After some years...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sweller, May 8, 2011.

  1. sweller

    Pip Guest

    Without wishing to go into details, there were other drains at that
    time, in addition to the obvious.
    Pip, May 9, 2011
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  2. sweller

    Pip Guest

    I see your deletings and I think I can see where you're coming from: on
    the occasions to which I refer, there was always a bike to be ridden or
    workplace to be attended in the morning, which would put a bit of a stop
    to such activities. Or a breakfast in the cafe, of course - and you
    needed a clear head for that.
    Pip, May 9, 2011
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  3. sweller

    darsy Guest

    you know what? I think it should be universally banned on this NG, or
    at any gathering of UKRM-ers in general that we slag off or really
    even talk about BB - there have been much bigger cunts on here in the
    past, and I speak as someone (as you probably know) who had a fairly
    serious (but now long resolved) falling-out with him.
    darsy, May 9, 2011
  4. sweller

    Pip Guest

    Pip, May 9, 2011
  5. sweller

    Hog. Guest

    They lost the cold war, **** 'Em
    Hog., May 9, 2011
  6. sweller

    Andy B Guest

    He certainly pissed Adie off but that was a long time ago and she's
    probably lost that stabbing urge when she hears his name by now.
    He was quite capable of doing it irl but not usually to someones face.
    My overall opinion of him plummeted after spending a week in his company
    on the IoM and his attitude towards other people sharing the
    accommodation stank. The saddest part of it all is that almost certainly
    doesn't realise why some people dislike him and wouldn't understand if
    you sat down and explained it.
    Andy B, May 9, 2011
  7. sweller

    Hog. Guest

    Hog., May 9, 2011
  8. sweller

    darsy Guest

    darsy, May 9, 2011
  9. sweller

    Hog. Guest

    Hog., May 9, 2011
  10. sweller

    ogden Guest

    I try to knock it on the head as quickly as it flares up, not least
    because the subject's been gone over so many times I'm fucking sick of

    Anyway, UKRM rules, section 12, rule 4, paragraph 6, dictates that...

    Wheresoever two or more UKRMers shall congregate in a real-life
    environment, discussion of how much a **** Bear is, was or will be,
    shall be as follows:

    a) Mandatory within the first 48 hours of any such gathering
    b) Occur no more than once per gathering
    c) Limited to a period not less than four minutes in duration
    d) Limited to no more than five minutes in duration

    I thought everyone got a copy of the handbook last year.
    ogden, May 9, 2011
  11. sweller

    SteveH Guest

    I thought that only went out to level 1 and 2 clique members?
    SteveH, May 9, 2011
  12. sweller

    Thomas Guest

    BTW, how the hell did the FAQ get disappeared, and is it gone forever?
    Thomas, May 9, 2011
  13. You were at that NEC trip? Goodness. I can't recall seeing you.
    Paul Corfield, May 9, 2011
  14. sweller

    Hog. Guest

    I saw you.
    Hog., May 9, 2011
  15. sweller

    Ben Guest

    That's the last time I invite you for a beer in York :)
    Ben, May 9, 2011
  16. So that's when the stalking started ....
    Paul Corfield, May 9, 2011
  17. sweller

    Hog. Guest

    Can't be sure but I think I turned up there with Tullyhubbert. Darsy was
    there. Paul Carmichael I think. You. BB. Possibly Cane.
    Hog., May 9, 2011
  18. sweller

    JackH Guest

    I doubt many will be interested in my take on Bear, but it's thus:

    I've never met him in real life and so I can only comment on his
    online persona, but I found the way he would seemingly go out of his
    way to be unpleasant to some around these parts, (and with little
    apparent provocation), by enlarge unnecessary.

    In respect of this, his labelling of many as 'trolls' when they took
    the bait was ironic to say the least, but then the perhaps more
    disturbing aspect of this was that it appeared he really was oblivious
    to how his actions were that of a troll.

    If Bear does have bipolar disorder, then I can only sympathise - in
    case anyone familiar with me in here hadn't already realised, I am
    afflicted with a form of it, as in 'hypomanic depression'.

    If anyone wishes to use this as something to bash me over the head
    with in the future, then so be it - you won't be saying anything any
    worse than what I've said to myself at my depressive worst.

    At its worst it can be a very destructive debilitating condition that
    many don't understand, but I can assure that living life on an
    emotional rollercoaster becomes a living nightmare after a while.

    Amongst the many things I've learned since I was finally correctly
    diagnosed in 2005, (prior to this, I'd been treated periodically for
    just depression and with the treatment then actually making things
    worse when I went on a high), is that drinking really doesn't do you
    any favours if you're a sufferer - in terms of 'triggers', for me at
    least it's a biggie... so maybe this helps to explain why Bear,
    someone who came across as quite intelligent, could on occasion be
    such an persistent obnoxious pain in the backside?

    Whatever, I hope if he has got it that he's got the measure of it by
    now; I'm lucky in this respect but it took nearly five years and
    plenty of trial and error medication wise from the date of diagnosis
    before I found something that lets me live a relatively normal stable

    Were I to meet Bear in the street now, I'd probably shake his hand and
    buy him a pint... but I'm fairly certain he'd not accept either.
    JackH, May 9, 2011
  19. sweller

    davethedave Guest

    I was his lodger for about a year. I would agree with your assessment.
    He's a nice guy but he did go on a bit occasionally. Then again I talk
    bollocks a lot when I've had a few absinthes, so who's to judge. There
    are certain things he has done which I disagreed with somewhat and by
    all accounts were a little naughty but frankly none of my business.

    Opinions are of course like arseholes. Everybody has at least one.[1]

    [1] Insert Crohn's joke here.
    davethedave, May 9, 2011
  20. sweller

    Hog. Guest

    Good lord!
    Hog., May 9, 2011
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