After some years...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sweller, May 8, 2011.

  1. sweller

    darsy Guest

    look, I've not been feeling well - don't try and get all clever - I
    won't appreciate it at the moment.

    But hey, you've put me in the mind to put D-Light's "Groove is in the
    Heart" on Winamp, so you can call it a win-win on this one.
    darsy, May 9, 2011
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  2. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, darsy
    I'll be helpful and leave your .sig unsnipped.
    Absolutely! After all, if you listen to it there's some other poor sod
    who doesn't have to. Practically a public service you're providing
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, May 9, 2011
    1. Advertisements

  3. sweller

    ogden Guest

    Deee-Lite, surely.
    ogden, May 9, 2011
  4. sweller

    darsy Guest

    oh, yes, I see. How mundane. My attitude to capitalisation (on Usenet)
    has always been an affection.
    darsy, May 9, 2011
  5. sweller

    darsy Guest

    FFS. It's a pity, in a way, that HTML posting is frowned upon, 'cos
    otherwise I'd have to get all <font
    color="#00FFFF">[0]<blink>[1]DELIBERATE MISTAKE</blink></font> on your

    [0] cyan is the cruelest colour
    [1] though I suspect strongly the blink tag has been deprecated, but
    it's the thought that counts.
    darsy, May 9, 2011
  6. sweller

    wessie Guest

    Fell to another stereotype or two, of the bone idle lazy spic type or
    stolen by a scouse lass type. Take your pick.
    Well, you might be able to retrieve it if you happen to have a lactating
    statue of the Madonna or a pair of Dixie Dean's boots to hand.
    wessie, May 10, 2011
  7. sweller

    Simon Wilson Guest

    My first impression is that it is quite small. But I have been riding
    the Pan European a lot recently.
    Simon Wilson, May 10, 2011
  8. sweller

    darsy Guest

    well, yes. But when I think of "little" in terms of bikes, I think of
    things like the CG125 or CD200 I used to ride.
    darsy, May 10, 2011
  9. sweller

    Ace Guest

    An affectation, you mean.
    Ace, May 10, 2011
  10. sweller

    Ace Guest

    Yeah, but I did throw up around 6am, making space for more wine.
    Ace, May 10, 2011
  11. sweller

    Pip Guest

    An affectionate affectation.
    Pip, May 10, 2011
  12. sweller

    CT Guest

    Love it!
    CT, May 10, 2011
  13. sweller

    darsy Guest

    both, really.

    But yes, you're right - I meant to type "affectation". But, remember,
    darsy, May 10, 2011
  14. sweller

    darsy Guest

    an affectionate affectation's an effect that can affect an efficacious
    affirmative afront.
    darsy, May 10, 2011
  15. sweller

    prawn Guest

    Quite alliterary.
    prawn, May 10, 2011
  16. sweller

    davethedave Guest

    Oh OK. As you were then. :)
    davethedave, May 10, 2011
  17. sweller

    Thomas Guest

    Thomas, May 10, 2011
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