[QUOTE] But manually coiling them makes them take on a "coil" mentality and they won't lie flat and reach where they need to reach. They need to be wound and "unwound" as you coil them,[/QUOTE] Erm, I thought that's what I did? My Dad was (is?) a ships Captain (Shell oil tankers) I got taught the right way to coil stuff from a *very early* age. This now goes to the point when I see folk winding stuff up round there hand and elbow (as my Dad would say "Like an old woman winding up her washing line") and have to say "Gis it here" and do the job 'properly' myself. ;-) [QUOTE] but it's far easier to and tidier to have a wall mounted springy reel and they're actually not much more costly than a normal air line.[/QUOTE] Ok. I like the idea of them anyway so might keep my eye out for a bargain. Cheers, T i m