All-In-One New Toys...Who'da Thunk It?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, Jan 1, 2008.

  1. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful new year!

    This past year has been busy busy for me. To aid in my many travels
    and journeys, I bought a Sony PSP quite some time ago. It helped me in
    boring airports and hotels where I could listen to music and watch a
    movie or two. I bought a couple games, but never could really get the
    time to play them. To me, the PSP was handy. It was compact and would
    do more than just a DVD player or a MP3 player, it would combine those
    in a small size so I wasn't burdened with bulky cords and cases. Not
    too shabby, but not something I'd have bought just on a whim. Since I
    bought it, my son has bugged me about using it for himself. His
    friends at school have various gaming devices and a couple of his
    friends had a PSP. My son had a Gameboy SP that I'd bought him, but he
    acted quite bored with it. This Christmas it was decided by the family
    to buy him a PSP of his own. The day came around and I asked my wife
    to go buy one at the store. She called and said "they're out". Huh?
    This system has been on the shelves for 3 years and not sold, how
    could they be out. I just figured maybe the store she was at just
    didn't stock up and sold their only 2 in the rush of the holidays. I
    jumped on the Blackbird (gotta put a plug in for the motorcycle
    topics) and went to the local Gamestop. I walked in and asked the
    sales droid for a PSP. He said "nope, we're out...just ran out today".
    I asked about used and he said "we have had these on the shelves and
    couldn't sell them for quite sometime, but today we ran out". GEEZ!
    After several other Gamestops and such, I finally became desperate. I
    pulled into one and walked in to ask the sales guy. He said "I have
    one left and it's a bundle...take it or leave it". I took it! I got
    home, wrapped it and put it under the tree for the next morning. In
    the meantime, I'd popped my PSP out and connected it to the internet
    browser. It said there was a new update out. Now, I'd just updated the
    firmware a week before so I figured there weren't any really new
    improvements. When the update installed, it said something about
    "internet radio". Okay, that's a cool feature. When I started it up,
    it turned out to be streaming radio similar to XM satellite radio.
    That started answering why the PSPs were bought up all of a sudden.

    Last night, I was fooling around with my system again, and I came
    across something else....a camera that attaches to the top of the PSP
    and allows for still and video to be captured. With the sharing
    capabilities of the units, you can share the videos from one unit to
    the other. Okay, now we're getting cool! Not so fast though, it's not
    yet available in the US...only in Japan markets (ebay is becoming a
    friend right now).

    This wasn't all. When I got serious about the other little things you
    could get, it turns out that Sony is releasing a GPS to also
    incorporate into the PSP. Now we have a gaming console, MP3 player,
    movie player, internet browser, internet radio system, video/still
    camera and now a GPS system...all in a small unit that fits snugly
    inside a motorcycle jacket or clips across a triple tree of a

    I'm not sure about anyone else here, but I'm in the market for a RAM
    mount that will connect my PSP onto my motorcycles!

    I'm furnishing the first rounds of blackeyed peas for today!!!
    Brian Walker, Jan 1, 2008
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  2. Brian Walker

    redshad Guest

    Bass Pro shop has a bunch of Ram Mounts.

    redshad, Jan 1, 2008
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