air filters on an old triple?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Stefan, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. Stefan

    Stefan Guest

    Anyone know how to remove the airbox and fit decent filters on my 96 triple?
    Stefan, Mar 4, 2005
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  2. Stefan

    Tim Guest

    Ah g'wan, give us a little bit of a clue ....... like which triple?
    Tim, Mar 4, 2005
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  3. Stefan

    Lozzo Guest

    Stefan says...
    Angle grinder
    Lozzo, Mar 4, 2005
  4. Triple expansion marine steam engine?
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 4, 2005
  5. Stefan

    Paul - xxx Guest

    Stefan composed the following;:
    'it 'em wiv an 'ammer ...

    A fuckin' great BIG 'ammer .....

    I'd guess a more detailed answer might be elicited if you post a more
    detailed question ..
    Paul - xxx, Mar 4, 2005
  6. Stefan

    Stefan Guest

    Acid plus base --> salt plus water

    Who says I dont know anything about chemistry?
    Stefan, Mar 5, 2005
  7. Stefan

    Lady Nina Guest

    I was shocked and horrified this week to find out they no longer have
    to learn the periodic table for the modern equivilent to O level.
    Testing son on his GCSE stuff was frightening - they're given a book
    with lots of pretty pictures and bland statements such as the above -
    there's no understanding of how it all fits together <sigh>

    Education has become a means of turning out fodder for commerce. And
    if they happen to make some money out of flogging products or
    advertising on the way so much the better. It's really sad.
    Lady Nina, Mar 5, 2005
  8. Stefan

    MattG Guest

    Lady Nina says...
    Quite. In testing him for the exam he had I discovered that he had
    memorised the information, with no understanding. This is not down
    to an inability to understand it, he is easily able to do that, but
    a lack of motivation. If all he needs to do is parrot back the stuff
    from the book, why should he bother to learn anything?
    MattG, Mar 5, 2005
  9. Stefan

    Lady Nina Guest

    You're not helping me squish the state of society rant here you know.
    You'll be the one to suffer.
    Lady Nina, Mar 5, 2005
  10. Stefan

    MattG Guest

    Lady Nina says...
    Hey, I've heard it, why shouldn't they.
    I think not.
    MattG, Mar 5, 2005
  11. This shouldn't surprise anyone. As long as a tiny - unworking - minority
    control the means by which the remainder of us are maintained in slavery,
    then commerce will take precedence over culture or learning.
    genuine_froggie, Mar 5, 2005
  12. Stefan

    Stefan Guest

    I managed to get a first class masters by just learning and repeating
    parrot fashion. Its a good technique.
    Stefan, Mar 5, 2005
  13. Stefan

    Lady Nina Guest

    For jumping through standards hoops yes. For developing knowledge and
    thought, No.

    But I forget, people who can think and reason are not in demand. In
    fact by being able to see various points of view I am immediately at a
    disadvantage it seems. Instead of hating difference, I seek consensus
    and am thus lacking the single minded fundamentalism to drive all
    before me.

    Good job on the whole. If I was ever completely convinced I'd be
    evangelical and we wouldn't want that. I'd never get the stains out.
    Lady Nina, Mar 5, 2005
  14. Stefan

    Lady Nina Guest

    yes, I know this, doesn't mean I have to like it.
    Lady Nina, Mar 5, 2005
  15. <fx: gestures with left hand, sort of 'hopeless, really..'>
    genuine_froggie, Mar 5, 2005
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