.... to get out of your system. Circumstances and a beer meant that my bike was locked to a railing outside my pad on Saturday night, whilst I was at SO's. I couldn't be arsed going to get it last night, and so got the bus to work this morning (wisely, as it turns out, as the roads were copiously layered with black ice). This evening, I go over to check up on it, and as I'm walking down the street, I'm thinking, 'Fuck, I can't see the bike ...' and started to think that some scrote had taken a shine to a violet K100 [1]. Get closer, however, and I see that she's lying at an angle, stricken. 'What have they done to you ??!' I cried, rushing forward. In fact, what had happened is that the shitty weather of the weekend had caused the sidestand to sink into the earth, and the U on her front wheel had held her upright. Worse, the keys were in my pad, six floor up. I heaved her up, and for want of a better solution, used the radio cubbyhole lid to hold the stand off the ground, thinking, 'well it's cheaper to replace than a front wheel !' Rushed upstairs, grabbed helmet and keys, downstairs and unlocked her. Thankfully, the wheel doesn't appear to have suffered. <phew> Rode her back to SO's (fucking my dress shoes, but no way was I leaving her another night), and still shaking enough from the shock to bawl out some dumb cunt who was crossing SO's street, talking into his mobile and looking in the _wrong_ direction to see if anything was coming. All's well that ends well. My Precious is intact. Thunderbirds are 'Go!' for Auxerre this Saturday.. [1] well stranger things have happened...