Airline ticket refunds?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Eiron, Aug 12, 2006.

  1. Eiron

    Eiron Guest

    Assuming that there was a plot to blow up several planes to America
    in the immediate future (as of Thursday), there must be several tickets
    which can't now be used. Do you think the terrorists can get refunds?

    And if the police knew who the suspects were, they presumably knew which
    flights they had booked, so didn't really need to screw the country on Thursday.
    Eiron, Aug 12, 2006
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  2. Eiron

    deadmail Guest

    Depends on the tickets they bought really.

    Maybe they didn't know *all* of the people?
    deadmail, Aug 12, 2006
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  3. Eiron

    WavyDavy Guest

    AFAIK they hadn't *actually* booked flights yet....

    The police-state action was purely "In case there is a plan B which may be
    put into action now we have the original plotters" i.e. its all a load of
    bollocks dreamed up to keep the British public used to living in a permanent
    state of fear.

    Of course if they *hadn't* done anything and it *had* gone tits up then the
    govt/security services would've been fucked anyway, so it's a no-win
    situation for them.

    But they do appear to have massively overreacted which, IMO, can only be to
    create a climate of fear so there aren't too many protests once the ID card
    bill gets rushed through Parliament and even more repressive legislation is
    announced in the interests of 'public safety'...

    WavyDavy, Aug 12, 2006
  4. Eiron

    Cab Guest

    Considering the type of disruption that was totally out of the control
    of the Airlines, I'd say anyone and everyone that wants a refund/change
    for Thursday will get one. Nick?
    This is one reason. The other one is to install the fear of God into
    the population to remind us that we're fighting a war on terror.
    Cynically, I'd go for the latter.
    Cab, Aug 12, 2006
  5. Disagree, actually.
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 12, 2006
  6. Eiron

    Eiron Guest

    Help! My thread's been hijacked by a terrorist troll.
    At least he's made an honest statement about himself.
    Eiron, Aug 12, 2006
  7. Eiron

    Fred Guest

    It was a plot by the Airline companies to charge for excess baggage/cut down
    Fred, Aug 12, 2006
  8. Eiron

    Cab Guest

    Seriously, why?
    Cab, Aug 12, 2006
  9. Look he's already been dragged down the cop shop to explain why it was
    necessary for him to go to such lengths to get this weekend's trip to
    Ecuador rearranged. No more questions - he'll go all traumatised on us.
    Paul Corfield, Aug 12, 2006
  10. I don't think that the response is excessive, given the (announced)
    perceived risk.

    It's that simple.

    However, if this results in another load of people released without
    charge my reaction might change. I don't expect them to hold all the
    people they've arrested, mind.

    As for "Who's responsible?", should it turn out to be a genuine
    high-threat-risk plot, I'll apply Occam's Razor and say "Muslim
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 12, 2006
  11. Eiron

    Cab Guest

    So you don't believe that the reaction was as I said in an earlier post
    "to remind us that we're at war with terror"
    Of course. That's generally not the case.
    That may also be the case, but I believe the reaction was over the top.
    And unless the authorities explain why [1], I'll always think this due
    to my cynical beliefs above.

    [1] Although it's highly unlikely that they will for either my
    reasoning or the fact that there was a genuine security concern which
    they cannot explain to Joe Public.
    Cab, Aug 12, 2006
  12. Eiron

    BGN Guest

    They're taking their unwanted tickets to The Bank of Steve H and are
    getting them exchanged for Mills & Boon trash novels and bottles of
    BGN, Aug 12, 2006
  13. Eiron

    BGN Guest

    Each airline is dealing with it differently. IIRC BA are offering a
    refund to peeps whose Short Haul flights are delayed for more than 2
    hours and Long Haul for more than 4 hours.

    While this means throwing money down the toilet it also means that
    they can stick more stand-by pax in that flight seat and clear any
    backlog from earlier on in the day.
    BGN, Aug 12, 2006
  14. Eiron

    BGN Guest

    I assume this is because people with an ID card are unable to create
    explosive devices.
    BGN, Aug 12, 2006
  15. Eiron

    BGN Guest

    I think you'll find that it was all down to bottled water companies
    and Mills and Boon so they can re-sell more books.
    BGN, Aug 12, 2006
  16. Nick - be a luv, stop raking up arguments from other threads. The pair
    of you are never going to agree and you've both bashed heads so agree to
    disagree. Ta.
    Paul Corfield, Aug 12, 2006
  17. Eiron

    Greybeard Guest

    I think, for a change, you might be in the minority.


    FLHRCI -01 UK 95 cu-in Stg 2. (The King)
    Trumpet Trophy 1200 -96, (The Barge) for rainy days

    Greybeard, Aug 12, 2006
  18. Eiron

    Cab Guest

    Or if they do blow themselves up, they can tell who they were with much
    more ease.
    Cab, Aug 12, 2006
  19. Eiron

    BGN Guest

    I understand that all BAA airports are soon to stop permitting flights
    forever as they've found a huge market in selling mineral water. Why
    do flights when you can fill one of the old terminals with powdered
    mineral water? Genius!
    BGN, Aug 12, 2006
  20. Eiron

    Owen Guest

    TOG may be in the minority but he's not alone in his view, what he
    said earlier and it doesn't hurt to remind the public of the times in
    which we live...

    On a more serious note, anyone want to by my 2 week timeshare in
    Beriut? Its mid to late August... southern part of the city... Nice
    view of Mt Lebanon... S'going cheap...
    Owen, Aug 12, 2006
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