20. Sean_Q_

    S'mee Guest

    ah, another drug and alcohol induced non sequiter from the fruitcake.
    How unamusing...<turns back to watching christmas trees turned into
    S'mee, Jan 8, 2010
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