ALP, the anti-motorcycling party.

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Bill Marriot, Feb 10, 2004.

  1. Bill Marriot

    Bill Marriot Guest

    I wanna keep riding my bike and I'm getting sick of this government and its
    blatant anti-motorcycle policies and taxes.

    Not to mention its lies.

    In 1999 Bracks *personally signed* a letter promising that no more Wire
    Rope Barriers would be put up if he got elected.

    There's a scan of the letter somewhere on the internet.

    As a rider I dont pay tolls (but my wife does!) and their blatant backflip
    on NO TOLLS once they got re-elected was a cynical disgrace. A boldfaced

    So you car drivers should be give Bracks/Batchelor/Haermeyer/Brumby and
    their Greed Cameras the boot too.

    Bill Marriot, Feb 10, 2004
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  2. Bill Marriot

    Jagwire Guest

    Lies is normal for Labor policy, is it not?
    Jagwire, Feb 10, 2004
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  3. Bill Marriot

    bugs Guest

    Anti motorcycle try anti smoking, you winge about toll roads. Smokes pay
    almost 70% tax on their smokes. That's more than 7.7 billion dollars in
    2001/02 Federal budget. I'm a non smoker but the lies are amazing, from
    both gov't and antismoking council. With the increases every six months the
    entire health budget should be covered within 4 years. (ps by then 91% tax)

    Too many lies by gov't and big companies to name them all.

    It's a user pay system for roads and hospitals by the looks. Only
    difference smokers pay for all of us.
    bugs, Feb 10, 2004
  4. Bill Marriot

    Biggus Guest

    Biggus, Feb 10, 2004
  5. Bill Marriot

    Smee Guest

    move interstate then
    maybe queensland
    oh wait labor govt
    oh labor
    south aussie?
    oh labor
    west aussie?
    Northern territory?
    doesn't matter wtf wants to live there?
    New zealand?
    oh wait labor
    shit labor
    Smee, Feb 10, 2004
  6. Bill Marriot

    Nev.. Guest

    Of course the logical solution to all your problems is to sell your bike and
    your wife's car. Failing that, you can move to another state, pic any other
    state - where you will pay higher tolls and higher 3rd party insurance,
    failing that suicide is always a valid option.

    Nev.., Feb 10, 2004
  7. Bill Marriot

    Uncle Bully Guest

    Well the US is run by the equivalent of the Liberals. Which would you rather
    Uncle Bully, Feb 10, 2004
  8. If everybody killed them selves nev, they wouldn't have anybody to rule over

    Why don't you brake the cycle, why don't you run for office your self, be
    the bikers party...

    if you get enough ppl, they will give you money to start your party..

    why not...
    im sure Nev here will vote for you.
, Feb 10, 2004
  9. In on 10 Feb 2004 07:03:50 GMT

    Only on non-core promises.

    Zebee Johnstone, Feb 10, 2004
  10. Bill Marriot

    Nev.. Guest

    Oh bullshit, as if I would vote for someone so lame that every time they
    wanted to have a bit of a sook about the government they posted their pathetic
    little whinging onto a usenet group in order to seek attention.

    Nev.., Feb 10, 2004
  11. Bill Marriot

    Mike.S Guest

    Of course the logical solution to all your problems is to sell your bike and
    suicide? with griping like that it'd be classed as "a humanitarian effort towards everyone else"

    Mike.S, Feb 10, 2004
  12. Bill Marriot

    conehead Guest

    Nah, Bully. The USA is run by the equivalents of Alan Bond and Joh
    Bjelke-Petersen. Combined they're not quite as slimy as John Howard.
    conehead, Feb 10, 2004
  13. Bill Marriot

    Rocatanski Guest

    I don't think the Labor gov started the " road safety cameras" (bull shit)
    but they sure learnt how to perfect them. The only thing is you can put
    whoever you like in office, they are not going to get rid of them why?
    because they make easy money. Who ever puts up the policy of going back to
    10% tolerance on speed limits get my vote, even the greens.
    Rocatanski, Feb 10, 2004
  14. Yep equality for motorcyles, same rego for everyone.

    <didn't bother reading the rest of the troll>

    Brisbane, Australia
    Who needs lockers when you got secondaries.

    CL3500/4300-> GH2600/2700-> S2A2300/3000->
    GJ1600/2000->RR3500/3900 ->GQ4200/4200
    Rainbow Warrior, Feb 10, 2004
  15. yeah good point, lets vote labour instead...

, Feb 10, 2004
  16. Australia, the worlds largest business...

    besides, what does our votes actually do, they change the face on TV. you
    always have the same idiots in the round room voting on each issue and
, Feb 10, 2004
  17. Bill Marriot

    Zekt Guest

    Liberal gets in - it lies.
    Labor gets in - it lies.
    Coke tastes like pespsi.
    Pespsi tastes like coke.
    Ford looks like holden.
    Holden looks like ford.

    You broke out of the mould and bought a bike, yet maybe you
    are still suck in the mould in regard to voting. There's more than
    2 parties.

    Nuff said.
    Zekt, Feb 10, 2004
  18. Bill Marriot

    John Littler Guest

    I think it's the Howard party* that has core and non core promises

    * Well its been a bloody long time since they were Liberals
    John Littler, Feb 10, 2004
  19. In on Tue, 10 Feb 2004 22:02:42 +1100
    Yes.. as they say... "Whoosh"

    (as in "all parties lie")

    Zebee Johnstone, Feb 10, 2004
  20. Bill Marriot

    BT Humble Guest

    Now look, if a person does a backflip they end up facing in the same
    direction as they started. What you should be complaining about is
    their "blatant reversal" or even "blatant about-face".

    BT Humble, Feb 10, 2004
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