On 17 Apr, 09:45, "nunya-farken" [URL]http://tinyurl.com/2tjvb8[/URL]
Well, isn't that just like a nigger. It takes something the White Human gives it and then tries to claim it as his own creation. Well done, sambo, on upholding the low standard of nigger behaviour.
On 21 Apr, 13:37, "garngefuk" You racist are so stupid, by continuing with those racist statements makes if easy for me to get people to complain to your ISP. My keep replying to my posts will make the subscribers(and the moderators) of this newsgroup bored seeing your racist spamming on here and hope they also complain to your ISP about it. Because you have not post anything (so far) related to the topic of this newsgroup. This is a motorcycling newsgroup, not a group for pillock, crybabies & lazy gits(who think they a step-up(or special favours from that state) because they are white). So layoff innocent people(who have done you no harm) and get a life.
On 21 Apr, 13:37, "garngefuk" You racist are so stupid, by continuing with those racist statements makes if easy for me to get people to complain to your ISP. My keep replying to my posts will make the subscribers(and the moderators) of this newsgroup bored seeing your racist spamming on here and hope they also complain to your ISP about it. Because you have not post anything (so far) related to the topic of this newsgroup. This is a motorcycling newsgroup, not a group for pillock, crybabies & lazy gits(who think they should have a step-up(or special favours from that state) because they are white). So layoff innocent people(who have done you no harm) and get a life.
Since, nigger boy, you do not know my ISP, your niggerthreat is as impotent as you. When, pedo boy, was your last post relevant to the group inserted in this group? So what is a fuckwitted greasy pedo loving baboon like you doing here? & Yep, here the baboon goes with another racist comment. Well done, BOY. Got that bale of cotton picked yet?
You wanker! It is not hard to findout anyone's ISP(so, consider me as knowing your ISP). You will be next after I got rid of your boyfriend.