All things jinxed!

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, Sep 9, 2007.

  1. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    After all this time, us trying to figure out what happened with Bill
    C. and his dance with a Road King through the tulips and cow crap, I
    figured out what really happened that fateful day.

    Bill C. met up today to do the Twin Peaks ride. He gave me a CD with
    the pictures he took on the ride the day he wrecked. When I got home,
    and between the lights popping on/off, I looked through the pictures.
    There was something that happened that day which it hadn't occured to
    me what it was, but I noticed on the day and didn't think about until

    When we all met up at Hico, I was wound up from the many weeks of
    bullshit in airports and dealing with the typical employment shit. I
    wanted to find some radical roads to take out my aggression on and see
    if I could thrash my CBR1100xx. Most of the riders decided to join up
    with me and go find the elusive twists and curves built into the roads
    out there. As we headed out of town, and got going, Bill passed me on
    the right....all the way on the right and on the shoulder. I thought
    "gee, that's some silly shit I'd do". I looked in my mirrors to see
    where everyone else was and saw something that would later be the
    factor causing the wreck Bill had. See, I'm pretty supersticious about
    my riding when I go out to thrash a bike. If I see something that goes
    against my riding, I get the heck away from it. I certainly don't take
    pictures of it.

    Well, with the lack of experience Bill has with riding with me, he
    didn't know about this. When I saw my mirrors, I sped up and tried to
    get away and ignore what I'd seen.

    Today when I got the pictures from Bill, I saw it....big as everything
    in some of those pictures. Here's Bill taking pictures of it and
    didn't know he was jinxing himself on the ride.

    What am I talking about? An ambulance had got behind us and followed
    us from Hico to Cranfills Gap. If Bill will look at the pictures,
    he'll see what I'm talking about. At one time, the ambulance was right
    up behind him and he was snapping photos of it.

    Me? I was hot rodding the shit out my Bird to get the heck away from
    it and ignore it.

    Bill, from now on, don't jinx yourself by being chased by an ambulance
    and take pictures of it..... :)
    Brian Walker, Sep 9, 2007
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  2. Brian Walker

    Bill Cattell Guest

    Now that you mention it I DO remember seeing that ambulance and thinking
    "do they know if someone will need their services today?" - kind of like
    a vulture circling above a dying animal... I passed it off to my
    paranoid, schizo, psychotic nature and continued on.
    Bill Cattell, Sep 9, 2007
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