hello. i was on a ride and stopped on the road for a break, pushed the button and click. proceeded to the next town, found a Napa store, they had THE BATTERY for my bike {smiles followed}. when i pulled the old batt out 2 of the cells were REALLY hot, shorted out i suppose. checked the alt output no go. checked into motel had steak and rum. ran home next day after pulling all the fuses except ign and starter. ok now i have replaced the brushes on the alternator, it wont put out anything. what happens to these alternators when they are tasked with charging a shorted batt? do the diodes go out? is the rectifier bad? i tested the stator, slip rings, armature and rotor. all check ok with ohmmeter. how do i test the rectifier/diodes. the goldwing bible doesn't specify how to check all components. i am low on the fundage and can get a new alt from a bud at Honda for 200$ but if its just a component i would rather do that. BTW bike has 31k on it and no extra load on the electrical system{i.e. rings of fire, lights } thanks in advance for your time to respond. Matt {hotwng1}