Almost Done

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Jerry, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    I have one fork almost finished. I should have both of them done by the
    weekend. The bike will need to be tested, so I will put it out there. Bjay,
    would you come up and test ride the bike for me? I would only need you to
    get it up to a 115 or 120 to ensure it does not develop a high speed wobble
    or anything. Saturday would be good for me.

    Jerry, Jun 18, 2007
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  2. Jerry

    Bill Walker Guest

    That's good news, Jerry.. I'm not Bjay and I can't get down there Saturday..
    But. I'd sure try 'er out for you.. What the hell am I saying.. You don't
    anyone to try that thing out.. ride it like you just stole it.. <big ol'

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
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  3. Jerry

    redshad Guest

    Do you have the progressive springs in your Valk? If so, do you think
    they made a difference and if not, have you considered them?

    redshad, Jun 18, 2007
  4. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    Yeah, I will have it on the road soon. If I could work on the damn thing
    longer than an hour or so, it would be done.
    Jerry, Jun 18, 2007
  5. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    I am putting progressive springs in it. Everything I have read says it is an
    upgrade to do. I am replacing all the bushings and seals too. the oil looked
    bad in it too, so I am glad to be changing it. Should handle better than

    In one of my previous posts, I mentioned Andy at Metric Motorcycles. Call
    him up and ask him about your application. He is a good guy and
    knowledgeable. I think he is good enough to come up and have him do your

    Jerry, Jun 18, 2007
  6. Jerry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whoa.. slow down there, pard.. do it when you can and take your time..
    You and me got plenty of that, to spare..
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  7. Jerry

    BJayKana Guest

    A Report by Jerry of Houston.

    I have one fork almost finished. I should have both of them done by the
    weekend. The bike will need to be tested, so I will put it out there.
    ===Bjay, would you come up===== and test ride the bike for me? I would
    only need you to get it up to a 115 or 120 to ensure it does not develop
    a high speed wobble or anything. Saturday would be good for me.

    It must be quite a task, if you've only done one. I wouldnt know?
    Glad you've just about got er' done.

    BTW, I am up here, you are down there.
    You must not have your GPS in your computer room. (kidding)
    I love ya buddy. bjay
    BJayKana, Jun 18, 2007
  8. Jerry

    redshad Guest

    Opps...we got us another one thats turned queer on us.

    redshad, Jun 19, 2007
  9. Jerry

    louie Guest

    Yeah I c that.

    Let's act surprised!

    louie, Jun 19, 2007
  10. Jerry

    Bill Walker Guest

    We better go ahead with those plans to do that intervention
    meeting at Bjays' house.. Big Ed has already got all the mat-
    erials he'll be needing for the counselling stuff... You know..
    dried chicken feet.. frog nuts, powdered mosquitos and that
    kind of stuff.. Immediate counselling for Bjay is necessary..
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2007
  11. Jerry

    Ed Hart Guest

    Call my bro in east texas yesturday.He is out of the monkey toenails.Anyone
    got any ideas where I can get sum?
    Ed Hart, Jun 19, 2007
  12. Jerry

    BJayKana Guest

    Bjay said earlier in a response to Jerry:
    ''BTW, I am up here, you are down there.
    You must not have your GPS in your computer room. (kidding)
    I love ya buddy.     bjay

    Opps...we got us another one thats turned queer on us.
    Redshad )

    You eyeballed in on that awkard sounding verse I said above. Damn you
    are alert.
    No wonder why you are the Skipper of the OldTimers Riding Club. <g>

    Glad I said I'm up here.

    But the part that I wrote garrulously, was the ''love ya'' short little
    phrase. <g>


    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jun 19, 2007
  13. Jerry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bjay said earlier in a response to Jerry:
    ''BTW, I am up here, you are down there.
    You must not have your GPS in your computer room. (kidding)
    I love ya buddy. bjay

    Opps...we got us another one thats turned queer on us.
    Redshad )

    You eyeballed in on that awkard sounding verse I said above. Damn you
    are alert.
    No wonder why you are the Skipper of the OldTimers Riding Club. <g>

    Glad I said I'm up here.

    But the part that I wrote garrulously, was the ''love ya'' short little
    phrase. <g>


    <grumble.. grumble> The only reason that danged RedShad
    threw that in there is to stir up some trouble in our family..

    Since I let it slip that your wife and I are first cousins, twice re-
    moved.. him and that sidekick of his, Louie.. have sure been trying to
    stir up some shit in our family.. There's not anything right about guys
    that act that way..

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2007
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