All change at the Little Two...

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Racing' started by Mark N, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. Mark N

    Mark N Guest

    ....Kawsaki and Suzuki, that is, in MotoGP.

    Olivier Jacque "retires" back to testing duties after doing nothing
    more notable than poking holes in his own body and taking out one of
    the three remaining serious championship contenders in the biggest
    incident of the season so far. Jacque, not having raced consistently
    anywhere since 2003, is this year's Cardoso, except that as a
    Frenchman he sits in the GP geographical netherword between EuroMed
    royalty and Limey third-class scruffiness. His replacement is Ant
    West, which helps right the talent and fairness balance in MotoGP, now
    finally with more Aussies than Frogs. But more in-house sourcing.

    Up north there were rumors of a pending 2008 MotoGP announcement from
    BISB points leader Toseland, speculated to be with Blighty-based Rizla
    Suzuki. But it ended up being a personal sponsorship deal from
    Bennetts for the rest of the year, although that inevitably will lead
    to speculation regarding what that might help buy in MotoGP for next

    And Schwantz officially confirms he's working Suzuki to give him a
    management position in MotoGP for next year, although nothing new
    beyond that.

    So it seems there are four, five, maybe even six seats open for next
    year with these two, and they are looking increasingly competitive all
    the time, Hopkins now close to in the hunt every weekend and even de
    Puniet pushing his way in that direction. But contracts are up, no
    guarantees Hopkins will be back in blue, Chris V either, and Team
    Green desperately needs a real #1 guy. Meanwhile Dorna leans in and
    pushes for these two to help fill the grid, no doubt with cash
    exchanging hands in the process. Alstare? Aspar? Biaggi? Toseland?
    Spies? Stay tuned...
    Mark N, Jun 21, 2007
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  2. Mark N

    Paul B Guest

    West may turn out to be a very good move for them, he's got a lot of
    talent and has always lacked competitive machinery, if the Kwaka has
    got any real potential then I really believe he will be able to make
    the most of it. I guess we will see this weekend.

    Paul B, Jun 21, 2007
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  3. Mark N

    Mark N Guest

    guig pisses:
    ....and that crusty old coal-colored pot calls the shiney new kettle
    black once again...
    Mark N, Jun 22, 2007
  4. Mark N

    Mark N Guest

    Indeed. West is one of those guys who you always hope eventually gets
    a break, and now he's got the rest of the year to show his stuff. I
    suspect that bike's pretty damned good in the right hands, so will be
    pulling for him to get the best out of it. Sounds like he had to pony
    up some serious bucks to free himself from his newly-minted Yamaha
    contract, so let's hope it pays off in dividends...
    Mark N, Jun 22, 2007
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